The General Conversation Area

I'm fairly quiet on here compared to some I guess. In person I can easily go unnoticed cause I'm almost silent. :p I only speak if spoken to or if I know enough people and I have something to contribute to a conversation that I don't think will just get ignored. :p (I'm timid. :p I always get Shinobu on Love Hina tests for example :p)
Oh, and I'm not much of a smiler, but I'm not mean. :p (My smile looks bleh anyway, only comes out when I am extremely amused/laughing). I'm also not really easily excitable (something my other aquaintances that like anime aren't happy about since they're pretty rambunctious. :p)
That's a lot of tongue. :p

I've gone from being shy and quiet a few years ago to being so comfortable that (as a result of the aforementioned lack of thinking time) I say inapropriate things sometimes and then regret them later. People have a tendancy to take things personally even when I don't mean them that way. Plus I have a lot of unusal and somewhat radical opinions.

@Jayme - Yeah, I know of some as well; Can't say I would want to be aquainted with them.
My mate, whilst waiting to be interviewed for a dentistry course, said to the group of other candidates, that he was surprised at the lack of Asians there. There, of course, was some there with the whites and the blacks, but he expected more...

...People do say hilariously stupid things when they are nervous.
Aggressive people never get along. For any relationship to work, someone has to play a more submissive role or arguments will occur non-stop. And in my case, that's more true than with most.

If I can't wear the trousers, blood will be shed.

Offline, I'm different. That much is obvious - I'd be decked daily if I acted like I do online. I'm still a sarcastic prick - that much remains the same - but I'm far more quiet and not as... extreme. For instance, irl I wouldn't play the 'ur a homo!' card because I wouldn't want REAL people to think I'm that simple.

Part of my difference is down to confidence and my lack of social skills being more of a problem.

I have enough trouble with my eyes attracting heat, without my personality adding to it. I'm being deadly serious when I say that once, when I was coming out of my house/front door, some random guy in a hoodie started with me simply because I looked up at him as he passed the gate. My eyes must look very cold/aggressive to draw such a reaction. It's funny - once, when I posted a poor, very dark digicam pic for the SOCOM clan I was in years ago, some guy asked me if I was a boxer simply because of my eyes and how serious I looked.
ayase said:
That's a lot of tongue. :p

It's a habit. So many mixups about if something is meant mean or friendly, and over compensating for the fact that I am expressionless in person. Eheh.

Aion - I get that too. I have a very stern looking natural face, sharp features, and deep eyes (for a girl anyway), on top of that I can't smile to save my life. I've had random girls start on me, random scarey thug guy in london start hollering at me for trying to start something when I wasn't even looking at him (he was next to a display), nowadays I try to avoid looking at anyone.
stuart-says-yes said:
In fact if it weren't for school i would be a shut-in, I hate socializing.

I pretty much am except for the fact that I have to work to afford to survive. Though I do like to spend time with the people I like, but it's a small number and it's hard to get myself to actually do it. I don't do the whole socializing for the sake of it thing.
CitizenGeek said:
Tachi- ... I cannot really see myself having anything in common at all with him, so I suspect any conversation would turn into an awkward silence after not too long :p

Tachi- has got me down all wrong anyway. The part about smoking is right, but I'm pretty friendly and not at all quiet. I generally drag people outside all the time so I can have a cigarette and they can enjoy my company :p
Meeting Aion, Lupus or Rui would be interesting.
Funnily, the description you've just gave of yourself, seems pretty much the opposite of Tachi. He's a lot more serious in person. And had the sort of voice that made me wonder why he didn't pursued a career as a late night radio presenter =D

I'll let you know when I hit Dublin. I have friends that I need to visit and if I make to Eirtakon, I'll be sure to let you know.

CitizenGeek said:
Whatever happened to the personal pictures thread, btw?
Nothing. Just deleted one post with a pic of her, as per Retro's request.

Arbalest said:
...if i can get the chance to get to the may expo, i'm more than likely going to try.
Hope you can make it this time.

ayase said:
I'm almost exactly the same. The only difference being that online I have the luxury of time to consider how I respond, something I'm far less competent at IRL and which often leads me to do a good job of alienating people. As I said recently in the chat; I can type fast, but my mind ticks over at a much slower speed.
You seemed pretty normal when I've met you =P Anyway, it was three anime fans in their habitat, I guess =)

ayase said:
Don't we all? That's life, you'll only ever get on with a small minority of people. The only way to get a lot of people to like you is to be a pathological liar or actually have no personality (and even if they liked you, you'd probably still consider them annoying).
I think that I'm not like that. I get one with a lot of people and only dislike a few.
Even this few I dislike, I might forget the reason why I disliked them and may get on with later.

