The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
News is quite literally depressing Black; Studies have shown there's a direct correlation between how much news someone reads / watches and how depressed they are.

Good thing i'm too busy to read about how terrible the world is.

I agree with you Voddas, i'll be glad to leave this building at 5pm and breathe a breath of freedom (even if its for only 66 hours :p) Atleast today seems to be abit less manic. i can relax slightly.....which is strange as i have roughly the same workload (things have come in as quick as i've got rid of the last batch of things to do) But for the moment the phone is sat quietly. *touches wood that the only calls he gets are from his staff accepting work*

Bayonetta is a great game :) it looks....abit short though. i could be wrong but the way its looking i'm over halfway through it in under 4 hours.
Good Morrow all

thought i'd come online to watch Conan O'Brien and his take on Bang Zoom part 2, where they dub over 'Blood the last vampire'
very comical. Just cause they're now deciding at NBC to give him and his show the "tin tack" so to speak.
Tachi- said:
ayase said:
News is quite literally depressing Black; Studies have shown there's a direct correlation between how much news someone reads / watches and how depressed they are.
Good thing i'm too busy to read about how terrible the world is.
I still keep feeding BBC News 24 directly into my brain for a couple of hours a day anyway... I think I'd rather be depressed than uninformed. The thing to do is realise that there's not a lot you can do about much of it anyway, even if you wanted to. Which I'm not even sure I do.

Saturday is my Friday now I'm working set days, so I have to wait a day. However, I do now get three days off afterwards. :p
Yeah i know what you mean Ayase, in one aspectits best to know whats going on, the last thing anyone wants is to be the last person to know that were at war with another country and when everyone else has got sorted....i'm sat there playing tiddlywinks :p

But i live a fairly comfortable life with a "don't sweat the small stuff" attitude to life.
Absolutely the best way, and also how I like to live. Don't stress about what you cannot change. Life is for enjoying, and so long as you are happy it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor.
Tachi- said:
Got into work late (by 5 mins) and because the taxi took 20 mins to get to my house. Atleast i only had to pay £2.50 for a £5 journey.
Ah, the lifestyle of those who commute to work by taxi! =D But, in fairness, £2.5 is the same as my train fare, if I've paid for it in cash.

ayase said:
News is quite literally depressing Black; Studies have shown there's a direct correlation between how much news someone reads / watches and how depressed they are.
Mmm, I read the all the headlines in two news websites every workday and I don't consider myself depressed at all.

ayase said:
I still keep feeding BBC News 24 directly into my brain for a couple of hours a day anyway... I think I'd rather be depressed than uninformed. The thing to do is realise that there's not a lot you can do about much of it anyway, even if you wanted to. Which I'm not even sure I do.
Maybe the realization those things are beyond you is what keeps you sane =)
I guess I roll that way as well. Unless, of course, that I'm directly involved in it or know someone directly involved in it.

ayase said:
Saturday is my Friday now I'm working set days, so I have to wait a day. However, I do now get three days off afterwards. :p
So now you've got Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off?
Actually, that's not a bad thing =)

Tachi- said:
But i live a fairly comfortable life with a "don't sweat the small stuff" attitude to life.
All the way, mate!

Mutsumi said:
Absolutely the best way, and also how I like to live. Don't stress about what you cannot change. Life is for enjoying, and so long as you are happy it doesn't matter if you are rich or poor.
I agree with this partially. Sometimes we do have to push things a bit just to make sure we can / cannot change them and also, there are certain things we need to try and change even if we have little hope of changing.

At least this is how I feel about life in general.
chaos: Sure, sometimes it can be enjoyable to try & change something even though you've no hope of success, because the attempt itself brings satisfaction.

Tachi- said:
Mutsumi. do you own any .Hack anime?

An interesting question... Why do you ask?

No I do not own any, but I have watched the original .hack//SIGN anime, just none of the .hacks than came after it.

Oh btw, not received the Darkness DVDs yet. What date did you mail em and should I be concerned yet?
Mutsumi said:
chaos: Sure, sometimes it can be enjoyable to try & change something even though you've no hope of success, because the attempt itself brings satisfaction.
I couldn't have said better myself =)

So, Mutsumi, did you pass your Mensa test?
chaos said:
Maybe the realization those things are beyond you is what keeps you sane =)
I guess I roll that way as well. Unless, of course, that I'm directly involved in it or know someone directly involved in it.
I'm pretty convinced that's the case now. Once you see that things are outside of your control, you cease being so bothered about them. I don't think that there are things people can't change or help, but if you want to you have to commit yourself to doing that; Don't like the way the country is being run? Become a politician if you really want to change things, otherwise you're just wasting your time thinking about it.*

ayase said:
So now you've got Sunday, Monday and Tuesday off?
Actually, that's not a bad thing =)
Not a bad thing at all. That's the way it's going to be until the end of March, after which (all going well) I'll hopefully be a free agent again.

*I say 'now' in my first sentence because I am aware that I have shifted my position on this. I'm not a hypocrite, I just think differently to how I used to. ;)
It went in the NHS postal service yesterday at 2pm. I enclosed the .Hack/Sign dvd for you, for the inconvenience that you've had (me being really crap at sorting things for delivery)

Ithink that it'll turn up latest - tomorrow. If it doesn't give me a shout and i'll go moan to the royal mail.

My anime i'm importing from america was ordered 14/1/10, dispatched between 15/1/10 and 18/1/10 and estimated delivery between 19/1/10 and 1/2/10

I would have thought they wouldn't leave it to the last day(s) ¬_¬
Mutsumi said:
chaos: Not done the Mensa test yet. I'm a lazy bugger who puts things off. XD
Go and do it. So I have someone who can tell me what that's like as the only thing that comes to my mind is the "Me, Myself and Irene" jokes =)