The General Conversation Area

Anyone who leads tends to be a bit of bellend. Don't you just hate those guys who think they know it all; the opinionated sort? ****s, the lot of 'em.

Also, are you and Mutsumi related, Voddas? There's a striking similarity between your last post and some of his.
Aion said:
The only thing that can help you in the long term suicide since any happiness is fleeting.

Isn't a bath + water + knife + wrists supposed to be the best solution?
You thinking of recommending yourself for banning again? Besides, I'm too selfish to off myself, I'm far more likely to attempt to rid myself of others I know on a sadistic whim... remember I saw your name and address that time.

Well, you got a laugh out of me with the cat line at least Voddas. :p
If you were to reveal my details, I'd run to my internet waifu and ask him to reveal yours to me.

I'm not surprised a man who got his other half to dress up as Catwoman has an interest in pussy cats, Voddas. Power to you.
Voddas, I have a cunning plan for you....

You could see if you could rebook your holiday a week or two earlier or later, then pull a sicky on the week you move it to. As it would be a different week to the one you asked for off, they couldn't automatically fire you like they think they can for the week you have asked for off.
Ayase, I hope you learned your lesson - threaten me and you get hit with my internet penis.

The cyber sex chat logs - where my waifu makes animal sounds - would force him to reveal all about you.

Voddas said:
Why just Saturday? ;P

Paying the same hooker twice would be a bummer, wouldn't it?
What's that? I was just grabbing a Birmingham A to Z for a little trip I'm thinking of taking...

And your plan has a fatal flaw. If Fabio reveals my details, I can reveal his.

Birmingham? What are you talkin' about? I live in Walsall; Bloxwich, to be precise.

And, if I were my waifu, I'd be more afraid of logs showing coming over text attempts at imitating a rhino. That's just me, mind.
"A-Z of Birmingham... This paperback atlas of Birmingham, Dudley, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton..."

Sorry if you consider it an insult to your town to be lumped in with Birmingham, but that's just the way it is.
Warsaw and Bham accents sound different. Common and depressing, yes, but they don't sound identical.

Btw, if I could get Geek banned for being an eternal douche, surely I could get you banned in the event if you attempting to spread my information for lulz purposes, using the forum? Just sayin', like. Rui has a sort of mortherly/fatherly affection for me.
To my knowledge, street maps aren't usually based around regional accents. Might be an idea though, they could have pronunciation guides in the back.

Did I ever threaten to spread your information? All I'm planning is paying you a friendly visit sometime. :p
Oh, really? That's cool, then. I misunderstood you! How silly of me!!!

To make up for it, how about I give you choice of my five free DVD offers? Take any of them.
G'wan then. I'll take Hell Girl (if my information gets leaked afterwards you would rather ruin your alibi for the Retro indecent - Plus I'll probably be gone from here in a few months time anyway).
If you're in the first five to have posted and been at the orgy (I'm confused at the moment, tbh), you can have Hell Girl since you read my review.

And, really, do you think I'd go as low as to sign you up on a gay dating website, listing your name, address and photo?
Aion said:
And, really, do you think I'd go as low as to sign you up on a gay dating website, listing your name, address and photo?

Why bother.....just save time and post them onto the nearest/first gay that comes to mind.