The General Conversation Area

Err... you deleted your post, so now it looks weird... :p

mangaman74 said:
Morning Chaos, Voddas.

I agree with Chaos. Better to have a bit of a backlog than to be bang upto date.
I believe the difficulty here is to find the right balance of backlog :p
we have the balance right, we were understaffed yesterday, area manager comes in moaning we've no on on customer service

my reply, "i'll go on customer service, but then u'll have no one to pick"


she shut up quickly
chaos said:
Err... you deleted your post, so now it looks weird... :p
Hmm? What posts?

Morning Manga and Ryo.

I don't have to worry about them thinking they can let people go. They may be in charge but we most definately have the power. We wouldn't have been in such a great position at start of play if it wasn't for the other staff (even if the do call in sick way too often).
Myself and another college are the voices of the team, and when we talk they listen (the gun has nothng to do with it).

Edit: @Mangaman: Watching Genshiken are we? One of my all time favourite series. :thumb:
Voddas said:
Myself and another college are the voices of the team, and when we talk they listen (the gun has nothng to do with it).

For a brief moment I had my own company and I had a whip on the wall att my room, that worked a treat. ;)

Hey~ Seems that I went AWOL again. Sorry about that! How is everyone?
Hey Trashbat, long time no see. Doing anything interesting lately?
Voddas said:
*returns from having lunch*

Good afternoon Trashbat. How's things?

Afternoon <3 Things are good. Just got all my hair chopped off and styled, but it started to rain on the way home so I don't look quite as nice as I did before leaving the salon. Typical.

chaos said:
Hey Trashbat, long time no see. Doing anything interesting lately?

Hiii~ Unfortunately, no. I am thinking about getting a getting a ticket out to San José to go see a friend. Not sure if I can spare the money at the moment, though.
Hiii~ Unfortunately, no. I am thinking about getting a getting a ticket out to San José to go see a friend. Not sure if I can spare the money at the moment, though.
Californian, Costa Rican or Spanish one?
Unlucky, one of those "Wish I'd brought an umbrella" moments. Glad to hear thinga are good. You haven't missed anything here on AUKN. Same old same old (barring the few extra members that have decided to stay). ^^
chaos said:
Hiii~ Unfortunately, no. I am thinking about getting a getting a ticket out to San José to go see a friend. Not sure if I can spare the money at the moment, though.
Californian, Costa Rican or Spanish one?

California. She's out there for Uni.
That's great. I've never been to US, they wouldn't let me get a visa to get in.. The process for me to get a tourist Visa is simply ludicrous, so I decided there are other cool places that wouldn't be so complicated to visit.

Anyway, hope you manage to get there. It's in the middle of Silicon Valley, so I hear it's sort of the Mecca for geeks.
What do you mean? :S

I'm not doing anything particularly complicated but there's just so much stuff to do. I'm making an application that shows and maintains several databases for a bike hire service. I'm almost done with creating the forms and buttons and soon I'll move onto the code.
Maxon said:
What do you mean? :S

I'm not doing anything particularly complicated but there's just so much stuff to do. I'm making an application that shows and maintains several databases for a bike hire service. I'm almost done with creating the forms and buttons and soon I'll move onto the code.
Nah, just because Agile app means SOA oriented + the Agile Methodology. SOa to me always remind me or those nasty webservices, which in turns remind me of people trying to inject sql.
Maybe, it's just me thinking too much :p

Bye Voddas
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Dudes, watch this ****.