The General Conversation Area

Morning (just) evryone.

Work is heaving again, which seems to be becoming the norm now. The office isn't the coolest room I've been in and this damn glass building has no windows?! Surely that's a case for insanity right there. The building is like a green house till the aircon gets it's **** into gear.

Anyone going to Multiplay iSeries next month? :D
What's Multiplay iSeries?

Edit - Oh, nevermind. quick google showed me what it is. Nope, I'm not into PC gaming as I find it more addictive than Console gamimg.
i'm fine thanks, the heat is making me uncomfortable though...See this is why i prefer Winter, you may be freezing but its so easy to get warm and stay warm.

Ah well got the flat viewing at 4...hopefully i'll be able to see past the front door this time.
Ahhh... back from lunch. Afternoon all.

*pulls a machete on Ryo* Just say the word. ;)

Hope that Flat viewing goes well Black. Shame about yesterday though. What a waste of your time. :roll:

@Chaos: Yeah, it's a PC Multiplayer Event. Been to few in the past. 96+hrs of solid gaming. My eyes will bleed! XD

EDIT: iSeries isn't just PC, it's also has a large XBOX section.
I shall take a peak when I'm not in work.... not sure if I'd be a fan or not. Hmmm.... but then again I do like anything anime tho. XD

EDIT: @Black: Also known as "L'POPS" :D
Just finished my lunch, some soup and steak and onion sandwich from Eat.

I have to find someone to drag along to blur tomorrow ...
well i'm heading off now so i'll say ta taa for now :p oh new sketch up in art thread for those who have not checked in for a while ;) till then, catch you all later :)
Catch you later Black. *waves off*

Soo Ryo, Tales of Vesper any good then? Coolgrats on fixing the aircon too. Well played.