The General Conversation Area

Just got back from work about 10 minutes ago, and i think i've gotten to used to these working hours now, can't be bothered heading to sleep. So i thought i'd see if i can find anyone up at this time, though obviously not ;p or if you are, you be startin' work.

@Clouded: I shall add ya in a few methinks.

WRT MyAnimeList: Its quite good i will say, though it helps to update it fairly frequently. I haven't done so in a wee while now, specially my manga could do with a few extra read chapters there now... Its also a decent way to get recommendations for certain series that may not normally get recommended here. Then again, that is pretty normal.
Did you decide it's time to be a drama queen just after some forum drama for a little attention? I don't blame you; I was thinking of doing the same thing myself. It's good to feel special by making a mountain out of a rock.

The forum isn't great, and you're right about it lacking a community feel, but most forums are like that. The only difference here is that this forum is nowhere near as active as others. Activity tends to hide divisions on places as huge as MAL; a forum where people ignore each other and post only their own updates.

No-one cares about each other, everyone only cares about themselves. That's how it is. It feels good to put others down and people do it everywhere. The people who act friendly only do so just to avoid being isolated; it isn't the true person underneath posting fake "lolz" or whatever.

If it's a choice between being surrounded by 100's of Narutarded Americans or a few dumbfucks, I'll take the dumbfucks every time. At least the dumbfuck route prevents me from being unable to read most of the posts.
anyone ever wonder what would happen if World War 3 began today?

what would you do?

where would you go?

im kinda bored, so i need conversation, before you ask, no, there are no people i actually know for me to talk too.
RetroRainbow said:
I think I'll be leaving this forum for a while.

I don't know, there's an odd vibe here lately, and I feel rather uncomfortable posting. I feel like there's no sense of community, and I recall a thread several weeks back bitching about general activity or something, and I said that everyone was nice in their own way, and all that jazz. But now, I can see how evident all the childish nitpicking actually is. I can't even look back through a few pages in this topic without seeing CG's condescending ';]'s, or someone launching into a discussion about how incompetent the mods are. It's a horrible environment to post in, and I don't feel like it will improve with him banned.

I can kinda see what you mean actually, its not exactly been friendly as of late, more so in this topic than anywhere else, but even still.

In my eyes, i think its some of the posts made by a few members which are either general flaming or just a bit unnecessary which is what puts me off. Now i could just delete said posts but then i could get complained at for deleting too many posts, but i'm not here all that often as of late simply because i've been working all night(home just now) or sleeping after work(what i should be doing now). I also like to think i'm a bit more open to some messages since i don't want to appear to just abuse my powers, but hey.

@SundayMorningCall: WW3? erm thats an extreme case..lets see. I'd probably carry on as usual, head to uni, but be more wary with whats going on around me. I wouldn't go and fight in some war because i hate the idea of it, and i would rather never use a gun. So yeah, i'd be the boring type who just carries on his daily life, but with a bit more caution.
RetroRainbow said:
I think I'll be leaving this forum for a while.

I don't know, there's an odd vibe here lately, and I feel rather uncomfortable posting. I feel like there's no sense of community, and I recall a thread several weeks back bitching about general activity or something, and I said that everyone was nice in their own way, and all that jazz. But now, I can see how evident all the childish nitpicking actually is. I can't even look back through a few pages in this topic without seeing CG's condescending ';]'s, or someone launching into a discussion about how incompetent the mods are. It's a horrible environment to post in, and I don't feel like it will improve with him banned.

Whilst I sort of know what you mean (and hey, I haven't been here that long, so who am I to talk), you leaving would be a terrible loss to the forum.


Aion: is constantly complaining about the forum really, genuinely helpful? Are you even trying to be?
Arbalest said:
RetroRainbow said:
I think I'll be leaving this forum for a while.

I don't know, there's an odd vibe here lately, and I feel rather uncomfortable posting. I feel like there's no sense of community, and I recall a thread several weeks back bitching about general activity or something, and I said that everyone was nice in their own way, and all that jazz. But now, I can see how evident all the childish nitpicking actually is. I can't even look back through a few pages in this topic without seeing CG's condescending ';]'s, or someone launching into a discussion about how incompetent the mods are. It's a horrible environment to post in, and I don't feel like it will improve with him banned.
I can kinda see what you mean actually, its not exactly been friendly as of late, more so in this topic than anywhere else, but even still.
And when the specific point of this topic was friendly off-topic discussion that does seem a little disheartning.

I think there are a few factors in the forum's current "phase". Firstly, several regular posters (especially those who frequent this thread) are not posting / away. Secondly, there's just been a DRAMA!TM, and finally there is a particular new poster who no-one really knows what to think of / how to deal with. We go through a similar thing every so often, it will pass with time. AUKN endures. If we can survive Aion's constant pessimism and prophecies of impending doom we can survive this.
Just you wait, cameras will be everywhere in no time. Privacy has disappeared in this country, heck it wouldn't surprise me if they got rid of the whole "private lives" thing, since they don't trust us people anymore.

Yeah ok thats an exaggeration, but sometimes it makes you wonder.
Nah, you know what the next step is. They've already been pushing us for these ID Chip Cards. At some point in the future we'll have a chip inserted at birth which will then record everything about us... wait...
I'm getting a bit ahead of myslelf now....
....or am I... o_O
Hah, a chip implant huh. For some reason i had this weird idea of the contact lenses from Torchwood which are basically like cameras...maybe thats the next step too..or maybe to futuristic.
as per requested
