The General Conversation Area

chaos said:
Maxon said:
What do you mean? :S

I'm not doing anything particularly complicated but there's just so much stuff to do. I'm making an application that shows and maintains several databases for a bike hire service. I'm almost done with creating the forms and buttons and soon I'll move onto the code.
Nah, just because Agile app means SOA oriented + the Agile Methodology. SOa to me always remind me or those nasty webservices, which in turns remind me of people trying to inject sql.
Maybe, it's just me thinking too much :p
Last semester my personal tutor taught my tutor group how to do MySQL injection attacks. It was fun.

Man I can't wait to get out of the office today. The forecast is for rain, rain and rain, but the sun is out hardly any work is coming in.... I have a feeling today will drag in worst way (boring). ¬_¬
chaos said:
Ryo Chan said:
i told u last time choas, don't call me honey in public
why so shy now?

He denies it now.....but deep down he knows he enjoyed every minute of it. :lol:

Afternoon all
very busy today....that doesn't stop me listening to my random video's on my ipod.

Thats what i'm listening/watchin atm.

how's all?

Tachi- said:
oh hi trashbat, how're you? :)

Hey there Tachi. I'm great, thank you <3 Yourself?

Good good :) I'm fine cheers, glad were having a 4 day weekend then another 4 day week next week...i can get used to this lol. Will you be making an appearance this upcoming expo?
Tachi- said:
Good good :) I'm fine cheers, glad were having a 4 day weekend then another 4 day week next week...i can get used to this lol. Will you be making an appearance this upcoming expo?

I might be. I've skipped the last few as I began to enjoy them less and less. But seeing as i've had a long enough break now, I may pop in :D
Tachi- said:
Good good :) I'm fine cheers, glad were having a 4 day weekend then another 4 day week next week...i can get used to this lol. Will you be making an appearance this upcoming expo?

I might be. I've skipped the last few as I began to enjoy them less and less. But seeing as i've had a long enough break now, I may pop in :D

lol i see what you mean, doing something year after year; the novelty is bound to wear off eventually....well unless you enjoy queuing for a few hours ;)

chaos said:
Hey Trashbat, say hi if you go to the expo. The usual suspects will probably be there =)

And new ones too....spyro and maybe Me, need to sort out funding first.
What!!? It's only been half an hour since I finished my lunch?! *sigh*

4 Day weekend for most! Anyone taking advantage of the free time and doing anything exciting? Hmmm?

Edit: I would like to say I was going to an Expo, but the Voddas Social fund is very underfilled this year.
Godot said:
Is that because the Voddas Social fun has been going on PS3 and PC games? ;)
Alright! I'll admit I've been gaming it up a little recently. :oops:


That and the fact I have to get my car fixed after vandals attacked it in a drunken rage.... BASTARDS!!!!!! (pardon my French)