The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
I've completed Bayonetta twice on Normal now. Once on a friends PS3 and once on my own. Still haven't got round to completing it in Very Easy, Easy or Hard yet like.

Have you played Valkyria yet, or are you waiting for some free time and less games?

I was making my way up from very easy - which is a bit too easy, but i'm interested in the story anyway, so i don't really mind the lack of challenge now.

Once I've finish that, I wanted to complete FF XIII and then I could get started with Valkirya. It seems I'll have a long way to go yet and with summer upon us, I don't beelive I'll complete these games anytime soon :p

Hey tachi, loads of dialogue in bleach? I guess we are not reading the same manga. The only manga with less dialogue than bleach that I can think of is Gon, the dinossaur.
chaos said:
I was making my way up from very easy - which is a bit too easy, but i'm interested in the story anyway, so i don't really mind the lack of challenge now.

Once I've finish that, I wanted to complete FF XIII and then I could get started with Valkirya. It seems I'll have a long way to go yet and with summer upon us, I don't beelive I'll complete these games anytime soon :p
I know what you mean, I too am starting to get a backlog of games to play now. I've decided not to purchace anymore untill I bring myself uptodate (or at least closer uptodate). It'll be hard with not yet having purchased FF XIII but I will just have to deal with it. D:

Tachi- said:
Just read through the rest of the bleach manga that i'd left to sit to one side and grow. Just how long will this series go on? to be honest there's times when i find the story is really dragging its heels and almost makes me want to just close the damn thing and leave it alone. But then a random character appears out of the woodwork and i'm sort of interested in what's going on again.
The anime is very much the same. Some story lines lead me to lose interest and I've nearlly dropped it several times now. Some how
so far it's managed to pull be back however, there's more pushing than pulling in Bleach and I see myself getting tired of it shortly.

Morning by the way. :p

Morning to you too Manga. *greets*
Voddas said:
Tachi- said:
Just read through the rest of the bleach manga that i'd left to sit to one side and grow. Just how long will this series go on? to be honest there's times when i find the story is really dragging its heels and almost makes me want to just close the damn thing and leave it alone. But then a random character appears out of the woodwork and i'm sort of interested in what's going on again.

The anime is very much the same. Some story lines lead me to lose interest and I've nearlly dropped it several times now. Some how
so far it's managed to pull be back however, there's more pushing than pulling in Bleach and I see myself getting tired of it shortly.

Morning by the way. :p

Its a good thing the thin pack boxsets are only upto series 3, i've found that the end of series 3 and the first movie go together well for an ending. That's why i'm not interested in buying anything more anime/manga wise for bleach. I've put more than my share of money to that anime (buying both the anime and the manga)

Looking on Zavvi, Play and amazon for cheap boxset deals. Will post my finds on the forums (in the sales thread i think) for others who might be interested in a bargain.
Just got back from lunch, caved to temptation and bought more anime i know i really shouldn't have, but hell it's payday tomorrow :p

I'll update the right thread, don't want people complaining ;P
(bought a footlong subway an' all, another one ontop wouldn't go a miss)
Just put some sales up myself. I know a couple are over £20 but compared to what they are usually, they're cheap.

What did you end up buying then?

edit: Checks What did you buy today thread... ah I see. :p

Never seen either series. Does Kino's Journey have a strong following?
Voddas said:
Just put some sales up myself. I know a couple are over £20 but compared to what they are usually, they're cheap.

What did you end up buying then?

edit: Checks What did you buy today thread... ah I see. :p

Never seen either series. Does Kino's Journey have a strong following?

Haven't got a clue, all i know is that it's episodic and that its pretty laid back, each dvd has 3 eps in it, total running time is 75 mins. That and the cayote ragtime show cost £10.50 :)
was tempted by Naruto films,"something something stone" in the title and a waterfall one too. with a 45min's running time on the waterfall one but 17mins extra mini episode, i was very close to picking it up.
The Naruto Films aren't that bad actually. I've seen them all uptodate as far as I'm aware. Looking at teh DVDs before has given me a huge craving to buy something... but I can't afford it with London this weekend and getting my car serviced the week after.

*siiiiigh* =_=
Yeah i know what you mean, its even harder to resist buying them when they are only £5 and £7 right now :(

where abouts in London shall we all avoid this weekend then? lol.
Leicester Square is where we'll spend most of Friday. In the Wetherspoons and there abouts. On Saturday we'll be moving thriugh the town centre to end up in Twickenham. There we'll be stood outside The Cricketers on Richmond Green Drinking and probably blow-up horse racing. Then we'll be going to the Rugby ground to watch a match and crawling back to the centre for a few drinks in The Hole in The Wall behind Waterloo station.

Not to mention the other couple of dozen places we'll go along the way. XD

Sunday we'll go to Camden Market for a few more drinks for a dog of the hair and a cheeky Thai lunch before the train back up north. ^___^

Edit: Afetrnoon Zin.
To be honest with you tach, I don't believe you will enjoy Kino's Journey. It's very contemplative and and "out there" in a way. It's somewhat in the lines of Niea_7 and Haibane Renmei in terms of slow-pacedness.

Edit: nice plans Voddas.
chaos said:
To be honest with you tach, I don't believe you will enjoy Kino's Journey. It's very contemplative and and "out there" in a way. It's somewhat in the lines of Niea_7 and Haibane Renmei in terms of slow-pacedness.

Oh i don't know, it might take me on a nostalgia trip back to my school days where i was laid back and contemplated alot of things that i believed where important questions, philisophical stuff usually.

I'd like something to just chill in the sun with and watch whilst opening a beer and relaxing. On a completely different end of the spectrum, i've been looking at Azumanga Daioh boxsets, i don't know why but i have a strong urge to watch it. Just looks fun and wacky to me :p

Wish this hayfever would go away, my nose is completely blocked STILL! (benadryl you disappoint me again)
Tachi- said:
On a completely different end of the spectrum, i've been looking at Azumanga Daioh boxsets, i don't know why but i have a strong urge to watch it. Just looks fun and wacky to me :p
Do it! Azumanga is awesome!

It is my favourite comedy in anime form!
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
On a completely different end of the spectrum, i've been looking at Azumanga Daioh boxsets, i don't know why but i have a strong urge to watch it. Just looks fun and wacky to me :p
Do it! Azumanga is awesome!

It is my favourite comedy in anime form!

Yes Do It, it's one of the top ten that you should have on your shelf. It's Osaka approved :thumb:

On my behalf I've taken the time to view some vids on Youtube of Mana Khemia;
1. Cause I'm interested how the cast plays out, and
2. I an't played the bloody thing yet
I bought some discounted custard tarts today.

Alas, their pastry bore a flavour very similar to that of refrigerated pork pies. Perhaps Tesco simply needed to use up some excess dough.
Eeeew... custard pies with pork taste =P
talking about pork, my CS guest made me wienner schnitzel yesterday, which was more than we could eat, therefore I've took with me for lunch =D Hoorray!
Never a dull day for you, it should seem.
Your abode must be a veritable cultural melting pot, one which is set to attain higher temperatures once the Olympics come around.