The General Conversation Area

ayase said:
Sadly however, I think I'll have to look further afield. Aion is too possessive of Fabio for me to look at forming a triad there...
Hah, I wish. Have you seen how much of a total slut he is on MAL these days? I've had enough of his rampant infidelity.

Anyway, solo is the way to go. My Bible.
fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
Sadly however, I think I'll have to look further afield. Aion is too possessive of Fabio for me to look at forming a triad there...
Hah, I wish. Have you seen how much of a total slut he is on MAL these days? I've had enough of his rampant infidelity.

Anyway, solo is the way to go. My Bible.

Why haven't you answered my message/started Ikigami, you tosspot? I might not reply for awhile because I have actual womens (THREE!!!11!!) to converse with, rather than playing husbando/waifu with you, but you should still have the decency to answer my messages ASAP.
Aion said:
Why haven't you answered my message/started Ikigami, you tosspot? I might not reply for awhile because I have actual womens (THREE!!!11!!) to converse with, rather than playing husbando/waifu with you, but you should still have the decency to answer my messages ASAP.
Akira must be completed first. Inferior manga will be considered thereafter.

With three females lavishing you with attention, can you blame me for my lack of motivation? I can't compete with that. And given how long it's taken you to reply to some of my recent messages, arsewipe, you can bleedin' well wait.

Mutsumi said:
Just applied to be a contestant on The Weakest Link. In the unlikely event I succeed you'll hear about it.
I think you have good chances there Mutsumi ;-)

ayase said:
This is why I, after much research and philosophising, have come to the opinion it makes far more sense to live in groups of three on very equal terms
Me and two girls? I couldn't agree more.

ayase said:
That way you have mediation there ready for any disputes, and who the mediator is can change depending on who a decision involves. Relationships with their very own Liberal Democrat Party. More than three and the decision making gets complicated; It turns into a committee, and nothing ever comes of committees except messy compromise which leaves no-one happy. It ceases to be a relationship and becomes a democracy.

Sadly however, I think I'll have to look further afield. Aion is too possessive of Fabio for me to look at forming a triad there...
Aion said:
I'd kind of like to meet Fabio, too, but I have no idea how that'd work out when he wouldn't be able to have calming down periods between my insults. I'm betting I'd make him cry with rage in an hour or two.
But then again, perhaps they need me after all.
I'm not sure I understand you're problem with democracy.
Having experienced a dictatorship in my early life, I must say I love the idea of democracy even when the execution is not perfect.
When the dictatorship in Brazil ended back in the mid-80's, the after effects could be noticed all through the 90's and only the the 2000's you could see new foundations being built, I've seen these foudnations completed and then fall apart, as the the terrain was pure sand. This creates massive response from the citizens and the terrain for the next foundation is better. I'm still unsure if these will last, but surely it the first one needed to crumble so the lesson could be learned.

I guess I'm digressing too much here, my point being that totaliarism is way abusive and total freedom will soon lead to the law of the stonger.

Voddas said:
Tachi! Don't go talking about our late night get together... :oops:
Mmm, anything similar to those phone numbers they show on TV late at night with a semi-naked girl on the add?!?!?

fabricatedlunatic said:
Aion said:
Why haven't you answered my message/started Ikigami, you tosspot? I might not reply for awhile because I have actual womens (THREE!!!11!!) to converse with, rather than playing husbando/waifu with you, but you should still have the decency to answer my messages ASAP.
Akira must be completed first. Inferior manga will be considered thereafter.

With three females lavishing you with attention, can you blame me for my lack of motivation? I can't compete with that. And given how long it's taken you to reply to some of my recent messages, arsewipe, you can bleedin' well wait.

Can you feel that love's in the air... =D
Conversing with you is like trying to hold a conversation via mountain echos!

And, yes, I'm slow, but my messages are interesting. Yours are not. Hence, I should take more time and you less. That's just logical.

Akira sucks donkey dick, no matter what you say, by the way.

chaos said:
Can you feel that love's in the air... =D

Right now, we have a married relationship... without any make-up sex.

If the dark day comes when I meet Fabio, I'd be unsure whether to shake his hand, punch him or stick my tongue down his/her/its throat. I'm becoming confused - I fear being around CG so much of late is having a negative impact on my mind.
Aion said:
Conversing with you is like trying to hold a conversation via mountain echos!

