The General Conversation Area

lol BoBo land :p

yeah i know the feeling mate, i was awake at 3.55 this seems that the deoderant that i'd sprayed myself with before going to sleep (it was the only thing i could think would cool me down) it hadn't released the button properly so it was making a weird almost high pitched clicking reminded me of a after a few minutes of investigation and turning my head left to right to pinpoint the source, i released the button properly, and found it hell to get back to sleep :/
Morning Ayase.

Looks like everyones suffering from the midnight bettys. :p

Funny how you should say about the arm ayase. I used to sleep on my side untill I broke my wrist. I got so used to sleeping on my back that it is now my position of choice... sleeping like the dead!
Voddas said:
I got so used to sleeping on my back that it is now my position of choice... sleeping like the dead!

i couldn't sleep starkers, or on my back.
its n the side or the front for me....more natural.
Good to know I'm not the only one.
A fan... I like that idea, I need to hijack some kind of air cooling device.
And if none exist then god damnit I'll make one.

Anyway, off to go watch Porco Rosso (finally), later!

edit: Voddas, you're not alone. Sleeping in the nip is the natural way to go!
gdgd :)

is that because your too busy watching anime or reading manga to want to sleep...or because its too hot to settle down? lol
Takes me ages to go to sleep coz I watch anime. I watch it in bed sometimes but Sarah gets fidgety so mostly I watch it downstairs and retire in the early hours.

Last night I was watching "Vampire Night Guilty" :p

EDIT: Sorry Tachi... I gave you L'POPS! :lol:
I'll try not to. :lol:

Right... off to lunch now so I'll catch you all laters.

*hovers out the room following the sent of coffee*
Afternoon people How are we all?

News on the flat viewing, hopefully today we'll finally be able to see inside this first one, but since tuesday messed up, yesterday's was cancelled, i don't have my hopes held high for today to be smooth sailing. So till 3:30 i'm killing time by helping my parents get ready for their move and listening to Linkin Parks New Divide for the 20th time it seems
Hey everyone, hows it going? ^^
Well... that was a fantastic film.
I'm in a pretty fine damn mood now.

I'm not sure yet... but I think I might have liked it even more the Nausicaa, which would put it at my #1 spot (movies and series). I really thought it was that good. If not, it's definately worthy of my #2 spot, (sorry, TGWLTT). It was touching, beautiful and had genuine lol moments.

Really a complete pleasure to watch.
Can't think of a nicer way to spend 93 minutes out of the sun.
Yeah! Porcco Rosso is a great film like. I still rank Nausicaa as my favourite like. :thumb:

I've seen Nausicaa over 100 litrally. I've seen that movie way WAY more times than any other movie I have ever seen. Reason being as Nausicaa became my bed time ritual. I had it on every single night for almost a year.

..and I still love it. ^__^

Edit: Afternoon Black!