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Proco Rosso :) if you've seen it - did you like it?

I've never seen an episode of any Gundam before.
Yeah I know... I'm a poor neglected child.

@voddas: Nausicaa blows me more away every time I watch it. I first saw Spirited Away and thought 'well, this is the best film ever, clearly' until Nausicaa decided to reinvent my entire perspective on what it means to be a great film.
you haven't seen any gundam Iisan? Well i would reommend the best place to start nowadays would be Gundam 00 Its a fantastic series and its getting a movie next year. Just stay away from Gundam SEED, those people who tell you its a great series are lying through their teeth, even more so are those who say Seed Destiny is amazing.

Alas i haven't seen Porco Rosso yet, one of the few studio gihbli films i don't own yet. Nausicaa is good like finally watched it last year with my nieces (ah studio gihbli you make it so easy to get youngsters into anime)

Oh new art up in thread :) go and look :p
Laputa was my first Ghibli film. Seen 'em all, own 'em all, love 'em all (bar Ocean Waves, which I'm very much looking forward too). Porco Rosso is the one I can remember the least out of all of them though, I haven't watched it for a good while. That's the same reason I haven't rated a lot of the Ghibli films (and Lupin films) on MAL, I need to rewatch to remember how much I liked them :p
Nausicaa.... am i right in thinkin this is the one with the giant bugs in the desert/forest....or is this the giant robot/ thing the baddies are trying to resurrect?

either way......Ghibli always has a warm fuzzy place in my youthful heart :)
Fareplay ayase. I always try and re-watch my anime, there's just so much that by the time I'm done, I have to start again lol. How many DVDs do you have then ayase? (aniem DVDs hat is). Last time I counted I had about 62 (including movies and boxsets), it's probably about 70 now.

I have over 500 non anime DVDs though. I hord them. XD

@Black: I've checked out your scetches mate. :thumb:

EDIT: Yo Tachi. Yeah, that's Nausicaa pritty much. Classic movie.
Haha, yeah it's really difficult to pitch one film against another unless you to watch them back to back.
'Cause it's so easy to forget everything but the feeling the film gives you.

I envy you ayase, I wish I could forget all the Ghibli films and enjoy them fresh all over again!
I've still got two DVDs to watch - Laputa and Grave of the Fireflies.
Then I'll have seen 8 Ghibli films. Where does the time go?

@Tachi-: Er, kind of both. But I think moreso the insect one.
i often rewatch my anime these days, always rewatch my favourites, in fact its probably almost time to start rewatching Outlaw Star :p

@Voddas thanks mate :)
Outlaw Star is now waiting on my wishlist after you all reccomended it.

Yeah, I checked out your sketches too, nice work. I also compared the first one you posted to the most recent and you've definately improved a lot. I'm working on anatomy at the moment, and it's hard but I'm enjoying it. Posemaniacs is awesome.
if i remember correctly Luputa is a very good film. a floating castle?

i haven't watched studio ghibli's work in ages (disregarding watching cagliostro the other night :p )
my Neighbour Totoro is also a cherished fun film. its just so light and easy to watch. Princess Mononoke was also good, i liked the storyline of that one. and Porcco Rosso left on such a good note i wondered whether they'd ever consider a sequel.

Ahh Nostalgia at its best :p
you won't regret watching Outlaw Star, its a really good show, and one of the ones that good ole CNX first showed. Never understood why we didn't get DVDs of it, that and the Big O another favourite.

Thanks for the comments iisan, i didn't realise that my sketchs would of gained that much attention :p one of these days i'll have to scan in some from my first sketch book to do a comparsion with.
I'll be honest Princess Mononoke wasn't my favourite Ghibli film. I felt like it kind of overstayed it's welcome once the deer god had it's head shot off. I loved the character designs though, my favourite scene was when San attacked the villiage/baracks/thing. I also liked how nobody and everybody is evil when viewed from different perspectives, which is textbook Miyazaki goodness. ^^

It was still a good film but it just doesn't measure up to other Ghiblis in my opinion.

@BlackWolf; then you're a braver man then I. I wouldn't dare show my, er, scribbles.
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iisan said:
I'll be honest Princess Mononoke wasn't my favourite Ghibli film. I felt like it kind of overstayed it's welcome once the deer god had it's head shot off. I loved the character designs though, my favourite scene was when San attacked the villiage/baracks/thing. I also liked how nobody and everybody is evil when viewed from different perspectives, which is textbook Miyazaki goodness. ^^

It was still a good film but it just doesn't measure up to other Ghiblis in my opinion.

i wouldn't say it overstayed its welcome.....i'd say that for them to have built up the story as well as they did....then to bring it to such a sudden ending spoilt it.

one thing i learnt whilst fragmenting english lit at school was that building up to the climax depicts how much you have to bring it back down to a reasonable ending. my english teacher compared it to a radioscope (i think its called) basically the green blip that moniters your heart in a goes up...but then back down. if the decrease is too sudden...its not right.

at the possibility to rambling...i'll stop there :p

Did anyone actually watch that Ghibli film with the cute thing in the bucket?
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I still need to finish Mononoke...Drat why didn't i realise earlier that Play were having a sale, my only chance to complete my Guyver collection at a decent price and they are out of stock T-T

@iisan, there's no point in hiding my past work, i mean i won't be embrassed since it was a different me who done them all those years ago :p (about 4 years now)
Hmm, maybe overstayed it's welcome were not the right words.
Anyway what I meant to say was that I honestly got a little bored during the climax.

@princessmononoke; Hmm... let me think... nope, I give up.
hah nice timing mono :)

@Tachi it looks like your the only one who hasn't gone and looked at my work :p *gets a stick*

There's not been many anime that's bored me within its run springs to mind and its intials are D and N but then the manga for that bored me as well so its no surprise.

Oh and Street Fighter Alpha 2 Generations that film somehow dragged 45 mins to almost a lifetime, the only film that has almost made me turn it off before it was finished due.