The General Conversation Area

Sounds like the perfect weekend manga. Sadly Sarah hasn't seen it as a long break, but more like a free time period to do big jobs. Basically, I'm going to be "Do it Yourself Voddas" this weekend (DIYV for short). I'm sure I'll find some time to slonk at some point though. ^__^
:lol: Not quite. Just got some coat hangers/hooks to put up, sand down some skirting boards and the stairs and clean out the yard and possibly replace the yard door.... just random jobs I couldn't do in an evening or normal weekend. Nothing major like.
And thats another day done for. Sheesh. I kinda wish it wasn't just 4 weeks until i start my exams =/ But i never get such luck. Apparently i could easily pass these too considering my average is much higher than expected, but i still beg to differ. Ahhh, someone else want to step in and do my exams for me?
Arbalest said:
And thats another day done for. Sheesh. I kinda wish it wasn't just 4 weeks until i start my exams =/ But i never get such luck. Apparently i could easily pass these too considering my average is much higher than expected, but i still beg to differ. Ahhh, someone else want to step in and do my exams for me?
Let's switch. You work here while I take your exams. =)
@Arby - Oh, I forgot to mentioned that you get to keep your grades and I get to keep my salary ;)

@Tachi - great news =) send him my regards!
chaos said:
@Arby - Oh, I forgot to mentioned that you get to keep your grades and I get to keep my salary ;)

@Tachi - great news =) send him my regards!

curses, my plan has been noticed. I'll get you next time chaos ;p
afternoon all

today was kinda crazy, we made a massive hole in one of the walls in the common room just to try and get this little rubber ball, realising that we were going to get kicked out of the common room again unless something was done quickly, my friend ran off to find some tape to cover up the hole.

he went into the head of 6th form's office to find said tape, but instead accidently came across some porn, he then ran back up to the common room and shouted out "THERE'S PORN IN THE HEAD OF YEARS ROOM!", which prompted all of us run down to the room, not believing what we just heard, and it turns out that there was porn there, 1 DVD and 1 VHS :lol:
Hey people, I noticed the yesterday that someone put the first dub episode of Clannad on youtube, unfortunately that's gone now but there's still extracts if people want to check it out.
Some bad news though, on the day this was given to AN for on demand, Brittney Karbowski got into a car crash and has now since come back from the hospital with a neck brace.

here's what was left of the car:

memorium said:
1 DVD and 1 VHS :lol:
Backwards compatibility, I see.

I caught a late train home, but found it to be oddly full for such a time of day. For the duration of the journey a banker sat next to me. This is a common occurrence, but this banker was reading Twilight.
Morning one and all. Had a much later night than planned last night. Finaly got the time to play Valkyria Chronicals and didn't turn off my PS3 untill 3.15am... as you can imagine I'm not at my most awakened state (not in the Claymore sense). Awesome game by the way.

Today we are under staffed and we are about to break a record (aparently). We get work every day all the time and we have to try and clear as much of that work as we can during the day (when it gets busy it piles up and when it's quiet we can catch up etc). March is the bussiest month of the year for TAX (end of tax year) and we have nailed all the stuff we needed to do which means our work back-log is at 4% which is apparently unheard of for this time of year (usually around the 27% mark).

Because of this we have the big people watching us today. ¬_¬

Typical that we also have one of the lowest staff counts in this week. :roll:


Sorry for that, not deadly intresting I know but it's all going down at work today. o_O
Zin5ki said:
memorium said:
1 DVD and 1 VHS :lol:
Backwards compatibility, I see.

I caught a late train home, but found it to be oddly full for such a time of day. For the duration of the journey a banker sat next to me. This is a common occurrence, but this banker was reading Twilight.
one of hte bankers at citi used to have a Darth Vader bust on his desk and another here at JP had superman wallpapers.
Funny bunch, those crazy guys =P
Voddas said:
Today we are under staffed and we are about to break a record (aparently). We get work every day all the time and we have to try and clear as much of that work as we can during the day (when it gets busy it piles up and when it's quiet we can catch up etc). March is the bussiest month of the year for TAX (end of tax year) and we have nailed all the stuff we needed to do which means our work back-log is at 4% which is apparently unheard of for this time of year (usually around the 27% mark).

Because of this we have the big people watching us today. ¬_¬

Typical that we also have one of the lowest staff counts in this week. :roll:
Low staff count and high productivity will make the higher ups think they can make people redundant, no? o.0