The General Conversation Area

memorium said:
goddamn megavideo

it's popped up that i've reached the limit 3 times today now, all while i was about halfway through episodes of Desert Pnuk :evil:

I feel your pain, it's happened to me couple of the occasion, where I've cussed at the bloody thing
Today, I find myself fascinated by this:

<object width="320" height="265"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="320" height="265"></embed></object>

But really, who wouldn't find that hypnotic? Oh god, perhaps it's mind control! I suddenly have the urge to blow up parliament...

No, wait, that was there all along.
Well I found it. The sound it transmits now is higher pitched and longer in transmission then in that video
Plus on my shortest frequency (100kHz) it admits a sound similar to crickets in a field
That's it! It's cricket mind control! When the FSB give the signal, thousands of crickets will ravage the crops of Western Europe and North America.

It is slightly creepy that one of the codes spelt out was BROMAL...
the most weirdest thing i heard on there was the sound of what was like computer equipment.

And odly enough i think I came across this number station, that repeated this same bit of music over and over
While the system itself makes sense (you wouldn't wanna go down without taking everyone else with you, would you?) I can think of a lot better ways of implementing it than sending a constant radio signal, especially one which apparently originates from an open mic.

I mean, if your doomsday device is dependant on receiving a constant radio signal to stop it activating, then something like a power cut or a loose wire could really put a crimp in your day.
They say that it is, but they don't say what it's for, and C) this has been going on since 82' if they wanted to implement a new system i'm sure they would have by now
chaos said:
I was actually considering going to Eirtacon and was wondering what if I've met them in person. Would it be like they are online?

Nah, I doubt I'm anything like I am online. I'm very serious on here, to a fault perhaps. IRL I'm incredibly sarcastic and ironic and such, that doesn't really translate well onto the internet so that's probably why it doesn't come across. I take more or less nothing seriously to be honest. It would be cool to see some AUKN-ers at Eirtakon (I've never gone to it before, but it's hosted by my university and I live just down the road from it so I could go easily and as of right now I'm planning on going) :] Of the AUKN masses, I would most like to meet Aion because I know he hates me in a very serious manner, but I know he's self-deprecating and extremely sarcastic so I'm sure we'd get on well. I'd also like to meet Lupus a lot because I was once very friendly with him indeed and enjoyed talking with him a lot, he seems like a cool guy ... as does chaos and Rui (perhaps a "cool gal" is more appropriate here) and ayase. Tachi- ... I cannot really see myself having anything in common at all with him, so I suspect any conversation would turn into an awkward silence after not too long :p

Tachi- has got me down all wrong anyway. The part about smoking is right, but I'm pretty friendly and not at all quiet. I generally drag people outside all the time so I can have a cigarette and they can enjoy my company :p
CitizenGeek said:
chaos said:
I was actually considering going to Eirtacon and was wondering what if I've met them in person. Would it be like they are online?

Nah, I doubt I'm anything like I am online. I'm very serious on here, to a fault perhaps. IRL I'm incredibly sarcastic and ironic and such, that doesn't really translate well onto the internet so that's probably why it doesn't come across. I take more or less nothing seriously to be honest. It would be cool to see some AUKN-ers at Eirtakon (I've never gone to it before, but it's hosted by my university and I live just down the road from it so I could go easily and as of right now I'm planning on going) :] Of the AUKN masses, I would most like to meet Aion because I know he hates me in a very serious manner, but I know he's self-deprecating and extremely sarcastic so I'm sure we'd get on well. I'd also like to meet Lupus a lot because I was once very friendly with him indeed and enjoyed talking with him a lot, he seems like a cool guy ... as does chaos and Rui (perhaps a "cool gal" is more appropriate here) and ayase. Tachi- ... I cannot really see myself having anything in common at all with him, so I suspect any conversation would turn into an awkward silence after not too long :p

Tachi- has got me down all wrong anyway. The part about smoking is right, but I'm pretty friendly and not at all quiet. I generally drag people outside all the time so I can have a cigarette and they can enjoy my company :p

What about me CG? How would we get on in person then. lol.
@CG: See, i pretty much fit the bill of not matching my online persona as well(in fact, i expect most do). I can generally speak out a lot more online than i can offline. I generally come across as fairly quiet, attempting conversation but only to realise i'm useless at starting one >.> Mind you, i live a rather boring life anyways(Maths student, everything makes sense when you hear that) so i guess i wouldn't have much to discuss anyways.

On the note of who i'd like to meet, probably most of you. Annoyingly, living in Scotland does create that barrier for meeting most of you, but still, if i can get the chance to get to the may expo, i'm more than likely going to try.
I'm almost exactly the same. The only difference being that online I have the luxury of time to consider how I respond, something I'm far less competent at IRL and which often leads me to do a good job of alienating people. As I said recently in the chat; I can type fast, but my mind ticks over at a much slower speed.
I'm pretty damn shy, especially with complete strangers (cos, lets face it, we are) so I try to make myself talk, but except for me being much more awesome in real life, I don't think there's a huge difference. Maybe I'm a bit more sarcastic/dry in offline. It's not uncommon for me to quip things of utter brilliance under my breathe.

I also find a lot of people annoying.
Don't we all? That's life, you'll only ever get on with a small minority of people. The only way to get a lot of people to like you is to be a pathological liar or actually have no personality (and even if they liked you, you'd probably still consider them annoying).