The General Conversation Area

I was off yesterday so today I'm playing catch up at work. :p

Morning Black and a belated Birthday Wish for Arby too.

Was skiing all day yesterday and today I can hear my bones grinding... sooo stiff.... *ache*
Chill Factor in Manchester. It's an indoor ski slope with snow. Was almost like beng on a mountain. Even though it was awesome, there's only one slope, so I did get a little bored. Sarah was on a full day intensive course and I was just off on my own. Twas a good day.

Went to the Trafford Centre the day before. Shopped, went Bowling, went to the games arcade and finished off the a TGI Fridays tea! Nice!
They do really nice food in there don't they, me and the missus went for our anniversary last November after seeing Green Day. Any good games in the arcades? I've noticed a stark decline in that part of the industry in the last couple of years
Morning Manga.

Yeah Black, food was NIIICE! I had the Fridays Ribs and chips (frys). I was stuffed but I still could have kept eating. Thankfully I got to work it off the next day though. =P

In the arcade? There was a lot of the usual Time Crisis 4, House of the Dead 4, Rambo, Jurrasic Park, (other shooting games), Basket Ball shooting, a lot of racing games including Fast and Furious and TT Races 2009. Erm.... a few simulators, Claw Grabbing games and some bumper cars (random). That's about all I can remember.

I spent my time on the shooters myself. :p
Didn't think the Jurassic Park shooter was still around in arcades, used to love that one, and i remember all the coverage it recieved in the Sega Saturn Magazine, a few people even thought it would make it to the Dreamcast, but it never did. Time Crisis 4 isn't bad, although Time Crisis 3 peaked it for me.
Time Crisis 4 was the game I played the most. I Thought it was the worst so far imo. In order of favourites is probably in order of release, 123 and then 4. I've spent many a pound playing those games. =P

I was a big fan of the House of the Dead Games also. But only completed the first two.

Jurrasic Park was an awesome game, if not a little dated now.
True, you can't beat the House of the Dead series, number 3 felt like the best to me, nothing like the feeling of using a shotgun to kill hordes of the undead. Also was a fan of the fighting games when i used to find them, Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, Tekken, Marvel Super Heroes etc, arcade versions of them though have been rarer then gold dust
Gah! I just wrote an essay and caught the delete taking me to a previous webpage! *facepalm*

I want to talk about the lack of fighting games now!!! I have to pop out however! ¬_¬

If your back on later Black, I will be continuing this discussion.

Ciao for now.
I have returned if you hadn't guessed already.

Right, back onto the subject... I was going to mention this morning about the lack of fighting games at this arcade. It confuses me that some of the games look more expensive put are actually crap. A few Street Fighter/Tekken/Virtual Fighter/Vs/Mortal Combat games wouldn't go a miss. As a matter of fact, besides the Shooting Games and Racing games, the other games were all puzzle-esk. Not a single scrolling game in sight. What's up with that?
The scrolling genre died a long time ago in the arcades, i remember it being completely different as a kid, i mean hell, a place near me which was basically a gym, sport centre, had a Street Fighter 2 Turbo cabinet. Ah the good old days when you had the likes of Metal Slug, Turtles, even the simpsons scrolling beat em up game.

I think the reason there is so few beat em up arcades now is because of consoles (you could argue that the rise in console gaming is the direct cause of arcade decline but there's other factors as well) Long gone are the days of "Winner Stays on"

In 1996 i stayed at a holiday part called New Quay West (ironically it was near NewQuay) in the arcade centre there was a lone Mortal Kombat 2 arcade machine (there was other machines there but i think the only other beat em up was a street fighter 2...the first Street Fighter 2 machine) it constantly drew large queues of kids, who had learn ever fatality move on there, it was a really fun time, plenty of smack talk but none of it ever vicious, they even gave the losing player pointers or taught each other how to do the moves. I wish the days like that would come back again
Hey Chaos not much, oh i've got a job interview in 6 days :D Nothing to do with programming mind, but if it pays the bills then i'm keen to just further my programming at night and then when the time is right, spread my wings to other ventures. The main topic me and Voddas are discussing now though is the decline in the Arcade industry
You made me fill up with that little speach Black. I always thought that the scrolling games were the best. I spent a fortune on The Turtles and Streets of Rage. Surely it would be more cost affective to have these games filling arcades? Hmm, well having said that allowed I can see why they might not do that anymore. They couldn't justfy a single Mortal Combat fight for £1 but they can with some of the newer games. *sigh*

I know just what you mean with the winner stays on gaming (memories), but this could still be done now. Only now, it's racing games. Why? Not because it's more popular but because there is no choice. There are nothing competative in the arcade anymore.

Afternoon Choas, Sorry, I was just having a bit of a rant. :p

edit: Good news on the job interview Black. :thumb: Fingers crossed mate.
Thanks Chaos :)

@Voddas yeah, there was one point where seaside resorts were full of the cheaper arcade machines like House of the Dead 1 for 30p a credit, or similar pricing, but now a days its all £1 a go which is just stupid especially when some of the games in question have been out for more then 5 years (the jurassic park game mentioned earlier is now over 12 years old)