The General Conversation Area

good evening, guess what..second strike on the flat viewing. Got a call this morning setting a 4 p.m viewing but then that was cancelled just before as the guy showing us around didn't have the keys...After all this, this flat had better be all set up and ready to go, even for us to consider it
Made myself a little Spanish omelette, but it wasn't little enough and I ended up not being able to finish it- the temperature could have had an effect to that end.
Not that I need to dwell on past culinary experiences though. I'm scheduled for a curry buffet with friends come tomorrow lunchtime. One of the few things which I can say about my home town in a boastful manner is such a cuisine.
Zin5ki said:
Gigs? I remain sceptical about those. What, pray tell, does one do if one wishes to be seated? I'd get tired standing up, considering the amount of jumping around I've been told about.

When the temperatures start to head towards the mid twenties, I start to complain. I'm far more contented in the cold.
Well, adrenaline my friend =) it keeps you standing and jumping for a long while you only realize how exhausted you are once you get to the tube =)
And like you said, the temperature reminds me of home. I'm not really happy though, as I'm also one that prefers cold.

Rui said:
Blur should be incredible :)

I just booked tickets to see Tarja Turunen in October. I love her. Most gigs tend to stress me out by being too crowded and hectic but for my favourites I make an exception.
Blur will be incredible!! ;)

I don't know tarja turunen, recommend me something for me to listen to?
Self diagnosis seems to indicate I have a trapped ulnar nerve in my left arm. Damn this weak flesh, when can I have my cyborg body?
ayase said:
Self diagnosis seems to indicate I have a trapped ulnar nerve in my left arm. Damn this weak flesh, when can I have my cyborg body?

When i can get my giant robot of death :p i would settle for a working version of that gundam they built in japan, although the RX-72 wasn't my favourite design
chaos said:
I don't know tarja turunen, recommend me something for me to listen to?

She's the old lead singer from Nightwish. I ended up liking her solo work much more than I like Nightwish without her so I've defected to her camp ;)

I like her Poison cover, Damned And Divine and I Walk Alone if you want some representative material from her solo album.

Morning all.

Well, I've come to work this morning to find the office Aircon still wasn't working after giving out late yesterday afternoon. It's already begining to become uncomfortably warm in here. Aircon guys are he now fixing it... god knows what they're doing. I can hear a hammer and a drill?? Some how, I thought it might have been a more delicate job lol.

On a better note... Yay! Past the work half way point. XD :p
well....nice to know i wasn't noticed missing ¬_¬

yesterday was exhausting....i originally booked off the day so that me and the gf could spend abit of time having fun together.....but when the day came....i sent a text saying i wasn't feeling well, got changed, foned the best mate, and walked 2.8 miles into town. walked around the whole mall and was once again reminded as to our (speaking on behalf of all men) lack of shops! they took away burtons, they took away the officers club.....both clothes stores that i regularly popped into for clothes.... i ended up shopping in peacocks.....and the girl who served me at the counter, was a girl that i'd met whilst out on a friday night months ago and made out with.....AWKWARD doesn't cover it lol, we did joke and talk abit (i'd bought rather alot of clothes) and when she said "we should go out drinking again" it was a tumbleweed moment.

now don't get me wrong, she's gorgeous! but due to circumstances the "look don't touch" policy comes into play :/

*sigh* so yeah, i walked around, bought new razors for the holiday aswell.... £7.99 on a razors....another reminder of how crazy somethings are.

Tonight i'm going to a concert (of sorts) my friend plays the cello, and ever since being accepted into the royal northern uni. he's been playing gigs all over, so he's asked me to come to oneof his yeah i'll be going to listen to classical music tonight with the lads.
then going for a pizza and a pint or two.

then tomorrow i'm going out to collect the £50 i lent a friend 3 weeks ago. on saturday i'm either spending time with the gf or going round a mates house for abit of monster hunting. and on sunday 5 lads are meeting up outside my house at 8am. were walking to the trainstation, and heading to thorpe park for the day. after me and leo and ben all sat down on psn lastnight and talked it all over its all been sorted. the price of the train tickets, the times that were going and returning. the tickets we have for thorpe park will help too. we have 2 buy one get one free tickets and 2 half price tickets. and regardless of getting in for half price of full price were all paying full price....but its all going in a kitty, for food and fasttrack tickets.

we would have drove to thorpe park....but i still haven't put in for my tests yet lol. and sam has failed 4 times.
I know what you mean about shops for men. I don't do much cloth shopping if I'm honest, I but alot of stuff from the net if I do. Otherwise, I may nip to Matalan :p
I shop at Top Man for smarter clothes. Clothes are expensive though. ¬_¬

Oh, and morning iisan and Tachi! :p

Always wanted to go to Thorpe Park... only because I haven't been yet like.
iisan said:
Me neither, I'm an absolutle iceman.
People say my room is so cold it reminds them of a prison cell.
-sigh-... better times.

lol well usually i have my windows wide open and the curtains open, then a breeze can come through. for the past 2 weeks i've been sleeping in like PJ shorts and sleeping ontop of the bed, not in it. but because of afew weeks back when i left my window wide open and went out, returned and there was a big spider somehow sat dead centre of my bed.....which is in the middle of the room i might add, i've been abit unsure of keeping my windows open. i mean....a spider that i had to coax its legs inwards to fit in a pint glass! sat on a double bed thats in the middle of a room.....the bugger either walked along the ceiling....or took a hike round my room :lol:

need a fan :/ my one was stolen by my her one is being used to keep her Degu's cool......their chillian squirrels! their used to the heat!
for once...they don't have a cold aswell lol.
I've been sleeping starkers onto top of my bed the last two nights (sorry for the images). It has been a killer. Once I'm asleep I'm fine, but if I stir then it takes me ages to get back off to BoBo land. o_O
Morning all.

I'm having extra trouble sleeping now seeing as how it advises me to sleep on my back with my arm straight 'cause of this bloody trapped nerve... and I always sleep on my side. I feel like a corpse lying flat on my back with my arms straight, it feels so unnatural.

WRT the heat, I leave my windows open until I go to sleep which cools the place down a lot as they're Veluxes (I live in the roof) and can open flat leaving the whole window like a massive vent.