The General Conversation Area

Chaos, what up with the ****** server icon in the address bar? I want a Minako there, not this piece of **** square.

Also, hope you get better soon, BW.
I've got another letter in the post lastnight, 2.5years without seeing the optician....reason: they said i have perfect eyesight so no need to come back till 2 years, so i left it. they said to come too busy....i'll go at some point in the next 6 months :p
The last 2 visits I was told to come back in 2 years, yet they mailed me to come for a checkup after 1 year each time. It is because of this that I only visit the optician when I feel I need to.
Tachi- said:
Have you asked Trashbat if she wants to meet up for a drink?
I don't beleive she was being serious... Was she? Mmm, maybe I should PM her.
Tachi- said:
Maybe accupuncture may aleviate some of that pain in your leg....if that doesn't work maybe the hospital is the place to go.
I thought about acupuncture, I've asked around and a couple friends recommended me a couple places. I've ring them up and one wasn't picking up the phone at alll and the other is on holidays and will be back next week :'( Just my luck, I guess. I keep on thinking about going to Chinatown and just go to any one I can find there, but then again, I don't want to go to a dodgy place. No non sterilized needles around me, please.

BlackWolf said:
I'm kinda..not allowed it, with the whole sugar thing, i'm already ill as it is, i don't want to be ill with my diabeties as well :p
My recipe is lemon, a smashed clove of garlic and water. You can add a sweetener if you'd like. It's taste is awful, but never it fails me.

Jayme said:
Chaos, what up with the ****** server icon in the address bar? I want a Minako there, not this piece of **** square.
Good point. If you've got any skills to make me a favicon.ico with minako, I'll be more than happy to add it :)

Ryo Chan said:
ahhhhh help i haven the dentist and hygeneist in 40 mins :(
Mine is schedule for this thursday. And I'll have to put a crown :'(

Tachi- said:
I've got another letter in the post lastnight, 2.5years without seeing the optician....reason: they said i have perfect eyesight so no need to come back till 2 years, so i left it. they said to come too busy....i'll go at some point in the next 6 months :p
I believe it's been 5 years since I've last visited the optician. It's mandatory to renew your driver's license and the force you to renew it every 5 years. I don't believe it's a bad thing though. Some people's eyesight really deteriorate over time. I'm thinking about Mr Magoo here =D
I suppose I have a few minutes to spare later. I do have some decent image manipulation stuff so, yeah, out of boredom I might make something. ;p
You'll never know until you ask, chaos :)
If she says yes then be smooth and just enjoy a different day out.... If she says no then don't worry, plenty more girls in the UK :)

As for appointments in gerenal, i hate my dentist, he's out to make money and nothing more. "slipping" and accidentally turning my tooth into a blender with the main ingredient being my ****ing nerve! that wasn't on ¬_¬ Ended up with 2 route canals and a crown from that tospots "mistakes" So i just take care of my teeth as best as i can and ignore going to his appointments.

And the opticians....their nice people, i just don't want to pay £20 to find out i'm right, My eyes are perfect....and should i ever need glasses in the future; i suit glasses, i used to wear glasses as a young child but grew out of them (don't ask) and I'm an I.T Technician so it'll only make me look the part :p
I haven't been to an optician since I was 10 making this my 16th year since I've seen one. Also I went to see my doctor for the first time in 7 years a couple of weaks ago. He thought I'd left the area. lol

Anywho, morning people. I'm busy as usual. Just thought I'd pop on and say hello.... besides putting mt votes in for the character battles. =P
Mono...*grumble*...stealing my thunder...*grumble*.... ;)

The Char battles have been mostly no brainers for me so far but I'm not looking forward to later rounds.
I'm fine just feeling a lil bit ill, but feeling better after some Zeta Gundam so i'm now writting again :)

@Voddas i just know ryo is going to be evil and pit my two favourite Type Moon characters against each other :(