The General Conversation Area

Voddas said:
chaos said:
I need another license for the UK, as they only accept transfers from European countries. Funnily enough, if you have an "international license" you cannot drive in the UK for longer than a year :S
That sucks. :?
I don't realy mind. It actually keeps me from buying a car =) If I had a license, I'm sure I'd would have bought a car already. Although I might consider renting one when I need (ie. go on a road trip) other than that, it's pointless to have a car in London. Nowhere to park, too much traffic and usually takes longer to get to places than if I used the tube / trains.

Voddas said:
chaos said:
This law is a bit bizarre. Anyway, I've did the test in December, did I do the new or the old test? I'm unsure.
The new test as the old didn't have the Hazard Perseption.
Oh, I see. I don't beleive the Hazard perception thing add too much complexity to it though, unless the actual questions got thougher / trickier. I've found the test for trickier than difficult with answers that are "more correct" than others...

Voddas said:
chaos said:
But in any case, I don't know anyone who actually drives the way you need to drive to pass your exam. It's just too mechanic!
I totaly agree. I sometimes drive like the rules state for a laugh. Never crossing your hands and passing the wheel one way or another just feels wierd. :S
Yeah, my point exactly. But I guess the whole idea of trying to educate people like that is to make it more difficult to drive, so people speed less, perhaps?

Voddas said:
Hey Tachi, I only missed out by two marks my first time too. I finished early and as I read over my answers, I second guessed myself and changed the two that would have passed me in the last minute. *major facepalm*
Oh no!
That's why I never review my answers after I've finish a test =P

OMG can I take it home now? Pwwwwease
My sister likes Mountain Due so much that she's had it imported from the USA a few years back. I just wish they still made Marsh's SASS. T_T
There are still some imported beverages to savour. Tesco often stocks Cool-Aid [sic], if one is game for a challenge.
Then there's Irn Bru [sic], which has technically crossed a national border before reaching my local stores.

todays been interesting... trust risk managers coming to see me, finance coming to see me regarding placements for a staff member of their's. Dealing with the directors of Bedfordshires main acute units.

Since moving up to floor 8 there's been hardly any contact with my staff. and more and more contact with people higher in the trust......good and bad thing really, If i do a good job at helping them out i might be able to count on them later on in life if i need a favour. If things go wrong however, they'll remember :/
My PC clock has been wrong all afternoon and I have been blissfully unaware. I thought I had and hour left of work when a friend just corrected me! I'm going home in 20 mins!! I didn't think a PC clock could make me so happy (I thought it was a long afternoon like). lol

Just glad it wasn't wrong the other way... now that would have sucked.
I Passed 8)

Mornin all,

On call tonight....but i'll be ironing a shirt, having a SSS and then come 8pm the fone goes away and i head off to town :)