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I'm hoping that the first paragraph or so is true. The thought of becoming immortal is appealing to me. some could say that we'd only be worked and taxed for more than our natural life would normally endure.....i see it as a way out personally.

Give me immortality and i'll traverse the earth hundreds of times.
Urgh Jobs, i need to get out and find one soon otherwise paying for the flat and such over the summer will be very hard to do =/ So long as i can get a night shift job though i'll be fine.

@chaos: Seems everyone has some form of cough/cold type thing at the mo, i was fine up until today, and now everything has hit at full force. One is not amused.
Tachi- said:

I'm hoping that the first paragraph or so is true. The thought of becoming immortal is appealing to me. some could say that we'd only be worked and taxed for more than our natural life would normally endure.....i see it as a way out personally.

Give me immortality and i'll traverse the earth hundreds of times.

Whether it is any good depends on how it works. If you still age but don't die, it would be crap. Imagine immortality with a body like this....
Afternoon people :)

With regards to the earlier talk of DBZ i wouldn't go by what the dub said anyway, not sure if any mention was made of dates and things in the japanese version but trust me the dub makes a lot of crap up, like in the ep where Frieza takes on Nail, just after Nail heals himself and gets his arm back two different scenarios happen. In the original Jap version, Freiza checks his scouter and says that Nail's Power Level went down (this makes sense) but in the dub they said that Freiza was instead copying his regenerative skills for futher study! Plus in the same ep Bulma is thinking of her past adventures with Goku and how he turned out to be a great guy, in the amercian dub she says that "I hope you get here soon Goku" but in the japanese she says "I really blew it didn't i..." meaning that she wished she went out with Goku instead of Yamcha! (Not that it matters too much i mean she ends up with a Sayian regardless)

Oh and about immortality? I think Queen sumed it up best for one of their songs from the hit movie Highlander

"Who wants to live forever?" (also listen to their Princes of the Universe song which served as Highlanders main theme, a good song)

I mean what are you going to do when the planet explodes? You'll suffer the agony of that and then be lost in space, or worse end up in a black hole suffering an eternity of hellish torment. No one ever mentions stuff like that though when talking about immortality
It would have to otherwise you would go mentally insane and constantly be trying to kill yourself.

@Kirr, out of that list there's two i'll probably watch, being Heroman and ichiban ushiro no dai maou
Not a bad lot there for Spring, I have to say. The top middle three, Iron Man, Yojo-han and Arakawa along with, of course, Hero Man, have all taken my interest. A couple of others sound very good as well, so I'll see what people will be buzzing about by the time the season starts.
Tachi- said:
Give me immortality and i'll traverse the earth hundreds of times.
To have to work forever is not a very appealing idea.

Arbalest said:
@chaos: Seems everyone has some form of cough/cold type thing at the mo, i was fine up until today, and now everything has hit at full force. One is not amused.
yeah, tell me about it. What bothers me is that I have a busy week this time around. Cirque du soleil today, Utada Hikaru Friday, Eric Clapton + Jeff Beck Saturday, a party at my place Sunday.... =S
fabricatedlunatic said:
Would it not be better to post the spring anime image in the anime forum? People have, after all, been mentioning the lack of anime discussion.
Just did that. Sneakily posted that after Kirrimir post.

Edit: also considering to be more diligent here and split things in this forum into proper threads more often. Many discussions started here actually deserve their own threads.
I wouldn't be working chaos. i'd be travelling around the world :) posts like that which make me think "your crazy, no doubt about it" what wiki said, you can still die through physical trauma regardless. So if the world blew up, i wouldn't regenerate in space and live in a black ole of torment....i'd die along with everyone else. plus, even if i was off visiting mars for a vacation whilst the earth blew up....i'd die due to no oxygen in space anyway.

I'd live forever, not to work, but to see how things go. if immortality means i get a full prostetic body, i don't think i'd hurry to get one.
I presume it means that if we wanted to become immortal we'd have to undergo surgery to replace all internal organs. Replacing the brain with data storage and they've already brought out optical camera's in the shape and look of eyes, you'll probably have to sleep in a pickle jar so that your skin doesn't start to decompose. we'd all just smell the french.
Then really that's not immortality, more like being ageless. When people say immortality i take it too mean that death will never come for them, either by some misplaced wish, or a cruel act by a vengeful deity.

Besides what part of my post made you think that anyway :p Those observations on DBZ were made after watching one of the singles i have
Tachi- said:
I wouldn't be working chaos. i'd be travelling around the world :)
Then I'd add insanely rich, or the lack of need for clothing, food and everything else. As the world is setup now, we need money to buy stuff, and with limited time on earth, the only reason I'm not constantly on the road is because one needs money.

Tachi- said:
I'd live forever, not to work, but to see how things go. if immortality means i get a full prostetic body, i don't think i'd hurry to get one.
I would.

Tachi- said:
...we'd all just smell the french.
If we went the route of prosetic bodies then we would just enter the ghost in the shell world. Although i would rather have giant robot tech before that and maybe even get off this dull polluted rock, mankinds future is in space.
BlackWolf said:
Then really that's not immortality, more like being ageless. When people say immortality i take it too mean that death will never come for them, either by some misplaced wish, or a cruel act by a vengeful deity.

Your just a fickly sod then :p

BlackWolf said:
Besides what part of my post made you think that anyway :p Those observations on DBZ were made after watching one of the singles i have

I dunno, you seem to go off on one and i'm not entirely sure where your going with things. I've got the orange boxsets of the first 3 seasons. The Manga may differ, but at the end of it i'm not that fickle as to point out the finer details ;) . The timescale does my head in when I'm quoting it like I have earlier. It doesn't make any sense to me but then again you lot do have a point that with regards to the fights timescale, its rather hard to sum up whats happening and when. that last 20mins getting to namek was a killer.

Jayme said:
Rather than living forever, I like the idea of stopping time for a month or two so I can cotch for ages. That'd be so awesome.

I have no idea what you just said.
Actually i got my info from the anime not the manga version :p remember there is a sub track that was translated seperately from the dub. Besides now that Kai is out there is likely to be many corrections here and there, (plus shorter fights and no Garlic Jr Saga).

Btw since i recommended this to Voddas yesterday i may as well recommend it to you since i think its something that you would like going on past shows. It's a manga called Psyren

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