The General Conversation Area

It doesn't matter how Aion behaves. He'll get banned at worst, but he'll just come crying back, persistently begging the admin to be allowed back on a forum he complains about constantly. And the admin will accquiese because Aion is so persistent and annoying. That, along with posting your personal softcore porn collection on an anime forum that is open to children, I reckon some people might consider Aion to be an almighty loser. Just a hunch.
Otaku-san said:
/has came buckets

Ayase may admire my audacity, but I'm in awe of how easily you can achieve bankai.

When I was a younger manboy, I found it easy to reach bankai. I wasn't too picky. But nowadays, after seeing so much educational material, it takes something special, with top class artwork to allow me to reach my highest level.

You scare me, btw.
CitizenGeek said:
It doesn't matter how Aion behaves. He'll get banned at worst, but he'll just come crying back, persistently begging the admin to be allowed back on a forum he complains about constantly. And the admin will accquiese because Aion is so persistent and annoying. That, along with posting your personal softcore porn collection on an anime forum that is open to children, I reckon some people might consider Aion to be an almighty loser.

You got me nailed, man. But that **** ain't the good stuff. If you want me to hook you up with more hardcore material (I don't do yaoi, mind), let me know.

If Rui bans me, I will appeal to her motherly side; just like I did with Paul.
Aion said:
Otaku-san said:
/has came buckets

Ayase may admire my audacity, but I'm in awe of how easily you can achieve bankai.

When I was a younger manboy, I found it easy to reach bankai. I wasn't too picky. But nowadays, after seeing so much educational material, it takes something special, with top class artwork to allow me to reach my highest level.

well thats very nice and all, I'll make sure to add it to your biography.
Is that with or without the "educational material"?

You scare me, btw.

you and me both
What unread posts and no sleep will do...

Geek, you will never win an argument by masking your lack of knowledge with big words. Time and time again, you've attempted to 'debate' by going out of your way, pulling awkward words (as in, not words most use on forums where teenagers chatter) out of your vocabulary in an an attempt to mask your inadequacies. It's painfully obvious to everyone else but you.

In this thread you've come across like I imagine a housewife would if she used the Internet for a first time. The image of a loli (badly designed, if I do say so myself) hugging a pillow with her clothes on isn't connected to sex. The human mind can twist it that way but the image itself is innocent. Yet you made a drama out of it, acting like a Sun reporter trying to sensationalize a minor issue to sell more papers. Have you even looked around on the Internet before? That's nothing compared to real loli porn.

Why should the mods even need to remove it, or the images I posted? For people who should be working? They showed weakness by giving in to a dog with no bite. If you want a real criticism of the AUKN staff, it's that they're all pussies - too afraid to do anything. I like Rui as a person, and I was the one screaming for her to be admin, but she has one major flaw: she refuses to ban anyone (/bets she proves me wring in a few hours). She's too nice for her own good.

As for Paul being God, what the hell are you talking about? He was too lazy to even bother with the forum towards the end. The only praise I can give him for what I saw is that he had the balls to ban me.

And as for your "THINK OF THE CHILDREN" statement, I'm pretty sure the lowest age of the most active poster is 17, maybe 16. Not far from yourself. Even if that's incorrect, kids get sexual urges and an interest in the opposite sex early. I did at 11. As soon as a 'child' hits puberty, they don't need protecting from pornography. It's natural for someone with sexual urges to want some help if their imagination fails, and porn is a better way to handle those urges than sex.

Adding onto the above, you appear to have bought into the logic of the stupid people who make up the majority. For example, the only difference between a 15 and 16 year old is a year, yet sleeping with a 15 year old is a crime and sleeping with a 16 year old isn't. It's illogical. But people are foolish to buy into the talk of those who would murder anyone who thinks natural thoughts about a female body with boobs.

I'm not saying sex for those under the random age of consent is right, but I am saying that not everything is black and white. A child isn't a child just because the law states that a child can only be accepted as an adult after a certain amount of time has passed. Only simple people don't think beyond the law.

Ask yourself, what are humans? My answer would be, humans are animals with intelligence; animals that dominate the earth. Laws exist only to restrain humans from destroying each other by giving into their natural instincts. So, why even bother trying to justify why you believe something is morally incorrect? In a world without the laws other men created, you could be considered wrong for thinking how it's considered normal to think in the land we live in. If there is such an entity, only God has the right to judge right and wrong - no man should have the power to tell others what's right and wrong.

...I'm getting off track here, but my point is that trying to tell others what's right and wrong is idiotic. Especially when you're as bad as you are at debating.

Getting back on track: you trying to change the system to fit around you. A forum doesn't change for one user; the user has to fit into the system. If a square tries to fit into a circular hole, it won't go in. Why should AUKN staff even attempt to go along with the ideals of a poster with the mind of a child, respected by none? I don't see anyone else spouting words of hate at the forum, thinking they're important. You have always been the problem, and you always will until you leave or die - one of the two.

I would offer advice, suggesting you lay off the self-righteous talk and chill, but it's too late. A person never changes, and you will always by you: a hypocritical and unlikable tosser who can't see past himself. You, like me, will always fail to truly fit in wherever you go because of your personality. You'll just continue to be laughed at and hated as you argue with more and more people.
CitizenGeek said:
fabricatedlunatic said:
Strawberry Marshmallow is infamous for being in bad taste? First I've 'eard of it, guv'nor. There was nothing objectionable in the volume of manga I read, nor the anime.
Well, it's categorised as "lolicon" isn't it?
No, it's a slice-of-life comedy, and a well written one at that. The cast mainly consists of 11 and 12-year-old girls, but none of them are sexualized. Even ANN, whose Zac Bertschy took a lot of unjustified flak over his harsh stance on Nymphet/Kodomo no Jikan, didn't dwell on the "moe" aspect in their positive review of the fifth manga volume. It's more Azumanga/Yotsuba than KnJ.
I'm slightly gutted I missed this brilliant conversation in real-time. Still, it made an interesting read. My conclusion; I love AUKN.
Ryo Chan said:
Maltos said:
I'm slightly gutted I missed this brilliant conversation in real-time. Still, it made an interesting read. My conclusion; I love AUKN.

oh don't worry, i'm sure once schools out round 3 will begin

It's the summer holidays Ryo ;)

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Watch that to kill time Maltos 8)

Particularly at say, 1:04
Spyro201 said:
Ryo Chan said:
Maltos said:
I'm slightly gutted I missed this brilliant conversation in real-time. Still, it made an interesting read. My conclusion; I love AUKN.
oh don't worry, i'm sure once schools out round 3 will begin
It's the summer holidays Ryo ;)
And AFAIK none of the main participants in this debate go to school anymore. :p

I don't think there's any need for a Round 3. For me, Fabio's post makes a good bookend which sums up exactly why I didn't think this discussion was worth continuing. Aion also brings up some good points there (but did rather undermine himself beforehand...) which CG may want to respond to at some point, but really I think it's time to move on.
hush u, ur not spyro

quite frankly this whole arguement can be summed up by 1 image
