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No, their not arby. their collecting all the Fivers they can to produce new ones as of later this year hole in the wall's will be dishing out fivers again.

Anyway....i can feel that tension building up in my head again, time to go blow the nose ¬_¬
@Tach: Ahh that would explain it. I guess all the old fivers are kinda past their best then. Even still, a £5 coin would be interesting. Wasn't there mentions of it a good while ago which never came to fruition?
I'm easy, I just pay everything I can on debit card. Buses are annoying because I have to pay in change on them but I don't carry any cash :p. Plus it makes it easier to do my accounts.

@Arbalest: I have a £5 coin. It was a commemorative coin a while ago now, in the 90's at some point. I forget what for now. It is legal tender, you could change a £5 note for one to get it which I had my dad do for me at the time so I could have one. I wonder how many shops would accept it if I did use it.

In regards to the hologram convo above. If you did stop light, would you be able to see it anyway? After all, the light won't be reaching your eyes any more. The hologram would have to emit light from the point you want it to appear.
I have a few £5 coins, I'm a bit of a numismatist. The worst thing is, when you have... probably almost £100 in legal tender tied up in specially minted coins, the temptation to spend it when you get low on cash is fairly large (actually a worse thing might be that I'm hoping the Queen dies soon so we can have some new variations).

So it is perhaps odd that other than for collecting purposes, I hate change. It wouldn't be so bad if they decreased the weight of pound coins - they could happily be half that thickness. I also hate plastic because the bank skims a little extra off the top every time you pay - means nothing to the consumer, but it's a pretty big deal to small businesses. Paper money all the way.
ayase said:
I have a few £5 coins, I'm a bit of a numismatist. The worst thing is, when you have... probably almost £100 in legal tender tied up in specially minted coins, the temptation to spend it when you get low on cash is fairly large (actually a worse thing might be that I'm hoping the Queen dies soon so we can have some new variations)

Compared to who we may end up with on the currency if her majesty bites it, i would like if it she had found the elxir of immortality! Or better yet the crown skips a generation and goes to either Prince Harry or William (not that it really matters, i mean they are just a tourist trap aren't they)
ayase said:
the temptation to spend it when you get low on cash is fairly large (actually a worse thing might be that I'm hoping the Queen dies soon so we can have some new variations).

Paper money all the way.

lol thats abit far to go but agree with you, for different reasons though. i want the queen to pass on because she doesn't even send out letter to the over 100's now, she's getting lazy so we need some newer bloody in the batch, atleast they'll have the time/energy to pick up the pen and write a letter to all the old people.

WRT paper money > Coins.

I long for the day that everything becomes chipped. no physical money at all, we'd carry cards and pay for everything on them. and they'll be like my work badge, you don't have to put the card into a specific slot. they'll be like the oyster cards, you just touch certain pads and it'll charge you.
Thats the way i see the world progressing forward.

Then we'll have no need for (W/)Bankers, we'd just need technicians to make sure that the systems and tech are all working correctly.

WRT the hologram post above....i guess your right, without putting light onto a solid matter suspended in mid air. There's no way of stopping light in midair and keeping it visable.

The best thing is to stick with projection, as i said before; there's no such way of making a correct hologram.... I've seen a light trick whilst in York that when the light went on it'd show the reflection of a shoe and the model in the cabinet would magically have shoes on. I know there's ways of making a hologram. but without the aid a mirror, its near on impossible.

Look at the link below at the Theory section for more info:
BlackWolf said:
ayase said:
I have a few £5 coins, I'm a bit of a numismatist. The worst thing is, when you have... probably almost £100 in legal tender tied up in specially minted coins, the temptation to spend it when you get low on cash is fairly large (actually a worse thing might be that I'm hoping the Queen dies soon so we can have some new variations)
Compared to who we may end up with on the currency if her majesty bites it, i would like if it she had found the elxir of immortality! Or better yet the crown skips a generation and goes to either Prince Harry or William (not that it really matters, i mean they are just a tourist trap aren't they)
Not a fan of Charlie Black? Personally I think he's the best among them... he supports good causes and isn't afraid to speak his mind. It will go to bland, inoffensive Wills I'm pretty certain - Queenie will hang on in there 'til Charlie snuffs it (male royals don't tend to live that long anyway) but I would love, repeat, love to see Harry on the throne. All he needs is the beard and a few more pies and Henry IX would live up to his predecessor I'm sure. :p
Nope i'm not a fan of Big Ears and his wrench :p I know he supports charities and the like but i still don't like him as much as he thinks people should like him. Plus if he became king all the jokes about him wanting to off his mum would just vanish.
Tachi- said:
I long for the day that everything becomes chipped. no physical money at all, we'd carry cards and pay for everything on them. and they'll be like my work badge, you don't have to put the card into a specific slot. they'll be like the oyster cards, you just touch certain pads and it'll charge you.
Thats the way i see the world progressing forward.

