The General Conversation Area

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Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Is it safe yet?

*Ducks between the eBullets*

Waking up early today as I'll be off to my girlfriend's dad's place with her in Cornwall for 2 weeks. It's gonna be awesome, especially since he mentioned surfing...

Anyway, cya guys :D

(Someone leave me an interesting message to read when I get back pelase X])
Have fun broski. Man, I wish I could surf.
dunno why, but these last few days have reminded me of a song i've not heard in ages

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

it ain't easy growning up in world war 3, never knowing what love could be, you'll see..

edit: and \o/ for page toppers again
Lately, you've been obsessed with Pink since she brought out "Fun House." She's good, no doubt about that.

I still think "Dont leave me" was a good vid, cuz it's just so wierd and disturbingly funny.
So he's been obsessed with Pink since last October? Time to think about calling the cops Chaz...

Never really a Pink fan, but "So What" was rockin'. I can't stand it however when people write vitriolic songs about their exes and then get back together with them. They weren't that bitter then, and are clearly amateurs at the art of holding a vendetta.
I hate bitter songs about ex's by default. They're just as bad about songs about misery and someone is "walking down a road". Damn, can't these people take cars?
Aion said:
The best thing to come out this thread:


No this was really


at least now the convo is safe and can move on, and apologies for all the pron i posted.

Now heres a big bag of cookies....that im gonna eat myself
Maxon said:
I hate bitter songs about ex's by default. They're just as bad about songs about misery and someone is "walking down a road". Damn, can't these people take cars?

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

less depressing?
Maltos said:
I'm slightly gutted I missed this brilliant conversation in real-time. Still, it made an interesting read. My conclusion; I love AUKN.

Many apologies for bringing it back up, as it seems to have gone in a <i>slightly different direction</i> since this post of Maltos', but some of the stuff was interesting to read, and some was just (unintentional) comedy gold.
Hey iisan! Welcome back. Did you have a good time? We seem to be missing... just about everyone else ATM. :eek:

But seriously man, don't bother (though Maltos & ilmaestro did seem to enjoy it).
i should make my own thread, ryos song of the day me thinks XD

todays song after yesterdays events

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I'm... facepalming, but also grinning at the same time Ryo. Let me try and create an emoticon for it...

MD (yeah, that works)

Yo Panda, Maltos. I'm good thanks Panda. Enjoying a return to nice weather after two days of downpours. Currently enjoying a Björk marathon too after receiving my boxed set of 7 albums. Now I just need that 5.1 speaker system for the DVD audio side of the discs...
Aion said:
CitizenGeek said:
Also, I was here first.

Yes, because worth and time spent go hand in hand.

A moron with 3500 posts is still a moron.

CitizenGeek said:
I reckon some people might consider Aion to be an almighty loser. Just a hunch.

In response to the hurtful statement above, a member had this to say:


Since afoia is clearly the voice of the majority, is in no way being sarcastic and isn't a member of the loli union, I offer this advice to Rui:

Grow a pair and ban David Gormley. He's on two warnings, so provide him with a third for being an eternal douche and be done with him. Stop arguing and do something about the problem. If I was a new member, I'd leave as soon as I saw his posts.

He isn't trolling. A proper troll puts on an act to get a reaction out of others. But Gorm has always been the way he is; it's his natural personality. He never listens, he never learns and I don't think he's even smart enough to realize how aggressive his posts come across 24/7. He gets into arguments with everyone and blames others because of his ignorance. He's a true idiot, through and through.

If you want another reason to ban him, ban him to save him from humiliating himself further. Just look at an attempt of his to look like a semi-intelligent lifeform:


I even had to eductate the plonker about key points of what was his favourite game before he expanded his horizons and switched from FFVII to FFXII. Yes, that's FFVII - the game with the CG movie he's tried to defend and failed every time, with people getting much lulz out of his posts.

...the most amusing thing about this argument is that it started over a clean image. On any other anime forum without Gorm, nothing would've happened.

Personally i cant comment to whats going on, i hop on the forums every now and then and read any juicy bits of convo i find in the general section and the fact that there was a lolicon debate too my interest. Now tbh i'm not for or against this as i couldnt care less what a person was into as long as he/she wasnt hurting a REAL person so i stand in the middle.

Now onto the arguement between these people. Yes my message was ment to be private and yes, i thought that citizengeek was over reacting a hell of a lot and in the end i felt that Aion's arguments were justfied (and very funny!) so i thought it would be worth sending him a msg for a laugh.

Im not sure why citizengeek was banned in the end, but it seemed like it was the only solution to the problem, and seems he kept falling on his own dagger in some arguements...