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Me :)
the heat guy J boxset (which was a complete joke, no not the anime, just the fact i had 3 disc 3:1's and 2 disc 3:2's and one disc 1:1) Was traded in and i only had to pay £20 because for the inconvenience i got a discount ^_^

Edit: Mutsumi, the thought of the pope owning a ps3 is comical, but the idea that the pope is playing a game where he kills angels is even funnier.
But doesn't that work out that you paid £35 in all? You can get the game cheaper else where Tachi. They either screwed you or lied about the discount... well, unless they're charging something like £40 full price of course.
Arbalest said:
As for pubs here not carrying as much drink as you lot, keep in mind, this IS Scotland we are talking about, not some english pub ;p
I'm brazilian. I've got no idea what that means. I've only know pubs in London and in Belfast.

Voddas said:
But doesn't that work out that you paid £35 in all? You can get the game cheaper else where Tachi. They either screwed you or lied about the discount... well, unless they're charging something like £40 full price of course.
well, most places I've see are selling it new for 42, which is the main reason I still don't have it :S
Voddas said:
But doesn't that work out that you paid £35 in all? You can get the game cheaper else where Tachi. They either screwed you or lied about the discount... well, unless they're charging something like £40 full price of course.

They took the £15 i paid for the heat guy J boxset and put that against the bayonetta game. bringing the price £38 down to £23, then they took off £3. odd as 10% off of the £38 of the regular price.

So i got it cheap. From my calculations it was only £19.80, so rounding it up its £20 :)
Fare enough Tachi. :thumb:
For anyone who hasn't got a crap boxset to return, there's always Amazon selling at a tasty £29.99. That's the cheapest I could find anyway.

edit: Afternoon Black.
how is everything voddas? thanks again for commenting on my pictures :) (a hint to others there >_> ) It's been printed off now and would be on my wall if it wasn't for the frame being stupid and deciding that it doesn't want to stay on the wall.
BlackWolf said:
good aftenoon guys :) how is everyone?

I'm fine cheers black. just had a mad hour where i had people calling me back and after the madness i couldn't remember for the life of me what i needed to speak to people about. i remembered about 5mins ago so thats all sorted. thankfully i leave cryptic messages all over my spreadsheets, they mean nothing to anone (sometimes not even to me) until i need the info. then it works and helps me remeber :)

:eek: only an hour and a half to go? times flying round, better get back to it.....
Wish I only had an hour to go. ¬_¬
Hey Black, all's well in the land of Voddas Kingdom. Less work would be nice but I can't complain. Signed up to a 40 mile charity walk this year. It will be my fourth time. Though I only finished it three of those four times. It's quite hellish.
A charity walk eh? You just have to get into shape in time :p Longest walk i done like that was from one place on the east coast to another, i think it was something like 10-15 miles. Sounds vague i know but it was some odd 15 years ago now. I was quite bored by the end of it.
I need to whip into shape bad! Starting my training this weekend. I was working in a pub the only time I failed. Was at work till 2am the night before, then went out for an hour. Got home and watched Ice Age. Then I got up, got dressed and got a lift to the start of the race at 6am.

I managed 32 miles! And all with no sleep!

I was much fitter then like. :roll: Plus, my body hated me for like a month afterwards.
For the PS3, I don't mind the loading times.
I don't know if you guys play any of the ratchet and clank series but "a crack in time" was a very good game, and for a simple £30 i wouldn't knock it.

I'm tempted by assasins creed 2, but i'm slightly miffed with the new games that are out. in old games if you completed a mission you got a bronze, where as in the most recent games your given a SILVER! so basically all people with new ps3's can get further throphy levels for nothing compared to people who've owned ps3's ages and had to work to raise their level.

I eat alot....some would argue too much, But having a high metabolism; i can afford to eat like theres no tomorrow :) I go to the gym 3 times a week so all food that could become fat get turned into muscle. seems to have worked....since leaving school....where i was 8 stone, i'm now nearly 11 stone. no fat ^_^
The state I'm in, I'd be happy to get half way. O_O
I'm gonna try though. Not only is it for good causes, but it'll give me an excuse to get out and exercise more. It's gonna be hard, especially with my almost new PS3 glistening at me.

Edit: The medals are awarded on difficulty. I can't say there's more medals than before from what I can see. Maybe some games it can be easier. Assasins Creed had a few loading spots that did get a little annoying, but it was worth it. Uncharted 2 on the other hand only has one load at the start and the rest is done during scenes. Sweeet.
Does that really matter though? I mean its only a game /waits for death threats :p

I've got a similar mind with the 360s acheivements, if some went to me saying hah i've got a better gamerscore then you i would probably just say "maybe that's because i've got more of a life then you" (probably not true but gives me the moral highground)
Right, finally finished uni for the day..damn 6 hours of lectures =/

@Tach: Bayonetta is great, i need to work through the second playthrough now which is definitely harder, but just as much fun, if not more so. From what i know(and this'll answer skikes question on it too) the PS3 Bayonetta is finally set to get a patch which will solve the loading problems which have been complained about since it was released, so i would imagine that would be released soon enough, so you won't have to worry about loading times as much.