The General Conversation Area

Arbalest said:
@chaos: Just curious, and it is a wee thing, but the icon on the tab beside the web page name has changed to a blue grid type thing, that anything to do with us?
mm, I didnt' add that at all.
It's a favicon.ico, but we never defined one for AUKN... I don't see it here, but if I'm not mistaken, you're talking about the hosting company favicon :S I can't believe they are adding their own stuff to the website. I'll have a look once I'm home.
chaos said:
Arbalest said:
@chaos: Just curious, and it is a wee thing, but the icon on the tab beside the web page name has changed to a blue grid type thing, that anything to do with us?
mm, I didnt' add that at all.
It's a favicon.ico, but we never defined one for AUKN... I don't see it here, but if I'm not mistaken, you're talking about the hosting company favicon :S I can't believe they are adding their own stuff to the website. I'll have a look once I'm home.

I noticed the same thing. It changed a few days ago. I just assumed you'd been adding things
Sounds like a conspiracy to me.... perhaps you killed the real Chaos months ago and your actually some twisted Favicon undercover spy?!!?!

Voddas said:
Sounds like a conspiracy to me.... perhaps you killed the real Chaos months ago and your actually some twisted Favicon undercover spy?!!?!

*thinks to himself "Where is that delete post button again...."*
"Who watches the Watchmen?"

Afternoon all. I have to say I actually prefer this new checkerboard favicon to the folded corner piece of paper which was there before.
All these conversations about these tab changes has me feeling like I'm missing out on a crop circle. All I've got, and have always had is the Explorer logo. Groovy!
well this is a good day

30 mins late from work because some silly ***** tried to pull a scam, and me being the secruity officer had to wait for the cops to arrive.

then i decided to cook my chicken in my halogen oven, after 15 mins, i discovered that putting tinfoil over the chicken while the oven is on, kinda defeats the idea of a halogen oven XD

i'm hungry, and cold :(
Just sorted out my journey plan for tomorrow, now I'm incredibly psyched to see Dr. Horrible/Barney Stinson/Doogie Howser and all round human extraordinaire - Neil Patrick Harris.

<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>

*keeps a good few feet away*

Sorry mate, no greeting hug or kisses from me today. ;)

Been to the Doctor then have we? No wonder you've feeling like crap.
no, i'm hoping to get an appointment tonight...... really didn't/don't want to be in work right now, i don't even have a voice ¬_¬

Sat here in spreadsheets so i'm alright though....just digging up files and CV's and other things and sorting out my backlog of Admin requests.
Morning Choas and ...Chun Li... Hey Spyro, why the name change?

@Tach: Don't let the Teamleader aware you can't speak otherwise she could argue all she wanted and win.
Voddas said:
Morning Choas and ...Chun Li... Hey Spyro, why the name change?

@Tach: Don't let the Teamleader aware you can't speak otherwise she could argue all she wanted and win.

My teamleaders a bloke lol....and i've told him i can hardly talk, its hardly something i can cover up....he sits to my left afterall lol

Hopefuly will be at the docs tonight and see if i can get this sorted.
Still don't like antibiotics......shutting down my immune system :(
Hardly ever get a cold......yet the slightest whiff of a throat infection and i'll fall down ill from it.
i now know where its come from too, declan (who lives across the road from us has a throat infection and came across on monday night.... probably left spores in our house ¬_¬ )
I could have sworn it was a woman... *shrug* Ah well. You should try Sporaway Spray, tested on babies, it's your best defence against spore attacks. Now comes in new car scent.

Get some Carvonia mate. That has worked for me in the past. :thumb: