The General Conversation Area

CitizenGeek said:
If I wasn't demonstrating how absurdly unfair and hypocritical your past singling out of me for punishment was, I'm almost certain I'd have a few PMs waiting in my inbox scolding me for "... err ... debating or .... er ... something along those lines."

ah yes ofc, that explains the zero pms i've send or recieved from you, i must be out to get you
Rui said:
Paul is gone. You can ask for him back all you want; I miss him too, however he's not coming back just for you wanting it to happen and this is precisely the kind of situation which hastened his departure.

This isn't the site you are trying to make it be. Paul is gone and times have changed. Please deal with it and stop taking out your anger on a rose-tinted view of the past on other people. You can't make the site into something it isn't anymore just by attacking people until they fold.


What I really mean when I ask for Paul's return is that I want a return to the days of yore when admins were obscenely intrusive and egotistical. I guess that's too much to ask? :/
The admins did not cause this situation.

1. Otaku-san posted another image, so it's partly his fault.
2. You responded to that image when you could have chosen to ignore it, so it's partly your fault.
3. Ryo-chan and I found your (over)reaction to that image amusing, so we both posted images which with hindsight, exacerbated the situation, so it's partly my fault and partly Ryo's fault as well.

Only one of those four people are mods. None are admins, and as far as I can see there was no ill-feeling before Otaku-san's second "loli" image.
CitizenGeek said:
What I really mean when I ask for Paul's return is that I want a return to the days of yore when admins were obscenely intrusive and egotistical. I guess that's too much to ask? :/

Ok. But making verbal attacks on people is not a good way to get them on your side. I'm not saying you have to suck up (please don't, not that I have to ask), but there's a difference between being constructive and stirring up arguments to get a reaction. The strength of your valid points is undermined by the vituperative manner in which they are delivered. It's not just you; if it was I'd be dealing with this stuff in PM and not in the thread where things tend to escalate much more rapidly.

That said, this is not Paul's site any more. I appreciate that it's frustrating when things change and you liked the way they used to be - I think we've all experienced that kind of thing and Paul built this site with a lot of love. He's gone though and like it or not the admin team which Paul specifically personally set up and issued instructions to because of problems like this recent one are here to stay for the time being. Please accept that or consider that this site as it now stands may no longer suit your preferences as a platform for impassioned debate.

I think some of your viewpoints would work well as blog posts, so you get the chance to explain them (and on your own turf) before everything bursts into flames. I get the impression that quite a few people are genuinely interested in your perspectives (ayase's questions had that feel). Perhaps you already have one; linking such posts in to start topics in the way Aion does with his long reviews might be a happy medium?

It's pretty unfair that you've been here for a much shorter amount of time than I have, yet you arrive and somehow become popular and then use that popularity to radically alter how the forums were and what made them, IMO, so enjoyable. And it's not like this at times obscenely overbearing intervention has worked to the forum's benefit or anything; there isn't a greater number of regular posters now than there was before Paul left you in charge. So it all seems in vain, to be honest. But I guess I agree that I'm simply repeating myself by expressing my enormous disappointment and fierce disapproval of what I believe to be petty egotism and unnecessary interventionism that is driven by the aforementioned egoistical attitude espoused by those in charge; and so, I'll cease ;]

ayase said:
The admins did not cause this situation.

1. Otaku-san posted another image, so it's partly his fault.
2. You responded to that image when you could have chosen to ignore it, so it's partly your fault.
3. Ryo-chan and I found your (over)reaction to that image amusing, so we both posted images which with hindsight, exacerbated the situation, so it's partly my fault and partly Ryo's fault as well.

Only one of those four people are mods. None are admins, and as far as I can see there was no ill-feeling before Otaku-san's second "loli" image.

This whole "well, YOU could have just ignored it" argument is nonsense and undermined entirely by the fact that you did not ignore my comments as you just as easily could have done. Sorry, it just doesn't hold water.

And before Ryo Chan decided that he was going to class what was a good natured, heated debate as something that was bad (on behalf on the admins; that's how mods work, remember?), I never got the sense that there was any ill feeling in this discussion.
ayase said:
@Spyro - Like I said above, the "porn on TV" thing was just an example I was using to show how people's ideas of morality differ (I got a little carried away which I have a tendancy to do when people are being conservative about things - I tend to use the most liberal things I can think of as a counter-argument, not always to my own benefit...). And presumably your friend doesn't tie you to a chair and force you to listen to him brag about his antics, so I'd still argue that you have a choice whether to listen to him or not. You have the choice not to socialise with him if you don't like it, which presumably you balance out with the things you like about spending time with him, and decide that the good outweigh the bad. Which is perfectly understandable and your decision to make. As for how his partner feels, that's between the two of them and not really anyone else's concern.

It's hard not to hear when he's shouting it and everyone is talking about it. It's not always easy to 'not-hear'. And, if we're meeting up in a group, why should my social life be affected simply because I don't want to know about his private life? There is no real reason for him to go bragging about the fact he's had sex, because, there isn't anything really to brag about in that.

I've just come home from a party where I went to meet up with some friends i've not spoke to all summer, in which i've heard about how most after turning 16 are instantly having unprotected sex (There, in some cases). It's really not what I want to hear. I went there to talk to some friends, and have a nice time. I know, this example sounds stingy, especially since it was a 16th birthday party, but it's just how I feel. The idea of my friend and his girlfriend having sex doesn't really make me feel wonderful.
I agree with CG. The amount of obscene material on the internets sickens me to my core.

Take a look at this example:


Truly disgusting. To think someone would go to the trouble of drawing an upskirt shot of a school girl, with creases on her panties... White panties, suggesting innocence. How do the despicable people who create such things sleep at night? They should be ashamed.

And it gets worse; look at my next example of internet indecency:

[Rui: removed pic; reason fairly obvious]

The fact that the banana has a face on it strongly suggests the banana is being used in the place of a penis. A BANANA!!! Going on the size, most likely a black mans penis. It's truly horrifying to imagine the sort of twisted individual who would even contemplate drawing an image of a school girl putting her mouth around a banana. We live in worrying times...
fabricatedlunatic said:
Strawberry Marshmallow is infamous for being in bad taste? First I've 'eard of it, guv'nor. There was nothing objectionable in the volume of manga I read, nor the anime.

it's a load of beaty swollocks, ignore and move on

PS i came to CG post, thinking of a banana as a black mans willie turns me on. As expressed by my avatar
If I didn't know better I'd say you intentionally waited until any Mods and Admins were gone to post those pics Aion, knowing they would remain up for some time...

Well played sir. One can't help but admire your audacity.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Strawberry Marshmallow is infamous for being in bad taste? First I've 'eard of it, guv'nor. There was nothing objectionable in the volume of manga I read, nor the anime.

Well, it's categorised as "lolicon" isn't it?