The General Conversation Area

chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
... giant robot tech before that ...
I believe that the technology for this already exists. What doesn't exist is a reason other than it's cool for someone to invest in this.

How about contruction in crappy environment? like space for example, in the original UC timeline of Gundam that's the reason citied for Mobile Suits being developed in the first place. There's little point for military advantage sadly, it's already been discussed that bipedal machines would be far less stable, the best we can hope for there is mech like in the Battletech universe, something between anime interpatations and real life tanks. Still a man can dream though ;)

Also thought of another one, sport. :p A long shot but hey someone has think of ideas
BlackWolf said:
chaos said:
BlackWolf said:
... giant robot tech before that ...
I believe that the technology for this already exists. What doesn't exist is a reason other than it's cool for someone to invest in this.

How about contruction in crappy environment? like space for example, in the original UC timeline of Gundam that's the reason citied for Mobile Suits being developed in the first place. There's little point for military advantage sadly, it's already been discussed that bipedal machines would be far less stable, the best we can hope for there is mech like in the Battletech universe, something between anime interpatations and real life tanks. Still a man can dream though ;)

Also thought of another one, sport. :p A long shot but hey someone has think of ideas
Like I said, what still doesn't exist is a finantial reason for them :p There's is still plenty of land around the globe to accomodate humans.

The problem with biped robots is that the technology to walk is too expensive and the fact it's not possible to reproduce human walking with the current tech.
True, although Asmo is breaking ground in that department. I just find it funny what people in the 60s thought this day and age would be like, i mean aren't we supposed to be living on moon by now, with robot maids tending to our every whim.
WRT tech. i've been slagging off the concept of light/visual projections.

when you see the projection of princess leiya in starwars....that could never happen, you can't stop light in mid air to portray a picture, let alone a visual clip. They actualy pulled off that stunt with a curved mirror that was part of a machine that would raise and lower the curved mirror in quick succession equal to the speed of which the video being projected onto it would move. so when she taps R2 D2 on the head, that action alone could have had hundreds of milisecond lasting videoclips. In reality its the only way to make a 3D projection.....but then again, thats not really a proper projection is it? the end result is...these holograms will never exist. unless we find a way to break through the time and space barrier that we all live in, it'll never happen as we can't freeze light in mid air.

there's technologies to make visual displays out of a plastic sheeting. similar to the first concept for a display screen a light being sent through a sheet of glass to make a display screen. In simple terms the tech was actually most common in christmas trees with the plastic bits that change colour as the different coloured filters on the light in the base changes. its the same thing, just in a different format. so its possible to have plastic sheeting that is a display screen that can be plugged into a base of sorts and become a portable pc.
Tachi- said:
WRT tech. i've been slagging off the concept of light/visual projections.

when you see the projection of princess leiya in starwars....that could never happen, you can't stop light in mid air to portray a picture, let alone a visual clip. They actualy pulled off that stunt with a curved mirror that was part of a machine that would raise and lower the curved mirror in quick succession equal to the speed of which the video being projected onto it would move. so when she taps R2 D2 on the head, that action alone could have had hundreds of milisecond lasting videoclips. In reality its the only way to make a 3D projection.....but then again, thats not really a proper projection is it? the end result is...these holograms will never exist. unless we find a way to break through the time and space barrier that we all live in, it'll never happen as we can't freeze light in mid air.

there's technologies to make visual displays out of a plastic sheeting. similar to the first concept for a display screen a light being sent through a sheet of glass to make a display screen. In simple terms the tech was actually most common in christmas trees with the plastic bits that change colour as the different coloured filters on the light in the base changes. its the same thing, just in a different format. so its possible to have plastic sheeting that is a display screen that can be plugged into a base of sorts and become a portable pc.

Tachi, it's not like we lived in a vacuum... loads of things in the air to do so, also light has mass. Gravity could stop it :p
Aren't the people usually holographically standing on something in Star Wars? R2D2 beams Leia's message onto the ground, Luke sees it on the ground. When its in a room and Darth is talking to Sidius or whatever, some sort of mirror thing can be beaming down from the top as well. I think its the same in the cartoons.

