The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
I'd prefer to be out in the field rather than working from a base....its dull work being behind a pc for the most part of the day.

That's what I do the whole day!

But I guess the nature of what I do makes up for the "dullness" of sitting in front of a PC the whole day.
Bah. Got a letter through in the mail saying i hadn't paid for my flat last month. Kinda annoyed me but i did remember my old card expired because of circumstances we didn't expect, so had to go pay for last month and this month and change my recurring payments to me new card. Bah, its almost like these problems are waiting for the right moment to jump out at me =/ Just when i sorted everything else too.
Tachi- said:
I knew what he was on about....Aren't you a technician that works between schools manga?

I'd prefer to be out in the field rather than working from a base....its dull work being behind a pc for the most part of the day.

Wrong on both counts. What I do is more data input. As for where I work, it is not in the public sector domain. It is a company that publishes free newspapers (the advertising revenue pays the costs).
You Ba*****s!! I was so nice and friendly, and now you've gone and betrayed me, with my brother of all people! :p

I'm 32" waist, 5ft 1" tall and average build (like I can get ripped...) I dont do much exercise, and I haven't done any rugby in years, so the only thing I have is Taekwondo.

But like they say, "It's not the size of the dog, it's how hard the bite." ^_^
I'm feeling pretty disgusted that Martha Coakley (Democrat) lost to Scott Brown in ******* MASSACHUSETTS for ******* TED KENNEDY'S SEAT! (!!!). I mean, really, Massachusetts? You're going to let Teddy Kennedy's seat in the Senate be used to cast the vote that will completely halt universal healthcare? That is ****** up; you elect him for decades and decades to work in the Senate on his life's cause, heathcare for poor people, and then he dies and you go and elect a moron anti-reform Republican like Scott Brown? :'[
Going through the from the beginning is cheering me up a bit though. It's interesting to see that AUKN has it's share of pretty and or sexy people as well as ... not so pretty people and just average people, too. JUST LIKE REAL LIFE! :O One highlight of the thread is McIcy being in total denial about his weight and taking offence to someone saying he looks like Peter Kay. LOL! :]
CitizenGeek said:
I'm feeling pretty disgusted that Martha Coakley (Democrat) lost to Scott Brown in **** MASSACHUSETTS for **** TED KENNEDY'S SEAT! (!!!). I mean, really, Massachusetts? You're going to let Teddy Kennedy's seat in the Senate be used to cast the vote that will completely halt universal healthcare? That is **** up; you elect him for decades and decades to work in the Senate on his life's cause, heathcare for poor people, and then he dies and you go and elect a moron anti-reform Republican like Scott Brown? :'[
The Dems aren't entirely blameless either though. Didn't exactly pick a sure thing with Martha Coakley, did they? Surely they could have persuaded someone with the surname Kennedy to run? Even so, American politics has become very much style over substance; They should have drafted in a celebrity or something. If their real job was intended to be 'seat filler' anyway, it wouldn't have mattered much who it was. Will Smith or somebody.
I know, Coakley was a bad candidate, she ran a bad campaign, etc. I'm still annoyed that the progressive agenda of the Democrat's is now more or less in ruins because the people of Massachusetts wanted to make a silly point :[
I still don't see why people would be try to stop a better health care system from getting the go ahead anyway. Those who can afford private would still use them, its almost like the Republicans have gotten it into everyone's heads that something like this is bad. Then again maybe they've been taken all the jokes about our NHS too literally
BlackWolf said:
I still don't see why people would be try to stop a better health care system from getting the go ahead anyway.
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Haha, nicely done ayase. I'm really shocked at the behaviour of Republicans in this session of the Senate. They're just loathsome and this Brown character is bolstering their numbers :'[
Morning all.

Chaz...your tiny! I'm 5ft 9.5, Medium/toned build (getting bigger thanks to the gym and eating so much ^_^ i only really need my biceps bigger, then i'll be happy, the rest is fine) 32inch waist.

@Stuart, They came round....we sat drinking till 1am. It was a good night, i'm just shattered this morning.
Ryo Chan said:
augh please just kill me now

this cold is doing my head in

Mornin Ryo,

The best thing for a cold is a hot toddy. If you know how to make one then it'll be the best thing for you.
I could fall asleep at any moment....I had a earlier night than i did the day before but i'm even more tired?

*Mumbles and walks off towards the kitchen* Can't live with being one of the walking dead anymore...
Hey everybody.

Strange how quiet days and busy days both online and IRL synchronise sometimes. Yesterday I had tons of messages to reply to and things to do here; Today is deathly quiet everywhere, or so it seems...

Tachi- said:
But with that, Tachi may well have saved me from boredom. :thumb:
not as busy as I thought I'd be today, but I've got a few things to take care around here today.

Other than that, looking forward to the weekend where I plan to finish organizing my DVD's in the files I've bought a month ago :p