Then we'll have no need for (W/)Bankers, we'd just need technicians to make sure that the systems and tech are all working correctly.
Sorry Tachi, but I believe you don't have an understanding of the banker's real job.
Trust me, if they could be replaced, they would have been a long time ago.

A bankers work is more about talking to people all day long and making hundreds of deals a day rather than actually managing any real money. In other words, they are sales people.
We do need the bankers. Part of the reason we went into a recession was their mistakes, but then part of the reason we're out of recession is because of their success. Like it or not, capitalist economies depend on them.
ayase said:
We do need the bankers. Part of the reason we went into a recession was their mistakes, but then part of the reason we're out of recession is because of their success. Like it or not, capitalist economies depend on them.

Which is one of the reasons my friend wants to vote the communist party in the next election...I mean that was news to me, i didn't even know we had a communist party
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
I long for the day that everything becomes chipped. no physical money at all, we'd carry cards and pay for everything on them. and they'll be like my work badge, you don't have to put the card into a specific slot. they'll be like the oyster cards, you just touch certain pads and it'll charge you.
Thats the way i see the world progressing forward.

Then we'll have no need for (W/)Bankers, we'd just need technicians to make sure that the systems and tech are all working correctly.
Sorry Tachi, but I believe you don't have an understanding of the banker's real job.
Trust me, if they could be replaced, they would have been a long time ago.

A bankers work is more about talking to people all day long and making hundreds of deals a day rather than actually managing any real money. In other words, they are sales people.

One of my best mates works in a bank... so does his mum and sister, i get to listen to him moaning about making certain targets (10 sales a quarter) and balancing tills and filling and paperwork....i know more than the average Joe about banking, i just think its boring and old :p
We need to change that sooner rather than later....the heads of banks are beginning to think their actually better than others.
Which is one of the reasons my friend wants to vote the communist party in the next election...I mean that was news to me, i didn't even know we had a communist party
I think I've said before that the reason I don't think communism works is because people are lazy if there's no reward for success - That and not all people are created equal. Some are more intelligent, manipulative, ruthless etc. and you just get people like Stalin in charge (not that we don't have the same kind of people in charge in a capitalist society, but in a communist society they have more control over everything).

I think welfare capitalism is probably the best model - I mean, in order to make his own workers more productive and to enable them to buy the very cars they were making, Henry Ford used to pay his workers $5 a day, the equivalent of over $100 a day in today's economy. What happened to that attitude? We all got greedy. The bosses would rather pay the workers less, the consumers would rather pay less for the products, so all the work went to poor countries.
Oh don't get me wrong i think communism fails for the same reasons you do, he just seems to think that it would work better a second time, but its far harder to change people's nature then he thinks. For it to work in this day and age it would need to be at gun point and no system of leadership should ever be run like that
And Ayase; The banks put us in a recession but got us out of it, thats the same as if i took a puppy and stuck its head in a river and wouldn't let it breath until it lost conscious, then I took it out and used CPR on it and brought it back to life. Its not the fact that I've brought it back that's important, it’s the fact that I'd have done it to the poor little thing in the first place, that would matter more. So i'm sorry but i'll be the last to praise them on their recovery of the recession they put us into.
I'm not saying they didn't make some stupid mistakes, but if they were gone... the economy would go with them. They are the ones propping it all up, and the way our economy is structured there is nothing we can replace them with. Believe me Tach - if the bankers were gone there would be bread lines in the street by this time next week. The number of British jobs the financial sector supports is... staggering.
ayase said:
I'm not saying they didn't make some stupid mistakes, but if they were gone... the economy would go with them. They are the ones propping it all up, and the way our economy is structured there is nothing we can replace them with. Believe me Tach - if the bankers were gone there would be bread lines in the street by this time next week. The number of British jobs the financial sector supports is... staggering.

Then stricter measures put in place. And take away their bonus' there's no reason why someone should be getting bonus' when they put countries into reccession.

You don't give a mass murderer a shotgun and say "you killed alot of people.....that was bad of you, here's your reward"
I think what ayase is saying is that yes we'll take away their bonuses and put stricter measures there but we need to keep them, our economic system is built around them, and with all buildings, you take away the foundation and it falls down.
In one circumstance, you do - and that's if that mass murderer is still responsible for creating most of the wealth of your country.

If there's no incentive, there's no reason to work hard. They'd all go somewhere they would get big bonuses. And then this country and all of us with it would be up **** creek. They're holding us to ransom to a certain extent, yes... but what's the alternative other than to give them what they want? A second great depression, probably.

@Black - I certainly thing it would be fair for them to take a pay cut, along with a lot of others for 'The Greater Good' but unfortunately, things don't work that way. Nobody wants to make sacrifices willingly.

Edit @4.30 - And I am outta here... See ya later guys.