The General Conversation Area

Spyro201 said:
Ryo Chan said:
my point was that people in here are throwing their toys outta there prams like little kids. ;)

honestly, when did people start taking me seriously

What's that gotta do with me?


i give up, if anyone needs me i'll be in my trailer
CitizenGeek said:
Hah, the most sensitive cry-baby on AUKN is being snide? Oooh, kitty has claws! ;]
I guess we have something in common then.


One day we're going to learn. I think several users already have.

Otaku-san, the temperature in Havana is currently 32°C. Mostly cloudy, but with thunderstorms predicted for later on in the day.
Spyro201 said:
Ryo Chan said:
i give up, if anyone needs me i'll be in my trailer

I'm trying to work out if this is a shite job of annoying me, or an odd way of being friendly?

tbh it wasn't actually anything to do to you, bar your reply about school being out, hence the giving up part as it was a pointless arguement
CitizenGeek said:
Images of children in sexual situations, softcore porn-level drawings, swastikas, the attempts of the resident moron Aion to rationalise desiring sex with under-age girls. Yup, the admins sure have their priorities right when they freak out over Final Fantasy arguments and lock those threads. I know I said I'd drop it, but seriously, the admin spent sooooo much time telling us how AUKN is a place of decency and respect and blah blah blah and yet, somehow, this thread remains unlocked and the greatest offenders unpunished while I've got two "official warnings" under my belt and threads like this are locked. I understand entirely that the biases of the admins are at work here, but I'm still shocked at how brazenly unashamed of their hypocrisy they seemingly are.

You've made it clear before that you have always hated this thread and its ilk but we're not going to lock it just because you're trying desperately to start a large enough flame war in it to get it shut down. You had valid points at the start but now you're just trolling the thread and criticising our "power" to try to ruin this thread's regular atmosphere and purpose. You're not even trying to debate any more.

For reference this is a privately run site owned by a private individual for the good of the fan community who enjoy it; it's not a paid public service that should be run a certain way for its supporters and it's not your personal soapbox at the expense of other users of the site. It's great that people come here but pandering to the requests of one outspoken individual is not on the cards.

Please try getting what you want another way because whining and attempting to bully me or stir up some kind of righteous rebellion is not working. It may be a useful tactic on some people you have met in the past. It is not welcome here.

Ryo Chan said:
Spyro201 said:
Ryo Chan said:
i give up, if anyone needs me i'll be in my trailer

I'm trying to work out if this is a shite job of annoying me, or an odd way of being friendly?

tbh it wasn't actually anything to do to you, bar your reply about school being out, hence the giving up part as it was a pointless arguement

It aint an argument then ;)

@Ayase: I recognise that screencap. Where's it from?
Ryo Chan said:
Spyro201 said:
Ryo Chan said:
my point was that people in here are throwing their toys outta there prams like little kids. ;)

honestly, when did people start taking me seriously

What's that gotta do with me?


i give up, if anyone needs me i'll be in my trailer

emo ryo is emo

anyhow thanks for the report ayase, i like to know how that country's doing. gotta be better then our ****** damn weather of shear dampness that i feel like mold is growing on my brain forcing me to post something serious

Rui said:
but we're not going to lock it

But simply going by the standards set in the past, this thread should been locked a long time ago. Haven't you heard of consistency? Or are you only consistent when you're shutting down threads about harmless things like Final Fantasy and school rants? Softcore porn is just fine, but getting heated in a debate about Final Fantasy in the gaming forum is something that will wreak havoc of the "atmosphere" of the forum? This hypocrisy, that you are seemingly wilfully engaging in as a way of making your petty point about how nothing I say is of any import to you, is really quite unacceptable. If you hadn't shut down threads I and others were enjoying for the sake of unrealistic and naive "high standards" then I really wouldn't care about the appalling content and behaviour in this thread. The point is, you did shut down those threads (not before getting a chance to unlock it so you could get the last say though, right?) and it was unfair and the fact that you are unwilling to apply the flawed logic you previously applied to my threads to this cesspit is not something I find to be remotely fair at all.

attempting to bully me

What on Earth is it about AUKN members that makes them play the victim so often? It's getting absurd now. If you want to talk about bullying, how about that time you shut down thread after thread that I was participating actively in and subsequently continued to single me out for official warning? See, I can pretend I'm some kind of victim too ;]

Also, I was here first. So, please stop telling me I should find somewhere else to engage in the conversations and debates I was having here before you even joined, nevermind before you started actually using the forums.
CitizenGeek said:
Also, I was here first.

