The General Conversation Area

Get youself off mate and I hope you end up feeling better. I'm off for some lunch now anyways so I'll probably be back later.

Ciao for now. *vacates*
okay mate, Cya

Oh btw, for Spyro/Chun Li:

That free course their giving maybe your best bet to get yourself started, i'll always be about somewhere if you need help with the courses.....that is, unless i don't know what to do.....then i'll go find out and get back to you :p

I actually have a PC to switch around when i get home....eformatting and other things.....i justdon't have enough time in the day to do everything i need to *sigh*
Voddas said:
Morning Manga. Hows Friday treating you? Are you busy on Fridays or do you get a wind down day?

Wind down day? If only. For me Friday is like any other day at work (with the exception of the weekend being round the corner).
mangaman74 said:
Voddas said:
Morning Manga. Hows Friday treating you? Are you busy on Fridays or do you get a wind down day?

Wind down day? If only. For me Friday is like any other day at work (with the exception of the weekend being round the corner).
Fare enough mate. Same applyes for me. Only changes I notice is when it goes from quite busy to pencils in your eyes busy. Today however appears to be an exception. It's the easy jobs kind of busy. Mmmm... nice.
Oh, to keep my good fellows up-to-date with my latest escapades. Neil Patrick Harris hosting The Cube US was one of the greatest things, ever. I've never understood how you could feel so much for the contestants, I wanted them to succeed so much (but alas, none of them won any money). All the different camera stuff was great to watch and Neil was especially funny when the cameras were turned off - He done an evil laugh when talking about how The Cube hasn't let anyone win, and someone in the audience shouted Dr. Horrible, which was awesome. Everyone was all "Suit Up!" and stuff as well which is crazy awesome. He was actually wearing the grey suit with black tie combo that he wears all the time. It was amazing to see him RL. Lived up to my expectations, perhaps even surpassing them.

Also, there was a guy, the one who's job it is is to make the audience happy, the stand-up guy, called Terry who named this other guy the 'Yellow Tie Man' and was so cringey. Shouting stuff like "You can do it!" in the midst of silence - literally, whenever he spoke (a lot!) the audience collectively sighed. It was actually quite amazing. You get it occasionally in class rooms, but only with a few individuals mocking the one, but this was an entire audience wishing this man wasn't there. Legendary. One of his most irritating comments, apart from his saying he's here because of some stupid fake website, was that he said it was way better than "Heads or Tails" and when he left, after he couldn't blow up a balloon in some stupid competition, he said "Oh well, I've had a great time tonight!".

Also, you know, since tickets to these things are free, I was also amazed when they dished out the food. Chicken Salad sandwich, pack of pretzels, dairy milk bar and a bag of Jelly Beans. You don't get free food just anywhere, so yeah, that was also awesome.

Overall, it was an unforgettable evening, NPH was so fantastic. 6:30PM till well, we left at 11:05PM because we couldn't miss the last train, but it was still going on with the last final contestant, a Woo Girl so an absolutely spectacular few hours.

Yeah, I miss and day and the place goes the hell, admittedly an interesting hell, though. It's not exactly a bad thing to have new topics. I did find what was posted in the "Australian Porn laws" thread hilarious:

Asdrubael said:
In a effort to continue with the sex/paedophilia theme we have going here

What up with putting an effort for that discussion? I might sound like Aion but, talk about anime or something.
Tachi- said:
Voddas said:
Why are you in work? I'd be home and getting personal with my sofa... well, maybe not me actually. If I take anymore sick leave in the next 12 months, I think they're gonna declare me dead!! O_O

Their so harsh. T_T

I'll be off home shortly.....just need to finish off this work.

I think they call it dedication......but saying that, there's a faint line between dedication and being a complete idiot....:p

Talking about stupidity and dedication to work.

