The General Conversation Area

Crap, that's bad mate. Can you not apply for HB to help pay the rent? You should get it if you apply for JSA. Or, (which is likely) that's one of the things they fcuked up. The Job Centre doesn't know it's **** from it's elbows sometimes.
The amount of paperwork they lose too is too bad to speak of.

What you thinking of doing?
Yeah, we did have Housing Benefits paying for the rent but the Job Centre saw an end to that pretty quickly.

I don't know, the amount they want is £330 so i'll just have to see if there's a way to pay it off in installments, there's not much else i can do. Although getting a job would make things easier in the long run, looks like my bad job luck is continuing.
The situation with jobs is a right nightmare I know. Alot of it seems to be aimed more at the who you know crowd. Do you know anyone who might be able to put a word in for you? Besides myself (if you lived in the North West).
Thanks mate :) There will be a new guess up in a moment, and in lighter news i finished a new coloured picture, its not in the thread though as i still need to resize it

EDIT: Guess is now up
Anyway, morning guys. Woke up with a killer ear ache today and want nothing more than to just laze around. I'm on the verge of grabbing my duvet and snuggling down to a Supernatural marathon. Urgh, feel so crappy :cry:
Ear ache is possibly one of the most annoying pain one might get. Hoep you get well soon.

BlackWolf said:
erm nope no one, but i've still got jobs to apply for, so hopefully i'll have a job but i just hope its not too late
Hope you can get that sorted soon as well.
Just made a comment twice due to AUKN having an error.

Anywhy, hey Black. I'm 5 episodes into GaoGaiGar after your suggestions. I can't beleive how barely 90's it is. lol
Trshbat... have a large mug full of lemonade and honey, stir it, put it in the microwave for 30seconds, stir again. then sit and drink it.

Add some sugar if you want....But that should do wonders for you if your coming on with a cold.

Hang in there wolfy (see what i did there?)
They should be giving you JSA because you keep going to the job centre looking for a job, You may want to get in touch with someone from your local council, i don't know what they can do but its an idea atleast.
Are you enjoying it so far Voddas?

Thing is Tach i'm not entitled to money from them because my g/f is working they say that we can live alone off her wage (which is a lie) If i had put on the form that we weren't in a relationship then her income wouldn't affect me at all! but because of this i no longer recieve money from them, unless my g/f's pay comes to under £110 a week since apparently that's how much you can live by (obviously some one forgot to tell them that rent is pretty pricey these days and with gas and electric considerations there's barely enough over to pay for food, let alone other bills)
It'll get better Black. My family have been in a similar boat before. when my mum and dad had me we lived off beans on toast for 8 weeks.....It gets better after time, someone out there will give you a break.

(you could go out into the community and trip over an un even floor and sue the council as a last resort.)
BlackWolf said:
Are you enjoying it so far Voddas?
I can't say I'm not. I love old school. The 90's were abundant with gems amongst the rough. Just trying to work out if it's a ruby or saphire so far. Reminds me of Power Rangers, only instead of 5 latex clad youngsters, we have a super cyborg who's "only 22". lol
lol it keeps the monster of the week style for quite a bit but then gets it all together for a plot that takes up the last third of the series

thanks for the comments about the pic :) At least you know what the characters in the stories look like :p
Indeed Black. We'll have to see how the villains come out. They are much more fun to draw in my opinion. Lay on the shade. Heh.

GaeGaiGar hasn't bored me yet don't worry. It's better than a lot of anime's I've sat threw.
G'day people. Just got back from uni. Talk about a boring day and only semi-productive day =/
At least i'm heading out tonight. Bunch of people from uni planned a Pub golf type thing, so i'm going, but only gonna have a drink when we get to the final place. Apparently i'm the one who has to make sure none of them do anything stupid once they've had a few drinks >.> I'll be the one who'll remember everything though, hah.
*daydreams about Uni*

Ah, afternoon Arby. I never went to Uni but that's exactly the kind of stuff I wished I hadn't missed out on. Sounds like your gonna have a good night. Me, I'm goin ti my mams for tea and then home to get sorted for work again. lol I sound so old. o_O
sounds like one of the friday nights i used to enjoy when i was back at uni :p make sure to have a camera handy in case they start doing something that you can use for blackmail- i mean, something they may want to see later.