Aion said:
I have enough trouble with my eyes attracting heat, without my personality adding to it. I'm being deadly serious when I say that once, when I was coming out of my house/front door, some random guy in a hoodie started with me simply because I looked up at him as he passed the gate. My eyes must look very cold/aggressive to draw such a reaction. It's funny - once, when I posted a poor, very dark digicam pic for the SOCOM clan I was in years ago, some guy asked me if I was a boxer simply because of my eyes and how serious I looked.
So you look scary and serious? Anyway, you strike me as an interesting person to meet and like Paul once said, you're just a big tsundere.

stuart-says-yes said:
People without personality eh , off -line I used to get called the emotionless brick wall because you could fire off any insult and i would have the same monotonous expression painted across my face.

In fact if it weren't for school i would be a shut-in, I hate socializing.
interesting, I would have never thought you were the reclusive type.
stuart-says-yes said:
Jayme said:
You've met people without personality as well? I know a couple, or rather, I know of a couple. They are odd individuals indeed.

People without personality eh , off -line I used to get called the emotionless brick wall because you could fire off any insult and i would have the same monotonous expression painted across my face.

In fact if it weren't for school i would be a shut-in, I hate socializing.
The trend has mostly disappeared, but I am/was called lethargic. Again, that comes down to me not bothering to move much, and preferably not climb trees or do parkour. Emotions are there, but only when I want them to be. Unless its towards my brother, I can't really display anger. My mates are huge.
With glasses, I look less than intimidating. Without glasses, I tend to look scary because I don't smile and was born with cold eyes. The problem is, I can't see jack without my glasses and I'm too much of a pussy to put contact lenses anywhere near my eyes, so I tend not to look scary unless I act like I can see what I'm looking at.

I kind of want to meet CG. I don't think we'd slap each other/try to, oddly enough: we'd probably be too limited by the flesh to argue like cat and dog. It'd actually be interesting/amusing to see what happens when there's no keyboard to use.

Rui would be cool to meet. If she happens to be a hot married woman, then she's destined to be my savior; like in any good hikki story. Who cares about the husband?
...however, if she's a man, I fear for my anus.

I'd kind of like to meet Fabio, too, but I have no idea how that'd work out when he wouldn't be able to have calming down periods between my insults. I'm betting I'd make him cry with rage in an hour or two.

I don't want to meet Chaos 'cause he'd try to lure me into an empty cinema room.
Jayme said:
The trend has mostly disappeared, but I am/was called lethargic. Again, that comes down to me not bothering to move much, and preferably not climb trees or do parkour. Emotions are there, but only when I want them to be. Unless its towards my brother, I can't really display anger. My mates are huge.
Lol, really? Lethargic?

Aion said:
I don't want to meet Chaos 'cause he'd try to lure me into an empty cinema room.
This only makes the big man here to want you even more, I mean want to meet you even more... :p
Aion said:
Aggressive people never get along. For any relationship to work, someone has to play a more submissive role or arguments will occur non-stop. And in my case, that's more true than with most.

If I can't wear the trousers, blood will be shed.
Interesting. I mean I know you can be quite abrasive but I had you down as someone who likes people to give as good as they get; Except not in complete seriousness, since you're not entirely serious yourself most of the time. I've always presumed that your battles with CG were because you thought he "couldn't take a joke" as it were and when he got serious, you got serious.

Personally, I feel unchallenged by people who are willing to take a submissive role. I generally think they're a bit weak willed and / or boring. I like people who view each other as equals despite any differences. Proper, relationship straining arguments only occur when people have different ways of dealing with a situation, and whichever way the decision is made will impact negatively on the other. So while I like people of strong character that's why I think duopolies are a bad thing, one person gets their way and the other doesn't (unless you agree on everything, and that would be boring as hell).

