The General Conversation Area

iisan said:
Tachi- said:
iisan said:
@mononoke; Hmm... let me think... nope, I give up.

Its the overfiend.
I... feel like I'm missing out on a joke here. T.T

You are, only people who would get that is myself, Tachi, Voddas and Ayase :p

oh and since Tachi missed my other post

*hits tachi with stick*

Is it wrong that i prefered Outlaw Star to Bebop? I mean its just the same as me saying i prefered Rahxephon to Evangelion
Having a bad memory has it's upsides... ;)

It's weird the things I remember and don't. I have an absolutely photographic memory for places and directions - I only have to go somewhere once and the town plan becomes engraved in my mind. But I've a horrendous memory for names and faces. Someone can have met and talked to me for a while and two days later I'd have to be reminded we even met. That works two ways with film, I can remember the scenes visually but after a while forget the dialogue, and then later the context of the scene 'til I'm just left with pictures that don't mean anything. I know a film or series is exceptional when it stays with me.

I'd like to see Outlaw Star too... I'll import the R1 set one of these days. I intended to watch all the Lupin films and specials back to back for exactly the reason you mention iisan, to rate them against one another - But that idea kinda stalled. Perhaps I'll have better luck with a Ghibli marathon one day.
I don't think it's wrong that you prefer Outlaw Star Black. I like them equally as much however Bebop has the edge as it was my first full anime series. ^^

iisan... regarding the Overfiend... you don't want to get involved with that guy. He gets handzy. O_O
conviently overlooked eh? :p

well guys i'm going to head off now and get ready for this third attempt at a flat viewing (lets see if we can make it inside now) so see you later guys and Mono :)

ahh i know what you mean ayase. i could only remember afew scenes from the ghibli films. i mean the nausicaa film...i remember a desert scene with giant bugs, a giant two legged bird that they ride on and a baby worm.

from laputa, the scene at the bottom of the castle (outside) and afew of the in just pictures of the castle.

from my Neighbour, totoro laid in his hole with the kids on his stomach. and like a night time freeze frame of the cat-bus in mid air in the countryside grinning at the screen.

porcco rosso, the scene witht he bandits who have the kids. and the scene in the pub which has a brief review of porcco's previous life.

and mononoke, the wolves, boars and plenty of other scenes too :)

from bebop.....THE FRIDGE ep :p
@ayase; yeah, people's memories are so oddly selective. my little sister can't remember a conversation for over a week but ask her what I was wearing 5 years ago on christmas day and she'll be able to tell you.

@tachi; erm, I hate to break it to you tachi, but they never ride on a giant worm.
it annoys me when people complain about bebop because it's episodic or 'filler', the fridge episode is a perfect example of why it doesn't matter how episodic it is as long as it's entertaining. ^^
lol ah, i meant to put in a commar. i meant it as in, they ride on giant running birds...and they have a baby worm at one point.
iisan said:
@tachi; it annoys me when people complain about bebop because it's episodic or 'filler', the fridge episode is a perfect example of why it doesn't matter how episodic it is as long as it's entertaining. ^^
Many more like that episode, I think "Mushroom samba" was my favourite... but then, I also loved "Pierrot le Fou"... Ah, hell I liked them all. Heh.
Rui said:
She's the old lead singer from Nightwish. I ended up liking her solo work much more than I like Nightwish without her so I've defected to her camp ;)

I like her Poison cover, Damned And Divine and I Walk Alone if you want some representative material from her solo album.

I know the original Poison song from Alice cooper :D it's an interesting version =)

BlackWolf said:
You are, only people who would get that is myself, Tachi, Voddas and Ayase :p
I've got that! :p

WRT Ghibli - my favourites are mononoke and whisper of the heart

Nausicaa didn't blew my head, because the manga is so much better, that the movie seems messy
Never read the manga because of that exact reason. I heard it's really good but I enjoyed the movie loads and would hate it to be tainted. Would hate for it to be dismissed by a great manga depiction.
Voddas said:
iisan said:
@tachi; it annoys me when people complain about bebop because it's episodic or 'filler', the fridge episode is a perfect example of why it doesn't matter how episodic it is as long as it's entertaining. ^^
Many more like that episode, I think "Mushroom samba" was my favourite... but then, I also loved "Pierrot le Fou"... Ah, hell I liked them all. Heh.
There was actually only one episode I didn't enjoy and that was 'Boogie Woogie Fueng Swei' I think it was called.
Besides some funny akward moments with Jet... I thought it was kinda lame.

Not like I'm complaining. The other 25 episodes are great.
I suppose. I still enjoyed it like. Think my least favourite was "Brain Scartch". Everyone was looking for no one turns out to be a kid in a coma lol. Didn't like the last episode actually,... but only because it was the last episode.
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Voddas said:
Never read the manga because of that exact reason. I heard it's really good but I enjoyed the movie loads and would hate it to be tainted. Would hate for it to be dismissed by a great manga depiction.
=) eheh, I understand what you mean. reading the manga would raise anyone's expectations about the movie. Just a curious thing there. he giant robo in Nausicaa was animated by Sadamoto from Gainax.... it does resembles an Eva :)
chaos said:
Just a curious thing there. he giant robo in Nausicaa was animated by Sadamoto from Gainax.... it does resembles an Eva :)


i was almost ready to add that the thing they where trying to resurrect was a giant robot. but left it out in my earlier post because i thought i might of dreamt the whole thing up! Now i know i'm not mad :lol:

i've decided i'm not going to the classical gig tonight.....MHU sounds much more appealing.....and the fact that weve all realised...there's only one guy who actually wants to go.....the rest of us would rather be spending the time abit more benefitial.
I think what ever it was (The Great Giants) were of Organic materials. They were grown, rather than built. I guess it was very EVA like.

God dammit! Now I have a craving for EVA again and I only just watched it late last year. Guess I could watch the remake.

*rubs chin in thought*