The General Conversation Area

Morning people. :D

I was the same Tach. Was up till 3.15am playing Uncharted 2. Was only planning to play for an hour and then watch some anime to wind down but I totaly got sucked in. I love this game!!
stuart-says-yes said:
what about RUI ? also It should be done in rounds like the character battle
eg. round 1 Will o' the wisp vs skikles
I was thinking of her, but yes, we do have mono as well. And if Trashbat returns for good we have three regular posters, yay! =D

Tachi- said:
As chaos has already said....mono doesn't post pics of herself so it'd be a sausage fest compo for who's better looking....that alone could make AUKN look like a gay anime forum.
She's been so quiet lately, I wasn't counting her as a regular. But I haven't been to the chat much and I know she often lurks there.

Tachi- said:
I'm picturing things like top trumps. a pic of yourself and then below your qualities; Anime knowledge. how many series watched. (same for manga) and things like "Frequent poster number" or something lol.
Then Death jester will be our king =)
He knows every obscure anime character ever created, watches all the ongoing series as well as have 20 days ahead of me on anime watching (mind that I've been doing this for almost 20 years now, which is about he's age :p)

ilmaestro said:
You guys really need to think up better forum events.
Agree =)

Talking about games. I really wanted to buy bayonetta. Is it worth it? I mean, should I buy it for full RRP, when I'm sure that if I wait a couple months I'll be able to get it for half its current price?
Morning all.

Had a nice time last night after a very dull day. It was my sister's boyfriend's 21st so went out for a nice Italian meal which totally left me fit to burst afterwards. I was slightly drunk after only one bottle of Peroni as I'd had nothing to eat since breakfast. :lol:

chaos said:
Talking about games. I really wanted to buy bayonetta. Is it worth it? I mean, should I buy it for full RRP, when I'm sure that if I wait a couple months I'll be able to get it for half its current price?
Do what any sensible gamer over a certain age does; Wait for all the kids who paid full RRP to get bored of it and trade it in. Gamestation will be flooded with used copies inside of two months. ;)
Voddas, you really need to change your psn so that it logs in automatically. That way when i'm sat there in the eary hours i can pester you lol.

Works coming out of the woodwork in every direction. i'm known for my long fuse....but today i'm about ready to tell everything to **** off or risk being burnt (i'll become a pyromaniac and start throwing molotov cocktails at all paperwork)

I'm working up for that pint tonight. at a party so i shall have a good night of winding down from a hectic week and luckily me and the missus can head back to hers and i can steal all the sheets ^_^
Girl I was going out before Christmas went out on holidays, came back and seems to be ignoring me :(

If I don't hear from her again over the weekend, I should consider moving on... :'(

Morning Black, Chaos and Ayase. *salutes*

I'm only half here due to masses of work to do. ¬_¬

@Chaos: I too want (need) Bayonetta. I can't justify it untill I clear some of my PS3 games. I was planning on doing what Ayase suggested and go for 2nd hand at Gamestation.

edit: That sucks Chaos. :(
BlackWolf said:
I'll say hello next time i'm on chat :p

got an email from one of the jobs i applied for...i'm scared to open it

More likely to be good news, most places just don't contact applicant's back if their unsuccessfull.

I maybe wrong though....Good luck!
BlackWolf said:
Okay its not what i thought it was. Strange...They just sent me back what i put down on the form with the message that "its recieving attention" :S

What did you write to them? like an online CV?
If so then it's more than likely just being proccessed and their just letting you know that they've picked up on it. to save you worrying or sending a second copy.
Maybe they're just very thorough WRT keeping you informed Black. You'll know this is the case if you get another one tomorrow saying "We have finished reviewing your application". ;)

@chaos - Sorry to hear that mate, will keep my fingers crossed for you though.
ayase said:
Maybe they're just very thorough WRT keeping you informed Black. You'll know this is the case if you get another one tomorrow saying "We have finished reviewing your application". ;)

@chaos - Sorry to hear that mate, will keep my fingers crossed for you though.

You mean "We've finished reviewing your application...Never talk to us again"

Well I must be going now, got an appointment in town with the good ole useless job centre, may be back later, but just in case i don't.

Have a great weekend guys :) take care and remember this lesson- "if the lights are coming towards you, run...away from the lights as running to them would just be stupid"
I'm back...well for a little while at least, the appointment isn't till 2 it seems.

@Arby You just seen that message i left nearly 12 hours ago :p and yeah i do like it, quite a lot actually, I can't wait to get on with the next 10 chapters. Shame i can't say the same for Bleach
BlackWolf said:
I'll say hello next time i'm on chat :p

got an email from one of the jobs i applied for...i'm scared to open it
=) Good luck

Voddas said:
@Chaos: I too want (need) Bayonetta. I can't justify it untill I clear some of my PS3 games. I was planning on doing what Ayase suggested and go for 2nd hand at Gamestation.

edit: That sucks Chaos. :(
I'm like that as well. I've got three games played halfway and never cleared. Tekken 6, Folklore and Need for speed. I shall spend this weekend playing games and feeling sorry for myself. On second thought, I might try to give some friends I haven't seen for a while a call and maybe go out for a beer or something.

At least two of my friends moved flats I might pay them a visit.

ayase"@chaos - Sorry to hear that mate said:
You mean "We've finished reviewing your application...Never talk to us again"
Think positive. Negativism will only get you moody and if I were an employer, I wouldn't like to hire someone who seemed negative to me.

BlackWolf said:
Well I must be going now, got an appointment in town with the good ole useless job centre, may be back later, but just in case i don't.
Once again, good luck!

BlackWolf said:
Have a great weekend guys :) take care and remember this lesson- "if the lights are coming towards you, run...away from the lights as running to them would just be stupid"
=P lol
If you where an employer know you'd want to hire me, I'd balance **** hitting the fan with a regular/high appearance on AUKN :p

I have news though.....the **** maybe hitting the fan ina major way.....but somehow.....i'm winning.