Yes, because worth and time spent go hand in hand.

A moron with 3500 posts is still a moron.

CitizenGeek said:
I reckon some people might consider Aion to be an almighty loser. Just a hunch.

In response to the hurtful statement above, a member had this to say:


Since afoia is clearly the voice of the majority, is in no way being sarcastic and isn't a member of the loli union, I offer this advice to Rui:

Grow a pair and ban David Gormley. He's on two warnings, so provide him with a third for being an eternal douche and be done with him. Stop arguing and do something about the problem. If I was a new member, I'd leave as soon as I saw his posts.

He isn't trolling. A proper troll puts on an act to get a reaction out of others. But Gorm has always been the way he is; it's his natural personality. He never listens, he never learns and I don't think he's even smart enough to realize how aggressive his posts come across 24/7. He gets into arguments with everyone and blames others because of his ignorance. He's a true idiot, through and through.

If you want another reason to ban him, ban him to save him from humiliating himself further. Just look at an attempt of his to look like a semi-intelligent lifeform:


I even had to eductate the plonker about key points of what was his favourite game before he expanded his horizons and switched from FFVII to FFXII. Yes, that's FFVII - the game with the CG movie he's tried to defend and failed every time, with people getting much lulz out of his posts.

...the most amusing thing about this argument is that it started over a clean image. On any other anime forum without Gorm, nothing would've happened.
Aion said:
CitizenGeek said:
Also, I was here first.

Yes, because worth and time spent go hand in hand.

A moron with 3500 posts is still a moron.

CitizenGeek said:
I reckon some people might consider Aion to be an almighty loser. Just a hunch.

In response to the hurtful statement above, a member had this to say:


Since afoia is clearly the voice of the majority, is in no way being sarcastic and isn't a member of the loli union, I offer this advice to Rui:

Grow a pair and ban David Gormley. He's on two warnings, so provide him with a third for being an eternal douche and be done with him. Stop arguing and do something about the problem. If I was a new member, I'd leave as soon as I saw his posts.

He isn't trolling. A proper troll puts on an act to get a reaction out of others. But Gorm has always been the way he is; it's his natural personality. He never listens, he never learns and I don't think he's even smart enough to realize how aggressive his posts come across 24/7. He gets into arguments with everyone and blames others because of his ignorance. He's a true idiot, through and through.

If you want another reason to ban him, ban him to save him from humiliating himself further. Just look at an attempt of his to look like a semi-intelligent lifeform:


I even had to eductate the plonker about key points of what was his favourite game before he expanded his horizons and switched from FFVII to FFXII. Yes, that's FFVII - the game with the CG movie he's tried to defend and failed every time, with people getting much lulz out of his posts.

...the most amusing thing about this argument is that it started over a clean image. On any other anime forum without Gorm, nothing would've happened.

Oh wow. Genuine LOL. It's brilliant when you bait someone and they take it and run with it much further than you ever hope for. It would be kind of sad you see you flail about so helplessly, so desperately if it wasn't for how massively unpleasant a character you are.

I mean, that you'd resort to making public what are supposed to be "private" messages, resort to dragging up tired old insults and even going through the trouble of uploading images to imageshack (titling it "CG is a gigantic faggot"; very tactful there. Thanks for further proving my point about how socially inept you are ;]) really shows that I got to you much, much better than you'll ever get to me because I simply don't care what an abject loser thinks about anything.

