The General Conversation Area

Rui said:
Bleh I go away for an evening and everyone starts fighting :(

I should have closed it this morning on the way to work and been overzealous. Will go through the battle damage in the morning.

Well, been out since Thursday. Had a big job interview on Friday, spent thursday evening and Friday's morning preparing for the interview. Got to the place at 2pm and oly left after 6pm. Extensive, tiresome and I can only hope it went well, I might get an answer later today. Hopefully all went well.
Rest of the weekend was spent trying to sort my DVD collection out in the files I've bought a few months ago. Hopefully, I'll finish sorting it out tonight. I also needed to get rid of one of my bookshelves.

Chun Li said:
Jayme said:
Changes always take time to get used to, but I'm not sure if everything after the words "Media Discussion" is needed, as that can easily go in the smaller text underneath.

Just seems unnecessary that's all.
Don't resist to change, makes you sound like an old dude =P
BTW, did linux work out for you in the end?

Yunagirl said:
Holey crap I haven't posted or been here in ages T^T I shall conribute tomorrow! After sleeps, g'night all! :)
Welcome back. How's the bunnies?
chaos said:
Ryo Chan said:
you love the stress really chaos

not to time to mention i'm on holiday ey? ;)
Why would you say such a thing? Stress? Because of the job interview?

i know i am :(

unfortuantly my one this week isn't an interview as such, but a pro-active test

so for a typical otaku, this isn't going to end well XD
chaos said:
What is a pro-active test? One of those group dynamics tests things?

basicly see how fit you are, and how far you can run XD

this shall be me

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Hey hey people, how're we all doing?

Just finished the majority of me day so far for uni and nearly am free for the day. Got a ton of cash to spend now so going into town(21st birthday = ton of cash, after all). Chances are i'm gonna only get a couple of bits and pieces and not go overboard..need to save up for a change.

Oh, i'm only mentioning my birthday as chances are, someone else will otherwise >.>
Ryo Chan said:
it's all right saying Avatar is an american Cartoon, but it's Korean, so it's not even that

incidently, are we saying that the shakesphere in love manga's aren't manga cause Sonia is British?

I don't consider shakesphere in love manga as Sonia is British.

memorium said:
Jayme said:
We have anime because its made in Japan (mostly) through and through but we call the rest animation, no matter where its from. That's just the way the geeks worked it out when anime started to find footing in America and over here. I'd probably call Korean comics manwha, though.

It's basically the "what is moé?" debate.
isn't manhwa a chinese comic as well?

Japanese comics = manga
Korean comics = manhwa
Chinese comics = manhua
Happy b-day Arby! Hope you have a good shop.

I just got back from plonking my work in front of a curator. Then I went shopping and come to realize Deepdale Retail park is only good for me now for art supplies... And that Bleach is pure filler. DX

Oh well, apart from that, not a bad day.
Arbalest said:
Hey hey people, how're we all doing?

Just finished the majority of me day so far for uni and nearly am free for the day. Got a ton of cash to spend now so going into town(21st birthday = ton of cash, after all). Chances are i'm gonna only get a couple of bits and pieces and not go overboard..need to save up for a change.

Oh, i'm only mentioning my birthday as chances are, someone else will otherwise >.>
Congrats dude!
Hah thanks everyone. Wasn't exactly an exciting day, but i certainly enjoyed/am enjoying the peace and quiet i have now.

In regards to the traps, i'm as lost as the rest of you. =/