And, yes, I'm slow, but my messages are interesting. Yours are not. Hence, I should take more time and you less. That's just logical.

Akira sucks donkey dick, no matter what you say, by the way.

chaos said:
Can you feel that love's in the air... =D

Right now, we have a married relationship... without any make-up sex.

If the dark day comes when I meet Fabio, I'd be unsure whether to shake his hand, punch him or stick my tongue down his/her/its throat. I'm becoming confused - I fear being around CG so much of late is having a negative impact on my mind.

Ahh, Having a domestic again....We could get CG to council you both? Might be a laugh.

As a wise man once said "If you put a penny into a jar for everytime you have sex before marriage, and take out one penny each time you have sex after marriage, that jar will never be empty"

Mine will never be empty....i know that much, it's currently got £20 in it.
chaos said:
ayase said:
This is why I, after much research and philosophising, have come to the opinion it makes far more sense to live in groups of three on very equal terms
Me and two girls? I couldn't agree more.
Heh. The first thing people think is that I think this for selfish, greedy reasons. But really, I think it could be a far stronger form of relationship and it wouldn't have to be as cut and dried as that. It could be two bisexual people and one straight person, one homosexual person, one bisexual person and one straight person. It could be completely platonic.

chaos said:
ayase said:
That way you have mediation there ready for any disputes, and who the mediator is can change depending on who a decision involves. Relationships with their very own Liberal Democrat Party. More than three and the decision making gets complicated; It turns into a committee, and nothing ever comes of committees except messy compromise which leaves no-one happy. It ceases to be a relationship and becomes a democracy.
I'm not sure I understand you're problem with democracy.
Having experienced a dictatorship in my early life, I must say I love the idea of democracy even when the execution is not perfect.
When the dictatorship in Brazil ended back in the mid-80's, the after effects could be noticed all through the 90's and only the the 2000's you could see new foundations being built, I've seen these foudnations completed and then fall apart, as the the terrain was pure sand. This creates massive response from the citizens and the terrain for the next foundation is better. I'm still unsure if these will last, but surely it the first one needed to crumble so the lesson could be learned.

I guess I'm digressing too much here, my point being that totaliarism is way abusive and total freedom will soon lead to the law of the stonger.
Heh. You are over analysing just a tad. Really, I was talking about relationships ceasing to be personal and become more like a professional relationship if there were too many people in one. But since you started... ;)

Having experienced what local government is like through my father being a council member for a while, the following description sums up democracy for me (and him): Older people don't want change. Younger people try to change things and are prevented. They have to wait for the older generation to retire / die. By the time they are in control they themselves are old and don't want to change things as much. Change is f*cking glacial in a democracy. Personally, the idea of 'perpetual revolution' appeals the most to me but is unworkable because someone will very quickly consolidate power. Because the kind of people power appeals to are greedy, selfish and often have god complexes even if they are not dictators. Therefore, my preferred form of government is benevolent dictatorship by computer. It would work out what we need to do and then we'd do it, quickly and without fuss. Honesty, twenty years to build a nuclear reactor? That is pathetic. The red tape and public consultation of democracy keeps us behind - China are forging ahead because their government can do what they want, when they want, where they want; Whereas ours relies on the support of a fickle, greedy, lazy population to be able to do anything. The only things it seems they can do that without public support are negative things like wage war!
I see =) Yeah, I migh have over analysed it a bit.
The problem with China pushing forward is that it does not help its population benefit from a better quality of life.

Benevolent dictatorship? Can't really think of any. BTW, I also blame China's "one kid per family" policy for the surplus of males in the world. If memory serves me well, for every 10 newborn girls, they have ~12 boys.
chaos said:
Lol, really? Lethargic?
We tend to take words out of context and give new, but similar meanings, so its probably different to whatever your thinking off. But, pretty much, I'm not the most active person ever... compared to my friends.
fabricatedlunatic said:
ayase said:
Sadly however, I think I'll have to look further afield. Aion is too possessive of Fabio for me to look at forming a triad there...
Hah, I wish. Have you seen how much of a total slut he is on MAL these days? I've had enough of his rampant infidelity.