I turned up at work just about on time Wednesday after being clipped and spun by a lorry on the M4 on my way to work. It could have been really nasty as it is pretty busy at that time of morning, but my car ended up with only a small dent (as did my head). I felt a bit stupid talking to the insurance people when they were asking if I was injured, as my back and neck have been playing up recently I had to just say I felt no worse than normal except for the small bump on my head a bang to my shoulder (which has also been playing up recently from mouse use at work).
Bleh I go away for an evening and everyone starts fighting :(

I should have closed it this morning on the way to work and been overzealous. Will go through the battle damage in the morning.

Can one actually bully a person by sharing a readily available, easy to find picture? Can one by more devoid of morals than another who was happy to post images of his sister on an anime forum?

...****, I have to respond to Rui, at some point. It's been, like, other a week already. I haven't been kissing **** to avoid a ban enough lately, and that fact needs to change.
Dracos said:
Tachi- said:
Voddas said:
Why are you in work? I'd be home and getting personal with my sofa... well, maybe not me actually. If I take anymore sick leave in the next 12 months, I think they're gonna declare me dead!! O_O

Their so harsh. T_T

I'll be off home shortly.....just need to finish off this work.

I think they call it dedication......but saying that, there's a faint line between dedication and being a complete idiot....:p

Talking about stupidity and dedication to work.

I turned up at work just about on time Wednesday after being clipped and spun by a lorry on the M4 on my way to work. It could have been really nasty as it is pretty busy at that time of morning, but my car ended up with only a small dent (as did my head). I felt a bit stupid talking to the insurance people when they were asking if I was injured, as my back and neck have been playing up recently I had to just say I felt no worse than normal except for the small bump on my head a bang to my shoulder (which has also been playing up recently from mouse use at work).

You should have said your back and neck had been playing up only since the accident. Problems like that can get you a few grand in compensation without even having to go to court, as the opposing insurance will often just try to pay you off.
Mutsumi said:
Dracos said:
Tachi- said:
Voddas said:
Why are you in work? I'd be home and getting personal with my sofa... well, maybe not me actually. If I take anymore sick leave in the next 12 months, I think they're gonna declare me dead!! O_O

Their so harsh. T_T

I'll be off home shortly.....just need to finish off this work.

I think they call it dedication......but saying that, there's a faint line between dedication and being a complete idiot....:p

Talking about stupidity and dedication to work.

I turned up at work just about on time Wednesday after being clipped and spun by a lorry on the M4 on my way to work. It could have been really nasty as it is pretty busy at that time of morning, but my car ended up with only a small dent (as did my head). I felt a bit stupid talking to the insurance people when they were asking if I was injured, as my back and neck have been playing up recently I had to just say I felt no worse than normal except for the small bump on my head a bang to my shoulder (which has also been playing up recently from mouse use at work).

You should have said your back and neck had been playing up only since the accident. Problems like that can get you a few grand in compensation without even having to go to court, as the opposing insurance will often just try to pay you off.

I think the only real thing I have had is a couple of headaches which may or may not be related, again I get headaches from eye strain from time to time so it could be nothing.

Today I had an argument with my own insurance people that left me more stressed than the accident. I had a letter telling me to contact them, so I thought they were just after some more details of the accident. Unfortunately that was not the case they wanted another £120 off me because either they messed up putting my details into their system or the guy that quoted me put in some dodgy values to get my premium down so I would use them again. They only had me down for 5000 miles a year instead of the 15000 I asked for so of course I had to pay just in case they decide to cancel my policy or not sort out my claim.

I am probably going to be putting in a complaint to the ombudsman about them depending on my conversation on Monday with one of their managers. I don't think I owe the money because even if I signed something saying 5000 miles I asked for and was provided with as far as I was aware a quote for 15000 miles. The upshot being I would not have gone with them if they had been £120 more as I had other quotes for what they managed to get their's down to.
Is anyone scared of the prospect of The Last Airbender actually being good?

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
memorium said:
there's a fair amount more action in this compared to the original anime (if i may call it that)
No, you cannot. And, the show went through several phases of being action/war-oriented, character adventure-oriented and comedy-oriented.

Oh, and that trailer is for the Superbowl so it is not going to be a real reflection of the film as a whole. It's meant to be an "Oh, that looks cool" moment.