The General Conversation Area

No idea, Jayme. I dont use the phone for internet.

Good nooz everyone! It seems that when I went for my grading for my Taekwondo class, the masters/judges promoted me. From a simple yellow belt, I'm now a yellow belt/green tag, just making the single mistake in my pattern. :p

So I'm now gobbling on Korean sweets that the masters' bought and gave out. Tiz a good day.
Was invited to curry with some of them, but I have a roast going in the oven as I type... next time though.
Today I learnt the difference between various types of ice-skate. It is common, so I hear, for their blades to include a crescent-shaped bottom, thus featuring two edges on their underside.

Not that I skate however. Blisters are not to my liking.
I've spent the day studying java, sql, design patterns, algos, data strutures, linux and other assorted subjects. Big interview is coming =S
Morning all,

Back in the office again, what i'd give to be sat where i was this time last week....eating chicken noodles, mixed meat with rice and spicy chicken bits all in a white little box, that just made the meal even better!

Guess i'll have to go to aroma this week with Kayls :) recently i've had a really bad eating "problem", well i personally wouldn't call it a problem....but some might; I've been eating meals at home and then going to the pub with the lads and eating another meal and still feel hungry.

Thursday night i had a steak, beer battered chips, mushrooms, peas. then went to the pub and had a chicken tikka masala with a mountain of rice and popadoms.
Lastnight was 2 bacon sarnies for breakfast, BBQ around 5pm then was in the pub with kayls eating a steak-burger with chips and things.

Can feel a real difference in strength too, in the gym yesterday i really pushed myself, 72.5kg on my arms. was asleep by 10.30 though :p woke up and watched spirited away until about 2.30
Zin5ki said:
Will the interview be conducted in Java or in English?
it's usually a mix of english, java, sql, a bit of pseudo-code, scripting and C/C++, but as long as it's not brainfuck or lolcode, I should be fine.

Tachi- said:
Back in the office again, what i'd give to be sat where i was this time last week....eating chicken noodles, mixed meat with rice and spicy chicken bits all in a white little box, that just made the meal even better!
Welcome back.

Tachi- said:
Guess i'll have to go to aroma this week with Kayls :) recently i've had a really bad eating "problem", well i personally wouldn't call it a problem....but some might; I've been eating meals at home and then going to the pub with the lads and eating another meal and still feel hungry.
I hate you.

Tachi- said:
Thursday night i had a steak, beer battered chips, mushrooms, peas. then went to the pub and had a chicken tikka masala with a mountain of rice and popadoms.
Lastnight was 2 bacon sarnies for breakfast, BBQ around 5pm then was in the pub with kayls eating a steak-burger with chips and things.
I seriously hate you! I don't believe I eat more than most, but I do struggle to get fit. I'm not even into sweets that much!
Yeah most of my food intake is either taken by my metabolism, or converted to muscle and energy.

Chaos if you lived closer to me i'd probably badger you into joining the gym i go to, you'll be doing 25reps at 65kg in no time with little amounts of effort :)

Just went into town....hoping to get out a tenner and buy a chinese...there's screaming chavs and children in the town centre, ignorant and arogant idiots around and the place is so dirty! That, and lastnight i took kayls out for dinner....put my card in my jacket........guess where my card is right now? yup, its sat in my other jacket at home and i'm wearing the suit jacket today....majorly annoying.

Thankfully i've already eaten a whole multipack of crisps and have 2 more in my bag along with chocolate.....a chinese would have been nice aswell :(

Anyway, i just want to go home and relax.
I can eat whatever I so choose to.

You see, I live off a small budget in an expensive city, and don't allocate funds towards eating a cooked meal every day. Considering my habit of walking, this puts me in a position not to worry about the calorific content of the food I cook. Yesterday I used sweet-and-sour marinaded sausagemeat in a stir-fry, for example.

My parents, ever agasp at my appearance, complain that I need to eat more than I currently do.
Tachi- said:
Chaos if you lived closer to me i'd probably badger you into joining the gym i go to, you'll be doing 25reps at 65kg in no time with little amounts of effort :)
I was doing all right in the gym before I've injured myself. Physio signed me off last week to do light low-impact aerobic exercise such as x-trainer or bike. I'm getting back on the bike, trying to cycle 10 miles a day since. It will take a while before I'm back on muscle training though, which is actually what helps you lose weight faster.

Zin5ki said:
I can eat whatever I so choose to.

You see, I live off a small budget in an expensive city, and don't allocate funds towards eating a cooked meal every day. Considering my habit of walking, this puts me in a position not to worry about the calorific content of the food I cook. Yesterday I used sweet-and-sour marinaded sausagemeat in a stir-fry, for example.

My parents, ever agasp at my appearance, complain that I need to eat more than I currently do.
Well, you are thin indeed, but not that much....
I dont eat ready meals anymore, I cook now. Normally though I only have 1 meal a day. Sometimes its been none. Like Zin5ki, my parents have before been concerned about my weight when I visit, everyone says eat more :p
My weight was all right until I've got to uni, when I actually stop with sports as I had to work to support my going to uni.
Then I quit smoking and that's what really made me put on weight.
But in general, my weight is pretty much stable.
I wouldn't have the time or money to partake in those, considering the prices for membership and the distant locations of the grounds. Indeed, I only found them to be fun when I was competing against those with a similar (lack of) ability as myself. As such, the members of sports clubs are presumably of too high an athletic calibre.

Walking is more to my tastes. I often do this in the City: I ramble around old and narrow passageways, surrounded by the successful type.
Zin5ki said:
I wouldn't have the time or money to partake in those, considering the prices for membership and the distant locations of the grounds. Indeed, I only found them to be fun when I was competing against those with a similar (lack of) ability as myself. As such, the members of sports clubs are presumably of too high an athletic calibre.

Walking is more to my tastes. I often do this in the City: I ramble around old and narrow passageways, surrounded by the successful type.
Isn't that considered track & field?
chaos said:
Walking is more to my tastes. I often do this in the City: I ramble around old and narrow passageways, surrounded by the successful type.
Isn't that considered track & field?

I used to run track whilst at school :) it seems that during my compulsory education days; i'd spent a total of 7years on building my legs up to a nice size and strength, whilst retaining a smaller frame overall. Since leaving education and starting to work/drink/go out partying/eating more food, i've realised that my legs aren't as....Its abit hard to explain, but the words "tight" and "strong" come to mind.... If i had to run for my life, i'd probably get that speed back, but anything short of that and my usual pace is more sluggish and slow compared to 3-4 years ago. Thats even with owning a treadmill at home and a gym membership :p

I blame the beer, working in an office where i'm expected to sit around for hours a day and finally age.
Welcome to the labourer's life Tachi! Wait until you get to my age =P

At least you don't smoke as I used to.

Well, I've learned yesterday that I'm short-sighted. Need to use glasses for things like driving, but for everyday life I'm ok. Bought me a pair at Specsavers yesterday. Youv'e got to love buy one get one free. I did one regular one and the other sunglasses.
Morning Chaos, Tachi.

Like Zin5ki, my exercise is limited to walking. I don't see the point in paying to exercise (gym membership) when I can walk free of charge.