The General Conversation Area

Jayme said:
Yeah, I quite want it myself, Spyro. I had to put the lulz in front of my actual opinion, you see. I did it for the lulz.

I see, lol.

Much better than Vista. Thankfully I never went on Vista, but i've seen friends who have it, and it's horrific.
The Vauxhall Akira? Just co-incidence, or subliminal influence? You decide...

Morning all,

The internets working fully. I can see Youtube vids on here and ebay (amongst others) is unblocked, so by the looks of it I.T have cottoned on that i've bypassed their restrictions :lol:

Hopefully they won't try to block here, or else i'll have to find another way in ¬_¬
There are restrictions on my restrictions! Complete nightmare to try and look at anything remotely intresting on out computers. Thank god for my iPhone. ^___^

Morning Tachi. Have a good weekend? (besides the spud knocking joker)
Morning Mate,

I'm alright thanks, Yeah that guy almost got beaten up by 3 other people that night. All for the same reason aswell, not that i'm particularly bothered as i'd warned him so if he doesn't want to learn then he'll only end up getting hurt.

Saturday was an interesting day/night. I played Ratchet and clank: a crack in time most of the day (i completed it lastnight....ONLY 7 MORE TROPHIES TILL MY FIRST PLAT!) Then went round kayls at about 8. watched step brothers (rather funny film) Beckah and ajames came over, we all sat up talking and joking. watching tv and having a few drinks (my off stomach felt much better after the 3rd beer) When it came to going to sleep them two slept in the bottom bunk bed. Me and kayls slept on the sofa in her room (she said that she didn't think the top bunk would hold the weight if i was sleeping on it too ¬_¬ ) So we slept on this small was horrible, i'm too tall for a two seater! Then i woke up and a cat was sleeping on my stomach, another was purring whilst it clawed my arm! and a small dog was sleeping to my side, kayls had got up and left me to become a warm pillow for animals ¬_¬

Got home at 10am....went to bed and got up at 2pm. carried on playing ratched and clank.
Sounds like a good weekend Tach. Wish I'd have had more time to play Uncharted 2. A freaking love that game!! I have to buy Bayonetta too. It's on my PS3 hit list for next month. I have to complete Uncharted and play threw MGS4 before I'm allowed though. Oh the pain... lol.

@Ryo: Gotta love MW2. I feel like I've been neglecting my PC since I got my PS3 though. I'll give it a hug when I get home... I'm sure he'll understand.
Morning all. Hope you guys had a good weekend. Mine was all right. I've got free tickets to see Mamma mia at the O2 and I actually enjoyed.
I like the fact youe said you "actually" enjoyed it. I bet you'd been looking forward to it. lol

Don't definately don't mind Abba, never seen the show but hated the movie. Just kinda grated on me.

Brosnan singing!?! *bork*

Oh, and mornin Chaos. :p
Being attacked and clawed by a masochistic demon cat :lol: Yup, a lovely weekend :p I enjoyed it, was very tiring though.
I've got a backlog on anime and games atm...but i'm being abit hesitant with my money because i'm still unsure if my dept will be here come april the first. If its not then 3 weeks later i'll finish my I.T Course and won't care anyway.

Anime Backlog:
The rest of She, the ultimate weapon and the OVA.
Heat Guy J - the complete series
-In the post-
Dragonball Z series 1-3. 18 discs and thousands of minutes (like christmas again :lol:)

Ratchet and clank: Tools of destruction
Ratchet and clank: Quest for booty
(still unsure if i should bother, its pretty much the same as the first) Assasins creed 2.
R.U.S.E (looks like it could be the best strategy game for a good long time)