The General Conversation Area

Guys, i've been asked to pass a message on from Mono (if you haven't already heard it that is)

Mononoke said:
if they want to speak to me send me a PM, use the general convo thread or leave me a message on MAL

Seems she won't be around as much anymore :(
BlackWolf said:
Guys, i've been asked to pass a message on from Mono (if you haven't already heard it that is)

Mononoke said:
if they want to speak to me send me a PM, use the general convo thread or leave me a message on MAL

Seems she won't be around as much anymore :(

Thanks Black and it's only the chat that I won't able to on anymore but I will still be able to get on the forums by sneaking on here at college and using one of the libray computers in town :p
BlackWolf said:
Guys, i've been asked to pass a message on from Mono (if you haven't already heard it that is)

Mononoke said:
if they want to speak to me send me a PM, use the general convo thread or leave me a message on MAL

Seems she won't be around as much anymore :(

Thanks Black and it's only the chat that I won't able to on anymore but I will still be able to get on the forums by sneaking on here at college and using one of the libray computers in town :p

Aww Mono :( Are you changing internet providers or moving home? or maybe your internet set up has broken? Either way....hopefully you'll be back on the chat soon.

Trust transition meeting this morning so i'll be off the floor....seeing if (in basic terms) me and the rest of the dept all have jobs come april 1st.

Mutsumi: i haven't forgotten, i'm just seriously backed up with too many things on my hands at present...i'll have them posted out tomorrow latest (2pm today earliest) It'll have about 10 stamps on it though :p (postal means nothing to me....i usually send all my post to a franking office for them to do it and send it all out. (can't do that with personal post)
Morning Tachi!

Sorry to hear that Mono... not that I was on the chat at all. :p I'll still see you online.

I was loving my bed waaay too much this morning. Sarah ended up screaming at me lol. "Your gonna be late!" Yeah well, I wasn't and two people haven't come in and three more are in training for the day... I forsee possible hellishness on the horizon.

Ah well! *starts whistling the Bright Side of Life*
Mutsumi said:
chaos said:
Soho is where prostitutes come from.
I see. London's own red light district.
Did a quick google search and I've been to that region quite a lot, never realized it was like that. forbidden planet is close-ish to there and my favourite pizzeria is there as well.

Thanks Black and it's only the chat that I won't able to on anymore but I will still be able to get on the forums by sneaking on here at college and using one of the libray computers in town :p
I've noticed you were quiet recently. I mean, quieter than usual. ;) hope you sort whatever the issue is soon.

And hey Voddas
Morning Chaos. Hows work for you today. Tach and myself are pritty busy but not too busy. It's the perfect time ticker.

Still wish I was elsewhere of course. :roll:

Just signed up for the Kewick to Barrow 2010 walk. Something I'm not looking to. Has to be done though! >.<

Morning to you also Chaz.
Morning all,

Have neck ache and a headache.....good thing i grabbed the Ibuprofen i keep in my room for emergencies :) booked my theory today....Guess that means i should cram like never before (easily done :p) How's things?
Hey Tachi / Voddas / Chaz
Started the day a bit busy, but it's all right now.
We had some issues with South Africa, but that was easily sorted.
it's fun to be the support contact for people on the other side f the world though :)
Tachi- said:
BlackWolf said:
Guys, i've been asked to pass a message on from Mono (if you haven't already heard it that is)

Mononoke said:
if they want to speak to me send me a PM, use the general convo thread or leave me a message on MAL

Seems she won't be around as much anymore :(

Thanks Black and it's only the chat that I won't able to on anymore but I will still be able to get on the forums by sneaking on here at college and using one of the libray computers in town :p

Aww Mono :( Are you changing internet providers or moving home? or maybe your internet set up has broken? Either way....hopefully you'll be back on the chat soon.

My mum is getting rid of the internet because she can't afford it anymore

I will still be around on the forums and MAL :D

*gives everybody cake and hugs*

This is the song I have been listening to on repeat today:
I will still be around on the forums and MAL :D

*gives everybody cake and hugs*

As long as you're still around a little bit <3

Anyway, morning guys. Woke up with a killer ear ache today and want nothing more than to just laze around. I'm on the verge of grabbing my duvet and snuggling down to a Supernatural marathon. Urgh, feel so crappy :cry:
Don't worry. Mono will still still be around. She's only going round the corner, and not to another town.

Anywho, the afternoons here and I'm praying work wil fly by. Anyone got any plans for this evening?

Ah, afternoon to you Trash and Durial. *salutes*
In a word...Crap, because of that screw up I mentioned a while back involving the job centre, i may end up getting kicked out of the house :( Seems on one cares that we can barely afford to live these days...