The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
I'll take a look at making a definitive map later Tach. ;)

It just suddenly became a conversation and then I got lost as to whose names I had put on and whose I hadn't. But you're right, it would be a useful resource.

*takes Ayase's name off his hitlist*

Exxxcelllent :twisted:

Cheers mate, What've you guys been upto?
Decided where your heading to next ayase.....south maybe? :p
Chazzy Chaz, huh? :D Has a nice ring to it...

An hey, it's because they have such shallow pockets it's the reason they spend it like crazy. Pride and money included.

I've been alright myself. Been in work less than usual, but with profits and such in it's slow phase, I'm not suprised. I wouldn't like it to continue though for too long.

Otherwise, just been chilling, looking forward to staff meal comming at the end of the month (Jalfrezi all night!)
Too early to say for sure Tach, there's still stuff to sort out here ATM; But by the end of Feb I'll know what I'm doing and I'll be sure to let you all know. I will say the South is looking increasingly appealing though.
Jayme said:
These's a difference between romance being an element of a show and romance being the show.

Indeed. The extent that it was in Code Geass didn't bother me at all, but it's one part of things that I find just ruins things. I hate romance sub-plots etc.

Voddas: I'd like to try Patlabor, but i'm not really into films. More of a Series kinda guy myself. Something I can really get into kinda thing. I'm definately gonna go through Bebop/Outlaw star/Real Drive though. I think they'll be next on my list.
I'm thinking candidate for goddess, fafner or stratos 4 for you spyro. Fafner was seen quite a while ago and I really enjoyed it. candidate for godess I cant' really say it's fresh in my memory, although I've just got the manga to remember it better, but I'm sure I liked that very much as well and stratos 4 is a nice slice of life/ sci-fi - and was on sale at anime-on-line
Chazzy Chaz said:
Chazzy Chaz, huh? :D Has a nice ring to it...

An hey, it's because they have such shallow pockets it's the reason they spend it like crazy. Pride and money included.

I've been alright myself. Been in work less than usual, but with profits and such in it's slow phase, I'm not suprised. I wouldn't like it to continue though for too long.

Otherwise, just been chilling, looking forward to staff meal comming at the end of the month (Jalfrezi all night!)

Can't complain about not being in work :p
Ahh, now that reminds me. I'm being taken with the rest of the dept for a 3 course meal at some point (i think its the 5th of feb) i just have to foot the bill for drinks....I've asked if they would be willing to do it the other way around and cover the drinks and i'll cover the meal....they said no...I guess they knew that i'd try to drink the place dry.

ayase said:
Too early to say for sure Tach, there's still stuff to sort out here ATM; But by the end of Feb I'll know what I'm doing and I'll be sure to let you all know. I will say the South is looking increasingly appealing though.

Fair enough mate :) There's more money towards the capital...but the prices for housing also are higher, due to the current financial climate were all in the house prices are really low at the moment to its the best time to buy or rent. Plus....if your anywhere near Luton you can bet that i'll be pestering you to head to the pub :p
chaos said:
I'm thinking candidate for goddess, fafner or stratos 4 for you spyro. Fafner was seen quite a while ago and I really enjoyed it. candidate for godess I cant' really say it's fresh in my memory, although I've just got the manga to remember it better,

complete with catgirls =3

though what I remember is that they never really finished the manga, but that was a year ago or more I read about that
Oh, is it on a hiatus? I've seen the whole anime nad it has some sort of ending to it, so I didnt' realized it's still marked as ongoing. (Which by now just means it won't get finished)
stuart-says-yes said:
Also im curious but is the working life that easy for you all of you that you can do some work and drift of on to the internet?

In a word. Yes, But only for some imortant reasons.

1, I'm good at my job, its a piece of piss most of the time.
2, I spend roughly 6 hours a day infront of a pc....the remaining 2 hours is usually spent up over the day having to see to my staff or aid others.
3, I prioritize everything and can contact roughly 5,000 of my staff Via text so it saves me calling people when i need them.

Our dept is actually part of HR....So were pretty high in the workchain ;)
stuart-says-yes said:
Also im curious but is the working life that easy for you all of you that you can do some work and drift of on to the internet?
Easy? No, but that doesn't keep me from coming here every so often.
In any case I work in front of a computer all the time.
I'm a 2xPart timer. That means nobody wants to hire me full time, so I work potentially every day (Mon-sun), but only do 3-6hr shifts (Sunday exempt: I actually do all day, but that's still only 6hrs. Pfft!)