I think it'll be more troublesome to have Darth Vader giving you a holo-call and you'd be able to see what's going on in the room he's in... It'll be picking up on the couch his sitting on. The beer cans, the pizza box. That is, unless, your wearing stupid get-up so it only captures you.
chaos said:
Tachi, it's not like we lived in a vacuum... loads of things in the air to do so, also light has mass. Gravity could stop it :p

Your mental. :lol:
All things have a weight to them, unfortunately the newton meter doesn't quite cover atomic mass in such a form. You maybe able to find out the weight of light by calculating how many times faster light travels than a naturally progressive timeframe of a physical object moving in a direction. Then it's a simple job of X'ing however many times the speed of the object is moving till its equal to the speed of the lights movement and then taking into account the weight of the object and Xing that by the same amount to work out the speed of light. Then you'd have to X's the earths gravity by the same amount to make light move as slow as the original object. then X's it further to make it stationary. in'd have to amp up the earths gravity a couple of hundred times the amount it is now, to make the light freeze in mid air..... now taking into accont the sun is a massive amount of gravity and is a source of light you'd need the earth to have maybe hundred times the amount of gravity that the sun has.

Very technical. but if you want to go and do it, by all means go ahead......just give me a couple of years notice so that i can contact NASA and get on the next rocket. i'll get out of this galaxy whilst you suck planets into a massive inferno just to see if you can make a light projection appear in mid air and call it a holograph ;)

Jayme.....I'm talking about 3D holography, so taking an image and making it 3D using only light (no mirrors, no sheeting, just light on its own standing there and making a 3D image in mid air).....what you just said makes it a projection, not a holography.

Anyway, as my scientific brain seems to have got out of its cage, i think i'll put the little fella away again and head off home. Going to play on playstation home, i'm teaching people how to play chess properly. If you want a game against me, just message me or something. ^_^
OK apparently it's non-uniform today, but we need to wear something Pink for Breast Cancer or something...

Damn. I have nothing pink at all. I'm gonna risk my jeans then today, but i'm fully prepared for my head of year to murder me, lol.

Time to keep searching for pink stuff!
Your telling me you don't own any pink t shirts? :eek:

You need to get that sorted lad!

lol, got home lastnight and was watching austin powers about 7.50ish but fell asleep 3/4 through it....came round about 9ish to unload the dishwasher, then went back to bed and turned my tv and ps3 off.... didn't wake up till this morning and i feel 10t times better than i did yesterday :)

Looks like i should be fit enough for my weekend and week ahead.

(To those who don't know, i'll be away again for a while. should be back in a week or so)
Jayme said:
I think it'll be more troublesome to have Darth Vader giving you a holo-call and you'd be able to see what's going on in the room he's in... It'll be picking up on the couch his sitting on. The beer cans, the pizza box. That is, unless, your wearing stupid get-up so it only captures you.
Main reason that even thought the technology for video calls exists for quite a few years, it has not made into telephones just yet.

Tachi- said:
chaos said:
Tachi, it's not like we lived in a vacuum... loads of things in the air to do so, also light has mass. Gravity could stop it :p

Your mental. :lol:
All things have a weight to them, unfortunately the newton meter doesn't quite cover atomic mass in such a form. You maybe able to find out the weight of light by calculating how many times faster light travels than a naturally progressive timeframe of a physical object moving in a direction. Then it's a simple job of X'ing however many times the speed of the object is moving till its equal to the speed of the lights movement and then taking into account the weight of the object and Xing that by the same amount to work out the speed of light. Then you'd have to X's the earths gravity by the same amount to make light move as slow as the original object. then X's it further to make it stationary. in'd have to amp up the earths gravity a couple of hundred times the amount it is now, to make the light freeze in mid air..... now taking into accont the sun is a massive amount of gravity and is a source of light you'd need the earth to have maybe hundred times the amount of gravity that the sun has.

