The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Cyber City DVD Collection.
I already have them on VHS but this was cheap on second spin, and I had been meaning to pick the DVDs up at some time.
fabricatedlunatic said:
The case was sealed with security labels, if that's what you mean.
Mine were sealed with the security seals but I think they may have opened the box set to stick one of their 100% used stickers on the box then put the plastic wrap back but not sealed again with another wrap like they normally do. The only thing is the boxes are damaged across the spines like they were in the top of a box that was cut open without care.

Mouse Complete Collection
Well went VHS hunting and I got City Hunter: The Movie, Vampire Princess Miyu parts 1-4 & Bounty Dog.

Hoping at least one of them is good, you can never tell but I get a buzz out of taking the risk :lol:
Gundam Ecole Du Ciel: Volumes 1-8

This manga hasn't been out for too long in America and its the complete collection. It sounds like a pretty good read, the only negative most reviewers mention being how the story jumps from character development to politics. I'm sure it'll be well worth the money.

Archlord: Volumes 1-4 + 6

Being a lover of dark fantasy and RPGs, I'm sure I'll be able to enjoy this quite a bit. Like the Gundam series above, these haven't been around in English for very long.

Kagetora: Volumes 1-4

I was on the fence about this. Shounen stuff generally doesn't do much for these days and this sounds like just another silly romantic comedy that goes nowhere fast. However, I decided to go for it after one reviewer compared the relationship of the would be lovers in Kagetora to the comical relationship shared by Sousuke(sp?) and Kaname in FMP.

The seller has yet to send me an invoice for all 3, even though I've sent a request and messaged him. I know he's reliable because I've dealt with him once before but I never had to ask for a combined postage total for 17 books before...

.hack // G.U.+: Volume 1

I enjoyed the story of the .hack//G.U. games a lot. I should also enjoy reading an alternative version of the story.

Ghost in the Shell: Movies 1 + 2 Box Set

Even though I'm not exactly hot on the first film, which I found to be as over-rated as 90% of the anime films out there, I want to own this box set to complete my GitS collection.
What's your point? '95 was only 14 years ago. The 90's isn't some ancient era where films are allowed to be rated 10/10 just because they came out during that period.

GotF, I film I did rate 10/10, came out in '88 - the year I was born.
ilmaestro said:
Showing how up-to-date I am with release lists, I didn't even realize Baccano! had come out yet.

/tootles off to place order

It's a US R1 release. I ordered it from PlayUSA so seem to have received it a few days earlier than the release date (27/01/2009) as sometimes happens.
Lament of the Lamb: Volumes 1-5

The mature sounding title caught my eye and the description interested me. If it's as depressing as the cover art suggests then it should be right up my street. The down side is that it seems almost impossible to buy volumes 6 and 7.

Negima: Volumes 15-16

I don't really rate the series but, since I own volumes 1 to 7 already, I'm willing to collect it on the cheap. I'm a fan of Love Hina so I'm sure that, at some point, I'll find the motivation to read beyond the first three volumes.

The 3 auctions I linked to above (a few posts back) are becoming a problem due to the seller either picking a bad time to drop dead or not wanting to send the items. I'm unsure how to handle the situation if the silence continues... I don't really want to neg him x3 because it'd ruin any chance of dealing with a seller of obscure/newly released manga in the future...
Dracos said:
ilmaestro said:
Showing how up-to-date I am with release lists, I didn't even realize Baccano! had come out yet.

/tootles off to place order

It's a US R1 release. I ordered it from PlayUSA so seem to have received it a few days earlier than the release date (27/01/2009) as sometimes happens.
Yeah, I figured it was a R1 release, ordered it from DVD Pacific. Haven't used PlayUSA for years, had almost forgot about them but it looks like it would have been a pound or so cheaper, so I'll keep that in mind.
Got Fullmetal Alchemist Part 1 and Hellsing Ultimate 3 in the last few days.

Manga have changed the spine design of Hellsing to accomodate the Irish rating sticker. I am not impressed. Manga were on my nice list because they hadn't been ruining their cover art with them - consider them crossed off. They're so ******* ugly. And blue.

Edit: In order to not seem entirely negative, The FMA box is lovely. Four seperate booklets in it. you can peel the rating stickers off it too. Funimation deserve a medal.
ayase said:
Manga have changed the spine design of Hellsing to accomodate the Irish rating sticker. I am not impressed. Manga were on my nice list because they hadn't been ruining their cover art with them - consider them crossed off. They're so ******* ugly. And blue.
Oh for ****'s sake! Say it ain't so. That's incredibly annoying since the first two discs look really smart side by side.

Do distributors not realise that many DVD buyers are collectors, and that they value packaging as well as content? I'm glad you told me, anyway; it's softened the blow.

Also, how sturdy is the FMA box? Card or chipboard?
fabricatedlunatic said:
Do distributors not realise that many DVD buyers are collectors, and that they value packaging as well as content?
I've been saying that for years, it goes especially for single volume buyers - we really do deserve something a bit special for the extra outlay. The usual response on forums however seems to be "it's the content that matters" or "stop being so pedantic" so I let the matter drop. :roll:

fabricatedlunatic said:
Also, how sturdy is the FMA box? Card or chipboard?
It's just card, but thick and it does feel good quality, not flimsy at all. Someone with a better camera and steadier hand than me took some pictures here.