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Nice. I did enjoy Bleach however... it's starting to escape me. I really need to motivate myself to get back up to date but there's so many other things I'd prefer to read/watch. Same goes for Shippuuden. Both series are gathering distance on me and I find myself not caring.

That's not to say that i wouldn't try out Psyren. It does interest me and I will give it the attention any new manga deserves.
I'm like that currently with Bleach, although last weeks chapter was good, i find myself not in a position where i have to know what's going on, like i am with Psyren and Guyver.

In Bleach's case, i think the problem with it is the pacing and the way this arc has been going recently. Tosen's death didn't seem that dramatic and his final form looked stupid
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The same thing has happened to a few of the final stages. Almost no thought has gone into it. That's not the reason I watch Bleach anyway, it was the story, but even that's been lacking. I will get back on it someday. I'm happy going as I am for the time being.

Got RahXephon last week. So thinking that'll be my next project to watch. Haven't decided to watch it subbed or dubbed yet though. I'll probably sample the fisrt episode and then probably go sub.
Actually i quite like Rah's dubbing, was quite good, then again i'm in the crazy corner with all the other people who prefer Rahxephon to Evangelion >_> I mean Rahxephon was one of the first full series i managed to buy so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus the fact it's an amazing series doesn't hurt
Heh, well I'll be look forward to watching it to see where I stand myself then. :p

Right, I'm off to ASDA now Black so I'll catch you tomorrow maybe. Been a while since we've chatted for that long.

Ciao for now boyo.
Mornin all,

*heads off again*

I'm alittle annoyed at DBZ. After being off work due to illness, i've had too much time on my hands to wonder how the whole timescale works....
Goku sets off and is told hell be on namek in 6 days....that 6 days went slower than the month that it took bulma krillin and gohan to get to namek and they went via a shortcut? - doesn't make any sense.

Frieza summons the Ginyu force, who appear 6 days later.....So they set off after Goku does, and arrive before still take 6 days?

It makes no sense at all!
Morning Tachi,

How're you feeling today?

Never watched DBZ in quick succession so can't say I've ever noticed, however I wouldn't consider it to be best at time lines considering the length of some of the fights.
Morning Tachi, Voddas

That was some chat about games arcades you had with Black yesterday Voddas. I was midway through typing a reply during my lunch break when there was a power failure. When the power came back on the internet was still down. Everything is working fine now though.
Can only breathe out of one nostril at a time. Can only hear through a sort of underwater way...... to explain that one abit better, stick your head (fully) in some try to hear someone else talking to feel the vibrations but only barely hear anything lol. No sense of smell. and a horrible cough.

But i was told that if i wasn't in work today then i'll lose my job so i was forced in..... don't worry though, i'll get even.

Morning manga, how's things?

Hoping to buy Raging blast when i'm in Brighton next week. i can't find it anywhere in luton :(
Morning Manga.
mangaman74 said:
That was some chat about games arcades you had with Black yesterday Voddas. I was midway through typing a reply during my lunch break when there was a power failure. When the power came back on the internet was still down. Everything is working fine now though.
It was a could conversation like. I hadn't been to an arcade in ages before Sunday. Games were all a bit samey. Not as much variety as there used to be imo. Ouch on the power out btw, that sucks. At least it was a power cut and not AUKN just randomly deleting your post... now that really gripes me (to be fare it hasn't happened in a while chaos). I'm not a fan of being cut off from the internet at work like. It's my window to freedom during the day.

Hey Tachi, they can't force you into work boyo. If your bad enough to be at home and they fire you for it, you could get a lot of money from it. Wouldn't be the funnest road you'd ever gone down like. Still though, nobody can force anyone to work... it falls under some human rights act I think. I'm not a lawyer like, so I'll leave that stuff up to my best friend.
Voddas said:
Hey Tachi, they can't force you into work boyo. If your bad enough to be at home and they fire you for it, you could get a lot of money from it. Wouldn't be the funnest road you'd ever gone down like. Still though, nobody can force anyone to work... it falls under some human rights act I think. I'm not a lawyer like, so I'll leave that stuff up to my best friend.

true, but then you get to spend the next 2 years on £40 a week wishing you had a job
I know exactly what you mean voddas. but i'm on the agency that i actually partly you see, they only need to give me as much notice as i need to give them should i wish to walk away.....thats just one day. not two weeks notice. So all the laws don't apply.

However, after working for 2 years in one placement, i'm entitled to equal to what the perm staff get in terms of redundancy.......regarding firing i'm pretty sure i'll lose that battle due to being on the books myself ¬_¬

You see, the bank bureau has perm staff. then it has admin "temp" staff too. I'm part of the Admin "temp" side, despite coming upto my third year working here AND oversee the admin side....Bedfordshire and part of my opinion.....some people higher up the chain where given the "dud" brains when brains where being handed out.

I was hoping to be in work yesterday acutally. the 3 hours sleep i got due to struggling to breathe stopped me from coming in. i had 3 or so hours lastnight but came in under threat.
Have to pay for brighton and other things so i'm really in two minds with where i am atm lol.
haven't touched the savings account so i suppose for the moment i'm fine.
Ryo Chan said:
true, but then you get to spend the next 2 years on £40 a week wishing you had a job
Also true. It wouldn't work like that in a perfect world but alas in reality it's less than average at the best of times.

Also Tachi, I thought you worked for an extension of the NHS? Meaning all laws would apply. But anyway, it's no big deal. As long as your feeling well enough to complain about work then your as fit to work as I am.... besides the snorkle ears you got going on that is. =P

Gah! I'm having one of those days where your eyes just hurt for no reason. Feels like tiredness though I slept well.... *sigh*
I had an odd dream last night, it was like a mix between a point-and-click adventure, a first person RPG, a horror movie and Lost. Very, very creepy.

Also, afternun everybody! I see your chatting about jobs, in which I have littl-- no experience with.
You where up going on 2am playing MGS4! thats why your tired lol.

Yeah i suppose, my nose is okay to breath with. but inbetween my eyes feels full of rubbish (like the inner depths of my nose lol) >_<
Just had a word with the one that said they'll fire me.....they've realised that they are in the wrong and that i'm still not 100% so i'm given leaway.

thank got i only have a 3 day week :p
Afternoon Jayme. I've been working for the last 10 years and I still feel like I don't know what's going on. I still think about what I want to be when I grow up.... and I'm 27 this year.

I was playing Metal Gear up untill bed so I dreamt a little about sneaking about in some skin-tight camo onezies. o_O

*ahem* Anyway, I need some food so I'm off. Be back laters.

Ciao for now.

edit: Tachi.. shhhhh... :p
Voddas said:
Afternoon Jayme. I've been working for the last 10 years and I still feel like I don't know what's going on. I still think about what I want to be when I grow up.... and I'm 27 this year.
The sad thing it that I do a little of that every now and then as well.

I'm currently even considering a change in career...