Very technical. but if you want to go and do it, by all means go ahead......just give me a couple of years notice so that i can contact NASA and get on the next rocket. i'll get out of this galaxy whilst you suck planets into a massive inferno just to see if you can make a light projection appear in mid air and call it a holograph ;)

Jayme.....I'm talking about 3D holography, so taking an image and making it 3D using only light (no mirrors, no sheeting, just light on its own standing there and making a 3D image in mid air).....what you just said makes it a projection, not a holography.

Anyway, as my scientific brain seems to have got out of its cage, i think i'll put the little fella away again and head off home. Going to play on playstation home, i'm teaching people how to play chess properly. If you want a game against me, just message me or something. ^_^
You forgot one thing. The only thing in the universe with gravity enough to affect light is a black hole =P

mangaman74 said:
Morning all,

Tachi, I don't own any pink shirts either.

Why not try the Bart Simpson method - put something red in with something white in the wash
I don't have anything pink, but I have a red and a white T's. So, maybe wearing the red under the white should do the trick...
Lol, cheers.... i write a very long and thought out speech about how it would be possible to measure gravity....and you bring a black hole up as an answer.... if you where Danish i'd have called you clever cloggs, as your not i'll just call you a smart **** :p

I'm making another thread, fed up of the negativity and trivial things people kick up a fuss over.
Tachi- said:
Lol, cheers.... i write a very long and thought out speech about how it would be possible to measure gravity....and you bring a black hole up as an answer.... if you where Danish i'd have called you clever cloggs, as your not i'll just call you a smart **** :p
Well, Am I wrong? =P
To have something affecting lihgt because of it's weight you need the sort of pull of stars or blackholes. So, impractical. But light is also electromagnetic.
Maybe that should be the approach. Wiki has a fun article on the subject.

Tachi- said:
I'm making another thread, fed up of the negativity and trivial things people kick up a fuss over.
another thread? why?
well that was fun, just had a moan at my own company :D

got charged intrest for an item i bought on my argos card desite having another 12 days to pay it off

he went on about the "terms and conditions" till i pointed out, i work for and sell argos cards, don't go trying to pull a fast one on me

he quickly withdrew and i'm not intrest free again

Ryo 1 Argos 0
Afternoon all.

Don't people carry any f*cking change anymore? It's only half-twelve and already there are only two fivers left in the till. STOP GIVING ME TEN AND TWENTY QUID NOTES TO PAY FOR THREE QUID BOOKS PEOPLE.

::takes deep breath:: I'm glad I'm getting out of retail.

They should seriously think about bringing back pound notes though. If they made them out of polymer like the Australian bank notes then we wouldn't have the problem they have with dollar bills in America (that they have to replace them so regularly due to wear).
ayase said:
Afternoon all.

Don't people carry any f*cking change anymore? It's only half-twelve and already there are only two fivers left in the till. STOP GIVING ME TEN AND TWENTY QUID NOTES TO PAY FOR THREE QUID BOOKS PEOPLE.

::takes deep breath:: I'm glad I'm getting out of retail.

They should seriously think about bringing back pound notes though. If they made them out of polymer like the Australian bank notes then we wouldn't have the problem they have with dollar bills in America (that they have to replace them so regularly due to wear).

come to Argos, where people pay for £50 items in pound coins, 50p's 20p's and 2p's
lol sadly i'm the sort that withdraws a tenner to buy a £3 book and would look for your type of shop specifically, with the frame of mind that "they'll have ton's of change....i need change to buy that £50 game at argos" :p

Oh btw... Has Will just added me on Facebook? Chaos, your mutual friends with him, check it out please.
Morning People. I hate taking days off uni =/ Specially when i have a mid-term tomorrow, it doesn't help matters in the slightest. Stupid bug =/

If i have change, i'll use that up instead, i usually have a few quid lying about in loose change anyways.
Apparently, £5 notes are slowly being withdrawn or something. Don't ask me how or why, or if its true, i'm not sure yet, but i would presume if thats the case, we'll be ending up with £5 coins. As if our trouser pockets could take much more weight in coins.