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PAAAAARK LIFE! :D 2....would love to hear that song live :)

and don't listen to Voddas........he's a taxman.....listen to me....another dog of the government! :/
I've never hear the words "Yay!" and "Iron Board" in the same statment before. :shock:

I just made another Origami Crane to go with the collection I have in the office. I used a post-it-note though so now my fingers feel all icki. -_-
Job's a good 'un. I told ya I was bored. I think I'm a bit of a workaholic, since come 10mins to end-of-shift, I'm still tidying jeans, when the other assistants are chatting away (and have been for 15mins before)...

But I actually did something today. Well done Chaz! *Pats back* Dont you get itchy when there's nout to do and you cant be bothered playing games?
Tachi- said:
hopefully its nothing to worry about eh?

Ah well, y'see, I had to be rushed into hospital to the Emergency Dept.

After the most horrible experiences of my life i've gotta go back in 4 weeks so they can look at it again and then give me a date for the operation.

(Yes... I've got to have an operation there)
its just enlargement. nothing to see here people ;)

No honestly..hopefully your alright mate :) just don't drink any dr. pepper in the hospital.

and to answer your earlier question chaz, no i didn't buy the end i couldn't be bothered to walk into town and walk back with a fan and dry ice....i did learn afew things from that wiki link....not only could i die if i didn't already know that the fan would need to be near an open window (making me prime target for mosquito's :() but that theres a violent reaction when dry ice is placed with water and put in a container, such as a bottle. the pressure exceeds its volume within the container and causes it to rupture in a loud bang worthy of making someone deaf. so i don't think i'll be buying any dry
Mood swing time! from very happy about going to a blur gig with a nice girl I've met recently to not so happy about going by myself. =(
Chaz said:
Dont you get itchy when there's nout to do and you cant be bothered playing games?
Fortunately for me, I currently have a garden to weed when such situations arise. They seem to like living in soil.
Spyro201 said:
(Yes... I've got to have an operation there)

Eep. Good luck, at least they're sorting it out relatively quickly for our country's medical profession though. Hope whatever it is gets better as soon as possible.

And poor chaos too...

I always give a topic bad vibes when I join in. *Walks away lent over and hands in pockets* :p

Hope you get it sorted soon Spyro (I'll have your pic done for ya by then, so I hope it cheers you up).

And yeah, that suck, chaos. I had people pull out when we organised to go to Alcon a couple of years back... Wasted £30 on a non-refundable accomodation place (time ran out to cancel it properly).
Today was fun, had a flat viewing at 11 but then the guy showing us around was 15 mins late. When he turned up though, we had a nice look at the flat...from the outside, turns out that in bewtween the time that the flat keys were handed in and the viewing, the locks on the front and back door had been changed, meaning the keys they guy had, wouldn't work. So we couldn't actually get inside the flat -_-.

So we had to return home with the guy saying he would ring when the locks were changed again and we could see the flat, only the guy didn't ring, so we pretty much wasted the day.

Hopefully he'll ring in the morning. It seems as though fate doesn't want us to look at this flat mind.
Spyro201 said:
I've gotta be circumsised.
Hey, why not use it to your advantage and convert to Judaism at the same time then use the Law of Return to easily emigrate to Israel. Crisis into opportunity! Well it's warm and they'll let you own guns. Ticks my boxes. Just don't live near the borders. Seriously though, tough break man, I hope all goes smoothly with the operation.

@chaos - That sucks as well, this isn't a happy thread ATM. :( But I have to say, are mood swings really anything new around here? "You're reading AUKN, all mood swings, all the time." ;)

@Black - Good luck with the flat hunting, I wasn't aware you were! I booked loads to look at in one day so it was less likely my time would be wasted... saw some right shitholes but it also meant I did see my current home on the first day I looked.

"Yay, Ironing boards"? Sounds like a Loli catchphrase to me...
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Spyro201 said:
Voddas said:
Spyro, I sympathise bro. Hope it isn't anything too seriouse boyo.

I've gotta be circumsised.


Hah, seriously though, I wish you a speedy recovery! I've never had the pleasure having that sort of operation, but last I remember, not much pain is involved as far as recovering goes. Silver lining! (sort of).

Now, needing to have a jewel removed... that's supposed to be PAINFUL.

So how did this happen? If you don't mind me asking.
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