The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

I've managed to purchase a brand new copy of Boruto set 16 on Blu-ray from a UK seller for only £20 on eBay (as opposed to the usual ~£35 per set it costs to import the AUS releases). However, it's the US release, so my Boruto collection is going to be even more global; we have the Manga UK sets 1 to 4, Madman/CR AUS releases from sets 5 to 15, and now we're going to have the VIZ set 16 release. Truly going to be a colourful spread!

Just two more sets to go to complete the first part of Boruto. Crunchyroll seem to be taking their sweet time with the remaining three sets in Australia, so I may pick up the final two sets as VIZ releases if they go on offer on Amazon US or something.

I'll get a picture of them all once I have the remaining two sets, but look away if you have OCD about continuity and spines!
Ordered Banished From The Hero's Party I Decided To Live A Quiet Life In The Countryside season 2 and Girls Bravo DVD Boxed Set for £50 (£34/£16) from AllYourMusic on eBay last week. Took a chance that the Banished set was the DVD/Blu Ray as it wasn't specified on the listing. Arrived yesterday and I was right, so if anyone is after a DVD, this is probably the best way to get it. Girls Bravo was the best option I could find to get the discount. For some reason eBay has removed genre from their search option, which is really irritating.
I ordered the Kamisama Kiss S1+S2 Collector's Edition as MVM's Early Bird offering yesterday. Season 1 here in the US is OOP so getting both seasons over here will require going through the secondary market. I saw a US Standard Edition S1+S2 set going for $100 on eBay, and separate S1 and S2 Standard releases selling together for multiple hundreds of dollars, so the MVM CE is definitely a bargain for me at £35 + £8 shipping - plus I get a rigid storage box with it.
Bought Uzumaki the other day from Bookwalker during a extra points back event (now over) and just got the complete collection (5 double volume volumes) of After the Rain thanks to signing up to a VPN. Got bonus points back on them too in the Bookwalker buy 5 or more books from a series at a time deal.