As for afoia not standing up for you in this actual thread (do you think, perhaps, afoia sent that as a PM because s/he realises how much everyone hates you and how standing up for you in public would make him/her unpopular? Hmm, something tells me that had something to do with afoia's choosing to disclose that opinion privately). Also, if I was really mean, I could show you about a half dozen PMs I've received both on AUKN and Eurogamer complaining about how irritating and intolerable you are. The entirety of the Eurogamer regulars despise you (hence why were banned there), not I. I wonder what that could mean? ;]
Also, I really do think that using a homophobic slur in reference to someone who is openly gay (while using the real name of the person in the same post) is going a bit too far even for me - and like I've pointed out before, I'm certainly not the sensitive type at all.

On a serious note, that kind of naked homophobia (which is not the first time Aion has expressed homophobia on these forums either; just ask Paul why he banned Aion the first time around) is genuinely discomforting in how personal it is. I really don't respect the opinion of Aion enough to be actually offended, but I still don't like seeing real homophobia anywhere and I'm pretty sure most people on here don't either. I might just be overreacting, because it is just in the url of image but it's still unnerving.
Deleted after seeing him edit his post 10 times over 30 minutes, going from a basic three word "What a loser!" to a more diplomatic three paragraph request for love from an admin he's made hate him.

P.S: Your full name, including your middle name, is on your twatter account, which is linked to on your profile. lulz
I'm not going to post those messages because they were private (that concept is rather lost on you, I fear) but if you honestly believe I'm making it up, that no one has ever had grievances about you, then you're plainly delusional.

If you'll just go back and read the part of the conversation where myself and ayase discussed the "fetish vs. orientation" issue you'll see that I accepted that fetishes are not chosen. However, that single commonality (that neither are chosen desires) does not make them analogous. Also, I'm not basing my opinions of what is "under-age" and what is unacceptable on the law so I reject the premise of your second question and therefore it's impossible for me to answer it ;]

In all seriousness, this argument between you and I is really just uncommonly silly and is probably more the result of boredom and idleness at the present time than anything else for both of us (it's certainly true of me), but gay slurs (any kind of slur!) are really going too far. I must admit I am looking forward to how the admins and mods react to your despicable, highly personal (using my real name, a gay slur, etc.) post. You've injected a really foul aspect into this that is extremely discomforting, as I already mentioned. I may dislike Rui but I'm pretty sure she is a decent person and I understand her tolerance for homophobia to be as as non-existent as Paul's and despite being actually banned for using gay slurs before you have persisted in using them in your attacks on me. I know there to be other gay forum regulars and it's just unfair to use that kind of language and create an unwelcoming atmosphere and general feeling of uneasiness when it comes to teh gays :s
Is it safe yet?

*Ducks between the eBullets*

Waking up early today as I'll be off to my girlfriend's dad's place with her in Cornwall for 2 weeks. It's gonna be awesome, especially since he mentioned surfing...

Anyway, cya guys :D

(Someone leave me an interesting message to read when I get back pelase X])
CitizenGeek said:
Haven't you heard of consistency?

That is enough. I'm a patient person but waking up every morning to this fighting and name calling has shot my tolerance. Dozens of subtle hints and attempts to negotiate have failed and I feel that this is the only way forward to rescue this thread (and in general, the forums) from this hideous atmosphere of trolling.

Aion, CG, you are both officially warned. Aion, gay slurs aren't acceptable and you know that; I will discuss this with you further. CitizenGeek, this situation is not sustainable. You refuse to participate properly and have pushed the line one too many times. Furthermore openly mocking someone who openly mentions having AS as being socially inept isn't any better on the scale of personal insults than what you asked me to punish Aion for.

CitizenGeek said:
Also, I was here first. So, please stop telling me I should find somewhere else to engage in the conversations and debates I was having here before you even joined, nevermind before you started actually using the forums.

I don't care. Should we make the admin team those who signed up here on the forums first? You wouldn't qualify either way so this angle of trying to use seniority as an excuse to behave badly to everyone else won't fly. I'm the forum admin and was chosen by the site owner; I'm not going to do what you say just because you have a sign in date three months before mine. That's absurd.

I fully expect an enraged new account to add the final word, that's fine. I'll deal with that in a consistent manner thereafter when I get home.
