The General Conversation Area

ilmaestro said:
I... really don't think he was being serious.

I agree.

Tachi- said:
2, You can't tip a soddin country because if you forgot, the earth is a sphere, NO land mass is straight. they run parallel to the curvature of the earth.

I must say though... in principal, if no land mass is straight, then the concept of one being 'tipped' seems plausible. It is probably something akin to when you push one side of a sponge under water, initially one side will go down, while the other rises. I've no knowledge of science or geography relating to this matter however...

Anyway it seemed just joking. He's just saying London is over-populated, which i'm sure many people would agree with, depending on their views with regards to immigration.

Anyway, off to college for me...
/steals Princess' thunder

Morning all.

It was late/early this morning when i posted so i'll admit that fatigue could have played its part... Which is why i tried to say that i wasn't attacking him....his reasoning just sounded too....abstract.
Chaz said:
... I haven't been into Rugby since in High School (where I was in the school team... Those were the days.)
You were in your school rugby team, you practiced Tae-kwon-do... I wouldn't like tot get in a fight with you... =P

Aion said:
Lately, I haven't been updating you guys about my daily walks with Princess. My bad.
Shame on you! I demand a blog for her. A true bitch's blog! =P

Aion said:
Today? Only God knows such things. For now, my future remains on AUKN. Tomorrow? things may change; I cannot say.
Don't go, we <3 you!

Tachi- said:
3, Haggis tastes and looks as horrible as it sounds.....even the welsh found a better use for a sheep than what the scottish have.
LOL - I guess I'll start a blog with the little pearls that appears around here.

Tachi- said:
Im not trying to insult you.... But you may want to think before you type,
I'll assume that you're drunk considering the timestamp in the post. ;)

Spyro201 said:
Anyway it seemed just joking. He's just saying London is over-populated, which i'm sure many people would agree with, depending on their views with regards to immigration.
And when I think that London is such a small, cozy city...

Ryo Chan said:
someone beat up chaz for me :(
Considering the points I've raised about him erlier, I'll pass.
lol. No i was stone cold sober...

I agree with you though, taking note of the jokes around here would be good, who knows....might even be able to make a book lol. Be the first Anime forum to have its own book.

Ryo....What height, weigh and build is chazzy chaz? If he's bigger than me....i can't help. If he's equal or less then just arrange that he's stood in the town centre, outside the town hall at 1.30....not a moment too late....I'll be on my lunch break
Tachi- said:
lol. No i was stone cold sober...

I agree with you though, taking note of the jokes around here would be good, who knows....might even be able to make a book lol. Be the first Anime forum to have its own book.

Ryo....What height, weigh and build is chazzy chaz? If he's bigger than me....i can't help. If he's equal or less then just arrange that he's stood in the town centre, outside the town hall at 1.30....not a moment too late....I'll be on my lunch break
Which town?
Tachi- said:
lol. No i was stone cold sober...

I agree with you though, taking note of the jokes around here would be good, who knows....might even be able to make a book lol. Be the first Anime forum to have its own book.

Ryo....What height, weigh and build is chazzy chaz? If he's bigger than me....i can't help. If he's equal or less then just arrange that he's stood in the town centre, outside the town hall at 1.30....not a moment too late....I'll be on my lunch break

oh come on you wusses, i do no sports what so ever and even i can knock him down, he's tiny :D
wait wait, haggis is horrible? Last i checked, it was nice. Unless you had the beef version or vegetarian option, then i could understand somewhat.

Anywho, morning all. Finally got all the problems with the flat sorted. Payments due are done, and all i have to do now is wait for the people to come and fix the emursion heater and everything will be peachy(finally, hot water). Thankfully today is a day off of uni, i can relax. Do near enough nothing for the whole day.
Morning Arby.

Good to hear everything running smoothly.

(I'm having one of those days....everythings running slowly but i'm sat here playing about in spreadsheets so i can switch off and just get on with bit is, most people leave me alone when i'm in a spreadsheet :) )
I've only ever had haggis once.....Give me a good old irish stew anyday....much nicer :)

Listening to Sowerby and Luffs Podcast :)
Hah nice. Peace and quiet when you have spreadsheet up.

I've never had Irish stew before, so i can't say what that is like. But as haggis is always a tradition here, i tend to have it once yearly, and i still enjoy it. Probably the only time i ever have onions, hah. God how i hate them.

Plumber is in now fixing the heater, so hopefully in the next hour, we will have hot water.
I'm in the same project, but apparently I'm always having a new boss. guess they can't take too much of me for long, and they move on to new things.... some to other projects, other companies and one even to a new country.

It's blooody annoying, as there is no continuity, which means I have to reboot all the time... such pain.

You think work is bad?

I currently have 3 computers and use 5 account packages. 1 version of Sage on the newest computer (currently in the process of importing data & training with this) plus 3 versions of Opera/Pegasus on a 2nd computer plus another version of Opera/Pegasus on the 3rd computer.
mangaman74 said:
You think work is bad?

I currently have 3 computers and use 5 account packages. 1 version of Sage on the newest computer (currently in the process of importing data & training with this) plus 3 versions of Opera/Pegasus on a 2nd computer plus another version of Opera/Pegasus on the 3rd computer.
Not sure what you mean by that. I'm complaining about the fact that my boss keeps changing, which means it makes me bloody hard to get noticed by management to be considered for raises / bonuses / promotions, etc.

I've heard of Sage and pegasus before, but where does opera blends in this pack? Only Opera I know is the browser, at least as far as software is concerned.
I knew what he was on about....Aren't you a technician that works between schools manga?

I'd prefer to be out in the field rather than working from a base....its dull work being behind a pc for the most part of the day.