This is why I, after much research and philosophising, have come to the opinion it makes far more sense to live in groups of three on very equal terms (here we go with the radical opinions chaos =P). That way you have mediation there ready for any disputes, and who the mediator is can change depending on who a decision involves. Relationships with their very own Liberal Democrat Party. More than three and the decision making gets complicated; It turns into a committee, and nothing ever comes of committees except messy compromise which leaves no-one happy. It ceases to be a relationship and becomes a democracy.

Sadly however, I think I'll have to look further afield. Aion is too possessive of Fabio for me to look at forming a triad there...
Aion said:
I'd kind of like to meet Fabio, too, but I have no idea how that'd work out when he wouldn't be able to have calming down periods between my insults. I'm betting I'd make him cry with rage in an hour or two.
But then again, perhaps they need me after all.
stuart-says-yes said:
stuart-says-yes said:
People without personality eh , off -line I used to get called the emotionless brick wall because you could fire off any insult and i would have the same monotonous expression painted across my face.

In fact if it weren't for school i would be a shut-in, I hate socializing.
choas said:
interesting, I would have never thought you were the reclusive type.

I don't mind going out by myself sometimes but with people it takes longer then you would like plus im not good at making conversation so going out can become a bit drab with people.

Ok I'm opposite on that one. :p I won't go out unless I have a companion. But again it has to be one of my chosen few. :p
CitizenGeek said:
Tachi- ... I cannot really see myself having anything in common at all with him, so I suspect any conversation would turn into an awkward silence after not too long :p

Maybe....and this could be a long shot....but we might talk about anime ;)
lol sorry i couldn't resist, Being serious now...i don't see any problems with us talking in RL, Infact it'll probably be much easier. Anyway, we talk on msn every so often.

CitizenGeek said:
Tachi- has got me down all wrong anyway. The part about smoking is right, but I'm pretty friendly and not at all quiet. I generally drag people outside all the time so I can have a cigarette and they can enjoy my company :p

lol okay, to be honest (and pretty self apparent) i'm a social person, it'd only be a matter of time till we'd be in the pub having a drink an a laugh.

chaos said:
Funnily, the description you've just gave of yourself, seems pretty much the opposite of Tachi. He's a lot more serious in person. And had the sort of voice that made me wonder why he didn't pursued a career as a late night radio presenter =D

lol believe me i have wondered about radio presenting before.
I'm serious in real life...but after a while you get to realise that i'm laid back most of the time too :) and yeah my voice throws alot of people off at first :p I wonder what Voddas thought of it?

Morning all :) had a okay weekend, nothing i want to report really. Our systems are down at work so i guess i'll just have a look around the forums.
Tachi! Don't go talking about our late night get together... :oops:

Morning mate, how goes it? Been a good weekend for me. Did hardly anything like, but that's just the kind of weekend it was. Sarah did some Uni work and I played Uncharted mostly. Went drinking with my cousin on Saturday night after her 5 week holiday in America!!! There were many stories....
Besides that, there's nothing else to report. Just sat in work now wondering where the hell the last two days went.
Voddas said:
Tachi! Don't go talking about our late night get together... :oops:

Morning mate, how goes it? Been a good weekend for me. Did hardly anything like, but that's just the kind of weekend it was. Sarah did some Uni work and I played Uncharted mostly. Went drinking with my cousin on Saturday night after her 5 week holiday in America!!! There were many stories....
Besides that, there's nothing else to report. Just sat in work now wondering where the hell the last two days went.

:O damn....your right, thats private stuff :p

I'm fine cheers, that sounds like a good weekend, just relaxing and going to the pub :thumb:

Mine was rather boring. Friday night i was meant to be at the pub with hazel however he didn't pick up when i called or reply to my text. So i figured he'd forgotten all about going to the pub and met up with his gf.
So i sat watching anime, Then playing the worms demo for a fair few hours. then on saturday i blitzed downstairs (vac'in the living room, hall, kitchen, stairs, dinning room and tidying up) That night kayls came round. instead of making a pizza we just ordered one in (much easier) and watched tv. my mum walked in and made a fuss about us laid on the sofa under a sleeping bag (its bloody freezing in the conservatory!!) So since sunday morning we've not been on talking terms (at the end of the day she's gotta learn that i'm old enough to do whatever i like. So ordering a pizza and sitting or laying down with kayls on a sofa watching tv is perfectly acceptable) then all sunday i relaxed. playing budokai 2 and wondering if i should buy burst limit.