The General Conversation Area

It's quite dull outside here too. Still no rain yet.... not that it matters to us sat in an office like.

...these jelly beans are sticking to my teeth.... P:
Ahh, that sounds goof Chaos....a lady friend eh? you sly dog ;)

Mornin Voddas and manga. its brightenin up slightly....i'm sat in work just inputting info to the database, mind numbing stuff for a monday.

Noticed your still playin Bayonetta Voddas, how far are you now?
(been playing Rockband this weekend... played through an all that remains song called "two weeks" on expert mode Guitar, got 84% of the notes.)
well i'm sorta alive still

i've no energy at all but i'm back to eating light food like dry toast XD

however work in 2 hours and with no energy, that's not good, so eating a senzu bean (bar of dairy milk) for some much needed sugar releif
I noticed you'd been playing Rock Band Tachi. Your either on that or the RPG we talked about the other day. =P
Yeah I'm still on Bayonetta. Completed it on Normal now like and just started playing it threw on hard. I'm still loving the game and will keep on it till Valkyria Chronicles arrives in the post (today hopefully). XD

Morning Ryo... are you not tempted to call in?
Voddas said:
I noticed you'd been playing Rock Band Tachi. Your either on that or the RPG we talked about the other day. =P
Yeah I'm still on Bayonetta. Completed it on Normal now like and just started playing it threw on hard. I'm still loving the game and will keep on it till Valkyria Chronicles arrives in the post (today hopefully). XD

Morning Ryo... are you not tempted to call in?

i'm tempted, but that would mean not being able to eat for 3 days due to having no money for food
Voddas said:
I noticed you'd been playing Rock Band Tachi. Your either on that or the RPG we talked about the other day. =P

Yeah, i found some batteries in the living room so decided to give life to my guitar once more, i find myself playing the white stripes - seven nation army. Foo fighters - Best of you and then the really hard songs until i'm really knackered, then Sacred 2 goes on and i just go kill some time and orcs :p

Voddas said:
Yeah I'm still on Bayonetta. Completed it on Normal now like and just started playing it threw on hard. I'm still loving the game and will keep on it till Valkyria Chronicles arrives in the post (today hopefully). XD

I've played the God Of War 3 Demo, tempted to buy the actual game now. can't go wrong with unadulterated gratuities violence. They take "ripping someones head off" to a whole new level of meaning;



Voddas said:
are you not tempted to call in?

Do it, they screwed you over the other week. with that card (only remembers vaguely)
Ryo Chan said:
i'm tempted, but that would mean not being able to eat for 3 days due to having no money for food
That sucks! Do you not get sick pay?

....You may be in the same situation as I, as I can't be off without getting into trouble for it. Even if your quite obviously ill. ¬_¬

@Tach: Yeah, the game "God of War 3" does look pritty smexxy like. Heard it's prequals have been disappointing in the game play side of things though. Graphics look awesome. I'll probably do what I do best and wait and see what the general public's verdict is. =P
Voddas said:
Ryo Chan said:
i'm tempted, but that would mean not being able to eat for 3 days due to having no money for food
That sucks! Do you not get sick pay?

....You may be in the same situation as I, as I can't be off without getting into trouble for it. Even if your quite obviously ill. ¬_¬

pretty much, i've had too many days off, if i had 1 more, i'd get an official warning

though tbf, dunno if that still stands, seeing how i've had a 100% record this year
Yep, same boat as me mate. I was off for a week in January with Gastric Flu and when I came in (with a Dr Note to boot) I had a written warning waiting for me! I hate their strict sickness rules. They can bite my ass for all I care. lol

Hang in there Ryo.

I'm off to lunch, be back on laters.
Tachi- said:
Ahh, that sounds goof Chaos....a lady friend eh? you sly dog ;)
Well, you've got to try, isn't it? regardless of that, it promises to be a good weekend / week.

Tachi- said:
Noticed your still playin Bayonetta Voddas, how far are you now?
(been playing Rockband this weekend... played through an all that remains song called "two weeks" on expert mode Guitar, got 84% of the notes.)
I'm still playing bayonetta as well, there were 2 or three chapters to complete the first round, but I've got distracted by FF XIII.

@Ryo - sucks to be you today, man. =/
What exactly have you got?
Chaos! You know what he's got! You said "Get well soon" to him yesterday. Just go back a page. :p Honestly...

Hi all. My days of labouring over Ryo are over for now. Not a very nice thing to get, and it's not very nice to look after them, since I had to clean up the sick-bowl and the sink and such. But at least he's on-the-mends.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
Noticed your still playin Bayonetta Voddas, how far are you now?
(been playing Rockband this weekend... played through an all that remains song called "two weeks" on expert mode Guitar, got 84% of the notes.)
I'm still playing bayonetta as well, there were 2 or three chapters to complete the first round, but I've got distracted by FF XIII.
Get it completed chaos!! :evil:

*ahem* Sorry about that. :p Just been having an indepth discussion about FFXIII with my old tenant. Sounds rather good, however I hear it's not so "blow you mind" like it's build up led us to believe.

....I'll still be playing it of course. :p

edit: Afternoon Nurse Chaz ^^
Chaz said:
Chaos! You know what he's got! You said "Get well soon" to him yesterday. Just go back a page. :p Honestly...
Oh, I see I've missed the "bug" thing on his last post, anyway, if Ryo's vomit over a customer would he get signed off as sick then?

@Voddas - it's a very good game for FF fans. But you're right in saying it's not mind blowing stuff.
I'm trying to crunch some numbers for revision exercises at the moment. This is in spite of the music repeating in my head.

Open your eyes.

Your eyes are open.
Speaking of Opening your eyes, I struggling to stop them from closing this afternoon. The office has gone quite humid and I can feel my yawn glands twitching.
I think I needs me a red bull. =_=
An hour or so to go,
I Have a plastic "basket" thing full of mini yum yums from greggs, i might just have a heart attack one day.....

dragging leo to the gym tonight, he's a weedlike person, he needs a week of eating the crap i eat for lunch, large meaty meals on an evening and plenty of alcohol. then off to the gym and buff up any weight he puts on into some sort of muscle lol.

had lunch with him today, he prefers chicken and chips to proper meals ¬_¬