The General Conversation Area

Just had a lovely meal with my wife and her best friend who we exchange flirting and lewd behaviour with. She not gonna be single anymore soon but she pulled a cool geeky anime chick though, who pointed out to us the simple observation that Light Yagami's surname spelt backwards is "I'm a Gay", after she had lolled over our discussion over the correct pluralisation of clitoris (clitorises or clitorii? Spellcheck would suggest the former).

Got me another driving lesson tomorrow morning. Gonna try an automatic because I don't like gears, and because I could probably pass my test sooner if I don't have as much to learn.

Minami soon. :D Wonder if I'll see McIcy at the Smash Brawl tourney again?

Charmin are daft for changing their name tbh.

Need more chainfists.
Zin5ki said:
Mutsumi said:
Just had a lovely meal with my wife and her best friend who we exchange flirting and lewd behaviour with.
I couldn't possibly comment...

I had a lasagne, and they both had chicken fajitas. We had ice cream for dessert. No innuendo or euphemisms here. :p Disappointed?
Hey Muts - I'm stuck in chapter 4 (need to find the time to play, but it's proving quite challenging to find any time to spare lately :S
In other news....

Nuuuuuuuuu ;_;
New avatar thingy make my avatar taller and thinner. I can understand making it thinner, but why is it now taller?
mmm, oh, I see!!! =P I've fixed the size on 150 / 150 so it will always be 150x150 instead of allowing it to adjust itself... I'll have to fix it once I'm back home.
Mutsumi said:
Off to Minami now! :D
Be wary of drug cartels, large collars and recreational watersports.

Hey all!
Thought I should continue this convo here, before derailing a thread of good values... ;)
Zin5ki said:
Chaz said:
Should I follow those politicians and whip the Torys' arses with my belt until we see raw flesh?
This is somewhat puzzling. Such a practice is entrenched within the traditions of independent schools, but so is the Conservative Party. To administer a whipping would, one supposes, be somewhat nostalgic for them.
Oh, I'll "school" them... I'll make them count how many times it takes to make them squeel. :twisted:
But that doesn't answer my previous question! Yay/nay?
It sounds too much like a plausible policy:

As part of our campaign to whip Britain back into shape, we shall lead by example and allow the public to elect and control their own whips. Limits shall be imposed on the personal expense allowances for these whips, and in order to reach our targets on spending cuts we shall ban all whips with decorative flails or ornate handles. Those were the old whips; we will provide the new.

Frontline whipping services will be regulated by voluntary groups, although tax relief will be provided to whips owned by married couples.
Zin5ki said:
It sounds too much like a plausible policy:

As part of our campaign to whip Britain back into shape, we shall lead by example and allow the public to elect and control their own whips. Limits shall be imposed on the personal expense allowances for these whips, and in order to reach our targets on spending cuts we shall ban all whips with decorative flails or ornate handles. Those were the old whips; we will provide the new.
Hehe, sounds likea nice scheme to start up, until...
Frontline whipping services will be regulated by voluntary groups, although tax relief will be provided to whips owned by married couples.
F*** you! I'm a single man living the single life! Gimme what I want, or not get my vote! :p

@Chaos - Hey, you dont need a ceremony and a ring to go out and give a good kinky whippin'. I'm sure if you ask nicely (and maybe some cuffs), a nice whore would have the same....
Urgh... Just did a test for a job at the DWP.
Gosh, it felt like time has stopped when doing it, but I wasn't able to finish the test... :S
I really should have kept better time management on it, and justs guessed the last 5mins.... :( Ah well, nout I can do about it now.