The General Conversation Area

Morning all and Tachi... I've been having some problems with AUKN yesterday and this morning. Keeps giving me a white screen or and error. I litrally have to close Explorer to open the site up again. Other sites have been fine though. Very strange.

Not a lot to report on the Voddas front. Reasonably chilled night last night. Watched Inglorious Basterds finally for the first time. I've had the DVD since Christmas. Good film.
Morning Voddas....

I feel like garfield i'm going to read garfield comics online.

Maybe i'll wake up around 4pm.....miracles happen every so often....
Morning Manga! *greets*

Not doing to bad today. Obviously wish I wasn't in work but all's not too bad. I've reached the midweek lull so everything is nice and steady.

Oh! Going skiing for the day this coming Monday! :thumb:
Morning Manga.....i feel rubbish today....really tired, sore throat, stomach ache and heads killing me.

But apart from that i'm alright cheers, you?
Hi Tachi

Voddas, thanks for letting me know this. I'll check what sort of silly thing the host company says is the issue now. Seriously, If I hadn't paid for a year in advance, I would have moved already =(
Hi-Ho everyone. :D *Stars sparkle around him as he waves*
Bit of an unusual start today, since on days I have a lie-in, I wake up between 9-11am. Got up at 7:30 today, and felt refreshed still. Go figure...
@Voddas - I'd rather have a go at snow boarding compared to ski-ing. Less equipment to struggle with and put on. ;)

@Tachi - .... I think I've taken poor Tachi's Karma. Sorry!
Chaz said:
@Voddas - I'd rather have a go at snow boarding compared to ski-ing. Less equipment to struggle with and put on. ;)
I can do both but I find skiing more fun off piste. Also, when I said I was skiing on Monday, I haven't decided whether to ski or board yet. Ooooh, desicions! XD

Mangaman74 said:
Throws shotgun to Voddas....
Cheers, *takes aim at Tach's ill little head*

Wait... I think he's already gone.

@Chaos: The problem is no where near as bad as it was. It's just caught me a few times over the last two days. When does the contract run out by the way?
Voddas said:
No wait, he's alive... and he makes a good arrgument.

*puts shotgun down*

12 hours it is then.

Tbh, i think rational thinkin..... The sore throat must have been from sleeping with my mouth open - its been happening alot recently :(

The stomach ache - dunno.

Headache.....being sat infront of a pc all day, then another 3 hours at college, then infront of a tv for 2 hours, )-repeat proccess two days running, and now back infront of a pc ¬_¬
Tachi- said:
Headache.....being sat infront of a pc all day, then another 3 hours at college, then infront of a tv for 2 hours, )-repeat proccess two days running, and now back infront of a pc ¬_¬
Nope... I still dont see the problem here. :p
Chaz said:
Tachi- said:
Headache.....being sat infront of a pc all day, then another 3 hours at college, then infront of a tv for 2 hours, )-repeat proccess two days running, and now back infront of a pc ¬_¬
Nope... I still dont see the problem here. :p

(shhh, i don't think it was really that......but if i stick to that story then it's works fault i'm ill so i'll be allowed to go home) i've got rid of having to do on call :p
Hi Manga / Chaz, s'up?

Voddas said:
@Chaos: The problem is no where near as bad as it was. It's just caught me a few times over the last two days. When does the contract run out by the way?
Anyway, if I can fix it, I'll be happier :)
Contract runs out in July or August, can't really remember from the top of my head, but there's a few months ahed of it yet :(
Morning People:

@Tach: Seems you've caught something as well, its almost like everyone has caught something of a sorts in the last couple of days. I was feeling quite crappy yesterday, not to bad now though.

@chaos: Just curious, and it is a wee thing, but the icon on the tab beside the web page name has changed to a blue grid type thing, that anything to do with us?
I don't use firefox, i use chrome, but if the icon itself changed, i would imagine that would be shown regardless of browser. I was just curious really, as said, its only a wee thing, but it won't change anything.