The General Conversation Area

Yes, it was like a 5minute blizzard.... Bun its sunny with blue skies still so it makes little to no sense at all lol.

I have no idea how to kill this last hour. once again i've managed to beat back the workload :thumb:
I'm just popping on to say, sorry for not being about. I've been as busy as sin today. Hope everyone has a good weekend and I pray for a even better week ahead.

I'm gonna look at escaping work the next chance I get so I'll say farewell now. Later all!

Ciao for now! *salutes and vacates*
I got snow too. It came really suddenly but has mostly all melted now. Maybe it was Reiha's influence - spirit of snow. I'm going through vampire princess Miyu :p
Okay Voddas, I'll probably have a chat with you on psn at some stage. Have a good one :thumb:

Things to do after work:
Head home.
Head into town.
Take gf to Pizza express
Acquire free pizza
Take gf home
Watch Observe and report at her house
Go home and turn on ps3
go to sleep at some time between 5 and 6am
Wake up and relax until monday rolls around ^_^
I've got tickets so see Neil Patrick Harris host the US version of a game-show for Thursday! I'm pretty excited. Originally thought it was for the Wednesday, which would have been better but whatever. I'm going to see NPH! I'll be sitting in the audience all excited and ****.

The gameshow is called The Cube. I think its a crappy ITV thing.

Also, didn't get snow but did get a tiny bit of hail. Lasted a couple of minutes (or maybe longer... I went inside) but wasn't heavy or anything.
spent this evening talking to Otaku010884 for the first time in a long while. She's a former user on this board who I got the original Geneon Popotan DVD's from last May.
Thing is her reason for not coming on recently is that the place that her and her other half are living at has no Internet. Don't know whether many people knew her on her before hand, but she's a very pleasant person nevertheless
Well, there's a couple of adverts but the quality of the thing is what gets me more than anything. It's better than most, but, ugh, I don't want to watch something on there. It's only decent when its in HD. Also, its **** if you've been watching something for 90 minutes then the the audio goes out of sync with the video.

Way better off just swapping around the words and downloadin' instead.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
2 pop ups to weird scam websites and poker sites every time you press play stuff like that

but yeah I agree with jaymester, flash quality and occasional out of sync audio makes it less preferable choice then a 720/1080p MKV, but the only really sense of seeing it streamed is either (a) that person has limited space on their HDD (b) There's torrents but no seeders or (d) there isn't any torrents in the firsts place.