The General Conversation Area

I take it you mean normal FINAL and FINAL Grand Glorious Gathering (notice the three Gs) i've not seen Final GGG as i was told it was just the OVA edited for tv broadcast with some snippets of Betterman thrown in to link the series.
ayase said:
chaos said:
Another fellow AUKN person was in depressive mode yesterday and we've kept on chatting until almost 2am, were I just couldnt' keep myself awake.
When I'm down I usually just want to do stuff which expresses how I'm feeling... I'll write, draw, paint if I had any paints. Once I covered almost a whole pad of paper with miscellaneous thoughts and ideas in one night. 2am? I was still enjoying myself in the AUKN chat then... 3am onwards was my time. I haven't slept at all.
Oh, I was chatting on FB, wasn't connected to the chat. Wasn't really up to chat as it was a bit late, but after we started chatting I thougth I should try and cheer my fellow AUKN'er a little bit. That's AUKN for you, we aim to provide the best service =)

ayase said:
chaos said:
At the appex of my otakuness I had concerns about dying and not being able to see how One Piece ends. Dammit, you've got me thinking on that again... :(
You might die of natural causes at the age of 90 and still not see the end of One Piece. :p

ayase said:
I kinda agree with Tachi. I imagine skikes would be much the same, I'm not sure about CG. Where the hell is skikes anyway, he hasn't checked in for ages.
mm, I think we should go and poke skikes....
I was gonna watch the fansub but decided to wait and savour it. If I watch it, then I won't look fwd to the DVD as much. PLEASE HURRY UP WITH THE RELEASE!! *rips hair*

@Black: Ah, I see. Glad I didn't get the FINAL! GGG then. :p
chaos said:
ayase said:
chaos said:
At the appex of my otakuness I had concerns about dying and not being able to see how One Piece ends. Dammit, you've got me thinking on that again... :(
You might die of natural causes at the age of 90 and still not see the end of One Piece. :p

Whats even worse then that is that a New season of Haruhi of aired or an English release of a video game, and you would have snuffed it. Not knowing the endless amounts of costumes you can equip Asahina-san with.
Don't worry though chaos, if you kick the bucket, I'll remember you by, while I'm dressing dolly. :wink:
Nice... conversation about dieing followed by the tumbleweed. :p

I'm off to see AVATAR After work. I've had mixed reviews from friends but still looking fwd to it. I love the cinema. Haven't been since 2012.... the movie, not the time period. Great Scott!
See ya Black.

Another 20 minutes and I think I'll call it quits. It's pissed it down all day - Once it's dark as well the chances of custom are slim to nil. That, and after 32 hours I seriously need some sleep.
Later Black!

Nay mind Ayase. I've been thinking seriously about starting my own business recently. I'd start online and work up from there. Only problem is that I'm full of idea's but no idea how to put it to practice. How did you end up where you are now?
I'm off down the pub again tonight.....dunno about going to town. saving the pennies.

I'm thinking of cooking for kayls tomorrow....i usually only good large meals (lasagne, fry ups, shepherds pie, stew.) stuff like that....I would take the easy route and order a pizza in, but i think buying ingredients and us both making a pizza together might be abit more fun.

As for dying....I've had this strange feeling that i'm dying young, if thats the case then i don't really mind. would be nice to have a date for it, that way i can delete any dodgy pics on my harddrives at home.....worst thing in the world being dead and your collection for a rainy day gets exposed by your parents....they wouldn't go see your grave, your Eulogie would read "dirty little bastard"
What, about to pack it in and do something else? :p

But honestly? Having a dad who ran a retail business helped, as did being pretty heavily involved in said retail business when I was younger. Other than that you need a decent amount of capital (or someone willing to loan it to you), most of which you won't see back for a while. But most importantly you need to know your market inside out beforehand, how and where you fit into it, if there's room and if you're in the right position to take advantage of it and compete.

The thing to know about running your own business is that there are easily as many downsides as there are upsides. I think I'm pretty suited to it, but I just can't take retail any more because I'm sick of being a service provider. I want to give the public what I think they need, not what they think they want - Hence my new focus on art. ;)

Right, I'm off. Hopefully I won't walk under a bus on the way home and have my pornography collection used as a slide-show at my funeral.
I guess I kinda did know what to do... just bad at getting my finger out and doing something about it. I really need to get out there and make a change. Part of the reasons I don't want to leave this job is strangely because of this forum. It's basically become my home away from home and your all my work colleagues. If I left, I may end up doing something where I would just become less and less frequent with the posts. That would suck..

... Hmmm.. this is bit deep for a Friday afternoon. F*ck it, I'm gonna take a piss on teh office printer!

*FZZZZZzzzzz* *BANG* groooan....

edit: Catch you later porno knight!
Voddas said:
I guess I kinda did know what to do... just bad at getting my finger out and doing something about it. I really need to get out there and make a change. Part of the reasons I don't want to leave this job is strangely because of this forum. It's basically become my home away from home and your all my work colleagues. If I left, I may end up doing something where I would just become less and less frequent with the posts. That would suck..

I'm not going to deny it, i'm in the same boat. i know that when i finish my final course, I'll end up a job i'll love, but i'll hardly ever be near a pc so my time spent here will probably stop instantly. Meaning that those of you i speak to regularly and have other means of contacting you will be the only ones to know i'm still about.
I guess I'm safe then. lol

But you know what I mean though. It's like an old job you had. At the time you were tight with the other staff. As soon as you leave you see them less and less, sometimes quickly or slowly. The result is always the same. Well, it is for me anyway. I feel disappointed in myself for not keeping in touch with some of them. Right characters. =P

Yeah i know what you mean. i used to work with a few blokes who where right laughs. we where the 4 that joked about in the I.T dept. Fred was a rugby player who played dodgeball with a stress relief apple. and Richard who was fat at the time used to make gay jokes all the time despite being straight and always messing around :p Andchris was the one that kept making jokes about northerners despite both of us being northern born lol.

I see fred around every blue moon....Same with chris, and i tend to see richard down the gym, although he's not fat anymore so i still double take when i see him.

As for you guys, when the time comes...i'll still appear, it might be at night in the chat...but i'll try to stick around :)
Nice one. :thumb: Time for me to shoot. Gonna go home and get the catwoman suit hung up in the doorway for Sarah to come home to. Naughty!

And on that Bombshell, it's Goodnight!

*guitar solo out*
*says in a Austin powers voice*

Oww behave!

I'm off,

Tachi - Out.