Anyway, solo is the way to go. My Bible.
I've had enough of that life. It's good for thinking completely your own thoughts, formulating personal philosophies and coming to understand yourself and the word (it is a somewhat monastic existence after all) but... been there, done that. Now I want people back in my life.

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Tachi- said:
Aion said:
Conversing with you is like trying to hold a conversation via mountain echos!

And, yes, I'm slow, but my messages are interesting. Yours are not. Hence, I should take more time and you less. That's just logical.

Akira sucks donkey dick, no matter what you say, by the way.

chaos said:
Can you feel that love's in the air... =D

Right now, we have a married relationship... without any make-up sex.

If the dark day comes when I meet Fabio, I'd be unsure whether to shake his hand, punch him or stick my tongue down his/her/its throat. I'm becoming confused - I fear being around CG so much of late is having a negative impact on my mind.

Ahh, Having a domestic again....We could get CG to council you both? Might be a laugh.

What the **** Tachi-!! you trying to start WW3 on the net!?!

chaos said:
The problem with China pushing forward is that it does not help its population benefit from a better quality of life.
BTW, I also blame China's "one kid per family" policy for the surplus of males in the world. If memory serves me well, for every 10 newborn girls, they have ~12 boys.

Also lets blame China for their blatant dislike of mentally disabled people.

It sickens' me that China can be so incompetent. It's as the SWP pointed out that communism has far become what it's meant to be, and as such have become more bureaucratic state capitalists.

And will we do anything about it. Ooohh hell no!! We can live without bananas from Zimbabwe, but not the mass produced crap from China. Cause what's one English mans life to a mass economy we thrive from, to that of a banana republic that likes to kill their own men.

Some of these countries in Asia, Afirca and some parts of Latin America. God their a ******* danger to themselves

chaos said:
Benevolent dictatorship? Can't really think of any.

Really? whats your take on Hugo Chavez, Idealist or just another prick.
Just had to share this:


Google FAIL.
Otaku-san said:
chaos said:
Benevolent dictatorship? Can't really think of any.

Really? whats your take on Hugo Chavez, Idealist or just another prick.
He was democratically elected. He is completely crazy and wants to be like Fidel Castro. Has thing got better in Venezuela for the average Joe? I don't know. But it things got better for the Venezuelan people, then yeah, he is doing all right.
chaos said:
Otaku-san said:
chaos said:
Benevolent dictatorship? Can't really think of any.

Really? whats your take on Hugo Chavez, Idealist or just another prick.
He was democratically elected. He is completely crazy and wants to be like Fidel Castro. Has thing got better in Venezuela for the average Joe? I don't know. But it things got better for the Venezuelan people, then yeah, he is doing all right.

Well if not, we got one person we can call


Morning all.

Styling a new black shirt, white silk tie, waistcoat and jacket today. Figured i'd go the extra mile this morning, No apparent reason behind it. Maybe my subconsious is just happy that it can wear formal attire for the first time since the first week december.

Well i'm not sure what to make of my order on amazon. It's reserved the money in my account...Then disregarded it (as in no longer held the money to one side, only giving me the remaining money as available) So i'm unsure whether to go and spend the money or save it and see what happens.

Oh and Mutsumi...I was meant to post the boxset before the weekend but i can't find a fancy envolope :( Where did you get yours?
Morning Tach, It's looking like it's going to be another one of those days for me. Alot of work to do!! I don't know if you remember this time last year? I disapeared for almost two months.... and joy of joys... it's almost that time of year again. The end of the fianancial year meaning tax madness. I forsee myself just getting bussier and bussier so I appologise for late replies and sudden conversation exits in advance.

This is going to be hell. TT_TT
Mornin Voddas,

Fair enough mate. Its getting closer to April....I'm not looking forward to it either, there's a possibility that well have to run reports and automatically pay all annual leave owing to staff.
With thousands of staff to doesn't look too fun really.

My phone's just begging me to throw it out of the window.

*Puts on his ipod again and pretends he's not here*

@Chaos: I usually wear a shirt and tie. but seeing as i have a new shirt and i own about 12 ties.....mixing it up abit makes things less boring.