Anyways, been down that road already... Let's kick off onto a different kurb.
Anyone watching the Heineken Cup (Rugy)? Only watched it from last week, of which is rare, since I haven't been into Rugby since in High School (where I was in the school team... Those were the days.)
stuart-says-yes said:
Did you know england is sinking and scotland is rising so the south will become more flood prone. :eek:

yes I did, it's been known for over several years now, from the daily express back in 2001. There's more jobs down south then there is north cause our industry is up the swaney, and this Island has become a top heavy sea-saw. It's perfectly natural really, like the hole in the ozone layer or the effects of global warming since the ice age.

stuart-says-yes said:
What about a different county entirely like the south of france with all the vineyards?

ayase's trying to move, not alienate himself
Spyro201 said:
Voddas said:
There is a Patlabor series also my friend. ;)

O_O Really? I'll look this up then :)

Just in case you did not know, there are several Patlabor series:

There is the 1st ova series - 7 episodes (set before the films). Then there is the TV series - 47 episodes. And finally there is the 2nd ova series - 16 episodes. ... roductions

Also since Outlaw Star has been mentioned, how about Angel Links as it is set in the same universe. Several Angel Links characters appear in one of the Outlaw Star episodes (episode 19 'Law & Lawlessness).
mangaman74 said:
Spyro201 said:
Voddas said:
There is a Patlabor series also my friend. ;)

O_O Really? I'll look this up then :)

Just in case you did not know, there are several Patlabor series:

There is the 1st ova series - 7 episodes (set before the films). Then there is the TV series - 47 episodes. And finally there is the 2nd ova series - 16 episodes. ... roductions

Also since Outlaw Star has been mentioned, how about Angel Links as it is set in the same universe. Several Angel Links characters appear in one of the Outlaw Star episodes (episode 19 'Law & Lawlessness).

Can you reccomend me the viewing order for Patalabor?

And i'm currently loving Outlaw Star. It's badass, seriously. 8) 8)
I myself was introduced to the franchise through the first film. I very much enjoyed it, but I understand that you express a preference for episodic instalments over feature-length material. One supposes you should start with the first OVA or the TV series.
I would suggest watching the series in the following order,

1) The 1st OVA series should be watched first as it is set before the films

2) The TV series is an alternative telling of how the Section 2 is formed

3) The 2nd OVA series is set during and after the TV series including the conclusion of the Griffon storyline from the TV series.
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Lately, I haven't been updating you guys about my daily walks with Princess. My bad.

Usually, because of my aversion to other humans, I take her out between 6-8 AM. However, lately, I've been a lazy **** and have failed to do so, so she's been getting afternoon walks.

Two days ago, I panicked. Why, you ask? Well, I was walking by a house with a broken wall... and a huge ******* Rottweiler (named Suzie, FYI), happened to be running around excited because its female owner was doing something to her car.

Now, when I see the biggest animal threat in my animal - there being no lions loose in my vicinity - I tend to have a heart-attack. So, I picked up Princess. The dog then ran in the house. I put Princess down. The dog then came back out of the house. This repeated a few times until the house was out of sight.

The woman looked at me like I was an alien. I looked at her like she was stupid bitch.

Yesterday, nothing quit so scary happened. Well, I tell a lie - it did surprise me, at least.
I was walking through a shithole in my shithole of an area and Princess - being a lady - squat to have a wee on some grass right at the entrance of an over-grown front garden. Then I heard some old ugly whore banging on her window. I looked up and she said, "Get that ******* dog off my lawn!" I wanted to reply by saying you have to tend to it for it to be called a lawn, but I just continued my walk without saying anything, hearing her call me an ********.

Today? Only God knows such things. For now, my future remains on AUKN. Tomorrow? things may change; I cannot say.
stuart-says-yes said:
Otaku-san said:
stuart-says-yes said:
Did you know england is sinking and scotland is rising so the south will become more flood prone. :eek:

yes I did, it's been known for over several years now, from the daily express back in 2001. There's more jobs down south then there is north cause our industry is up the swaney, and this Island has become a top heavy sea-saw. It's perfectly natural really, like the hole in the ozone layer or the effects of global warming since the ice age.

stuart-says-yes said:
What about a different county entirely like the south of france with all the vineyards?

ayase's trying to move, not alienate himself

Thats why I can't recommend Scotland enough if we balance it out then London won't sink.
Plus we have a great culture, what other culture lets you rip out a sheep's stomach and fill it with its heart, liver,lungs,some oats and other stuff before cooking it for 3 hours and eating it.

Not to intentionally blow your post straight out of the water....but are you insane?
1, Your truly believing the words of the media as truth.
2, You can't tip a soddin country because if you forgot, the earth is a sphere, NO land mass is straight. they run parallel to the curvature of the earth.
3, Haggis tastes and looks as horrible as it sounds.....even the welsh found a better use for a sheep than what the scottish have.

before you start complaining, im part british, irish, scottish, Australian and i disregard the french bit.... So don't bother typing "Racist"

Im not trying to insult you.... But you may want to think before you type,