The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
I Passed 8)

Mornin all,

On call tonight....but i'll be ironing a shirt, having a SSS and then come 8pm the fone goes away and i head off to town :)

Hmm the only thing i could gather from that is that you passed something, so congrats and How is everyone?
Congrats again Tachi. :D :thumb:

I wouldn't mind going out tonight but I've decided to stay in and chill and try not to get a hangover. Have to be up early on Saturday for a photo shoot....
....and no, it's not for HELLO magazine. My mams Xmas present last year was a family portraite. Tomorrow is finally that day.
...I hate posing for pictures. ¬_¬

edit: It's his Driving Theory Test Kirrimir.
Congrats again mate.
I have an awesome time yesterday at Reverend Horton Heat gig. Guy is a legend and is playing better by the day. He didn't play my favourite though (Johnny Quest theme).
Mornin' all, and gratz Tachi.
In our famly portrait we look pretty happy. We looked pretty normal, let's go back to that...# :p
I've never shyed away from photos, as I'm not too bothered about it. I expect the picture to make me look worse than usual, so I just take it and see how it's come out.
Morning Choas and Chaz.

It's not that I'm shy of having my picture taken. I'm all up for natural, spur of the moment pictures. However, I'm not a fan of "Stand there, lift your arm up, tilt your head for me" etc. I don't consider myself photogenic at the best of times.
I remember how that feels. Had to do it for my Graduation pic.
"Hold the certificate higher, tilt your head this way, and move the string out from you face." lol. That cap was aweful...

Hi Manga.
Mornin Manga.

We had to do that too and I remember in being boring as hell waiting to be done. Shame we didn't go to a schools like in High School Musical. Then we'd have a pictures taken whilst all jumping in the air, dancing and playing air guitar. Bit camp but less boring. Heh.
Morning Ryo.

Very VERY Grey here but the rain has yet to come. I'm sure it's waiting for me to make a move outside. D:
*shakes fist out the window*
Thank you all :)

My dad's just had his operation on his neck...someone in the office just told me that my theory was wrong....i thought that because they where operating on his neck, the worst that could have happened was they could accidentally cut something like a nerve and he might lose all use of an could have died.

He's alright now though...i'll go see him after work, on call or not i'd prefer to go see he's okay.

Subway for lunch, the lads are in town so i might run over slightly lol. what are you guys upto this weekend?
(ive just wrote this post out by touch typing :D haven't done that before)
memorium said:
sounds awfully serious, why did he have the operation? if you don't mind me asking?

Had a trapped nerve in his neck for 9 months or so, they had to take part of his neck out and fit a cagelike thing in which will fuse with his C collumn of his neck (?)

On saturday when i went to see him, i saw a friend of mine, who i used to work with, go to the gym and usually have a chat with and i work with his mum..... his mum and dad where in a car accident on saturday mornin. The recruitment nurse for our dept, she's got a broken neck and arm....her husband and the other driver where pronounced dead on scene....last i heard she went into surgery lastnight and still didn't know her husband had passed away..

out of everyone, i'm the only one in the office who has seen her.....she didn't look like the lita we know, it was hard to tell my mum (a friend of hers for over 10 years).

dad should be out today, they took him off morphine on saturday, its been a tough weekend.
Glad to hear your dad is all right and sad to hear about your friends Tachi.

My weekend was a lot better than yours. Nothing happened, stayed home all day sorting all sort of things in the house and even sewing my trousers.
Sounds like a good weekend Chaos, I spent most of the weekend at the hospital. Yesterday I wne and played football with friends, it was nice to get away from things for abit. The sun was out aswell. Went to the pub and had 2 pints of coke. Was meant to be on anneal leave this week...hopefully i can have a week off in 2 weeks. hell i know i need it.
Like I said, anything beats spending a weekend worrying about a loved one sickness, even very uneventful weekends.
Good thing though is that a friend is coming over on Thurs, so I've booked an underground restaurant on Thurs and arranged a few stuff to do with her over the wekend, such as an roman easter brunch, a play and a passover celebration.

Except for the theatre thing, all the other experiences are pretty new to me, so I'm really expecting a fun holiday ahead of me =)

Then, on Monday we head to Bristol, Galstonbury and Bath. I'm really looking forward to this.
Good Morning Peoples! Hope everyone had a chilled weekend and we're all not feelng too down as another work stint is upon us.

Glad your dad's allright Tachi :thumb: and really sucks about your friend though.

Looks like it's gonna be a mad house for me today. Just grabbed myself some jelly beans to keep my sugar levels up. I hope this day isn't as long as it's looking to be. ¬_¬