The General Conversation Area

Hey Zin, yeah, let's see how it goes once olympics start.
Tonight is caribbean food.

Letting people stay in exchange for them to cook for me is proving to be highly rewarding!
Offering one's house to couch-surfers must be analogous to being a baleen whale. One can feed oneself simply by idling along, allowing those who approach you to filter through and provide nutrients.

Delicious krill.
chaos said:
That's pretty accurate =) BTW, Expo is slowly creeping upon us again and I'm really looking forward to meet you guys again!

Yeah i know, it's been on my mind recently. By the looks of it spyro/godot/whatshisface will be coming,

Any ideas on where to meet up? (noodle bar *hint hint*)
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
That's pretty accurate =) BTW, Expo is slowly creeping upon us again and I'm really looking forward to meet you guys again!

Yeah i know, it's been on my mind recently. By the looks of it spyro/godot/whatshisface will be coming,

HAHAAA I read that as "whatshitface", though I see it as any accurate description if any
Tachi- said:
Yeah i know, it's been on my mind recently. By the looks of it spyro/godot/whatshisface will be coming,

Any ideas on where to meet up? (noodle bar *hint hint*)
The noodle bar at Excel is pretty crappy, but cheap at that. Perhaps a wagamama? or maybe the best ramen in London, Japan Centre? Oops, just noticed that restaurant is still closed =(
Afternoon guys. You've probably noticed me around a bit more - I'm free of commitments for a little while again. I didn't do so well in applying for courses like I wanted (I turned out to be a bit late in the day, looking at evening courses now) but I do have a job interview in May as something decent just happened to crop up. :)

So, how is everyone?
ayase said:
Afternoon guys. You've probably noticed me around a bit more - I'm free of commitments for a little while again. I didn't do so well in applying for courses like I wanted (I turned out to be a bit late in the day, looking at evening courses now) but I do have a job interview in May as something decent just happened to crop up. :)

So, how is everyone?
Hey Ayase, long time no chit-chat!
Loads are going on here, so my life is busy as usual.
Since your 'longing' post, I've been considering a few things about myself. Then hell's gate were open wide and almost devoured me.

Escaping it with my life and sanity, left me witless, but made me realize I f*ck things up a lot out of good faith. I'm re-assessing most of my behavioural beliefs and attitudes in an attempt to become a better, greater, more succesful man.

And I came to this resolution after googling "Why nice guys finish last?".

Other than that, I'm looking for a flat in a better location, mainly in the triangle Old Street-Angel-Camden Town.

I'm doing NLP therapy, as I've found a NLP student willing to use me as his guinea pig.

And the general get busy with interesting / exciting things life has to offer. And a bit of travelling here and there as well =)
Wow... sounds like a lot's been going on for you chaos. Glad you're keeping on top of things though. I've always thought that changing yourself for yourself is the only good reason to do so, and that sounds like what you're doing. Bravo.

I really miss travelling at the moment. I'm half hoping that (being wildly optimistic here, why the hell not?) I get offered this job and they say "you can start in two weeks" so I can have a quick holiday and know I'll be able to afford it when I come back. ;)
ayase said:
Wow... sounds like a lot's been going on for you chaos. Glad you're keeping on top of things though.
I don't know how to live any other way. I can't really explain why I've always end up having too much on my hands to do. To me it seems that things just creep out of nowhere and then I have to deal with it =/

In any case, this is actually a positive thing in my opinion. I'd hate to ahve a boring routine.

ayase said:
I've always thought that changing yourself for yourself is the only good reason to do so, and that sounds like what you're doing. Bravo.
Say bravo after / if I succeed =P
I've always thought that the difficult bit was not changing itself, but understanding the need for change and actually accepting the need always consumed a lot more energy from me than actually acting on changing myself. Funnily enough my current realizations came after 30 years and after reading a self-help article (articles I've always hated in the past). Right now, I can't stop thinking that I'm on Stranger than fiction. I just wish I could find me a nice baker... =P

ayase said:
I really miss travelling at the moment. I'm half hoping that (being wildly optimistic here, why the hell not?) I get offered this job and they say "you can start in two weeks" so I can have a quick holiday and know I'll be able to afford it when I come back. ;)
Get one of the 1 quid national express tickets and get down to London! A place to stay is available and things to do are not difficult to find around here...

I'll be moving out on may 20th, so after that date I'm not sure I can host anyone until I'm settled somewhere (which I hope is not under some bridge)
Afternoon Ayase and chaos.

Good to see your being optimistic about changing for the better, Ayase - treating yourself before commitment? Sounds like a good idea :thumb:

I've been forced into doing on call tonight (others are ill, some don't have the time and one downright refuses) I refused, due to having plans myself....but like any of them cared about that.
Awell, i've sorted out a 6 month perceptership for a qualified nurse that was hassling the whole dept for help and nobody could sort it out, so i took charge and dealt with it....hopefully moving away in 2 years, i have that to hold onto anyway :)
chaos said:
A place to stay is available and things to do are not difficult to find around here...
Indeed. At many a street corner can one find people distributing leaflets instructing one to do things. Fortunately, one can remain entertained simply by wandering around accumulating such leaflets.

(What a devious scheme it is! The distributors consider their roles to be a means to their clients' ends, but I use them as ends unto themselves!)
Hey Tach. Hope your evening's not too stressful mate. Moving away eh? Where are you thinking of going?

Hehe. So if I come to London I get to collect leaflets with Zin5ki? How could I refuse? I have to be here until the 6th as there a few little things I have to sort out in person, as well as my interview and then voting in the election - But after that I could always pay you guys a visit. :)
Alas, I don't know if I possess the requisite powers of stealth to engage in such covert acts of food acquisition. Plus, deviating from the beaten track under cover of darkness is never a wise idea in South-east London.