britguy said:
Hey big spender! Great sounding haul. Have the urge to go for the AoA monogatari stuff about once every few months, but then decide just to stick to my monthly budget which is usually accounted for already :lol:
Yeah, the bakemonogatari LE set going out of stock thing kind of spurred this on - i know Bake is getting a re-print and will be back in Jan but just thought it best to hurry up and get the other sets incase they go out of stock but end up not being re-printed (like how SAO sets 1 and 2 got reprints but sets 3 and 4 didn't).
i was actually planning on buying something else (non-anime purchase) this month but it went out of stock so left me with more money to spend on anime than i had originally planned, plus the Uni i work at backdated my payrise from August and I had some overtime I had worked that I kept forgetting to claim which i finally got sorted for this month so I have more cash than usual available to me this month. Which is nice because i can buy more anime plus buy the new shelves I need as well. Dreading the long month of Jan though, due to the early December salary payment to coincide with xmas.