The Anime/Manga I Bought Today Was...

Ah, so it's the same as the R1 release. It's a nice package, although I'm still not sure that I want FMA.

The packaging issue is a minor one, I suppose, but how hard can it be to produce consistent cover art? I might just transfer the first four discs into two double keepcases, using the sleeves from I & II. Meh.
Aion said:
Lament of the Lamb: Volumes 1-5

The mature sounding title caught my eye and the description interested me. If it's as depressing as the cover art suggests then it should be right up my street. The down side is that it seems almost impossible to buy volumes 6 and 7.]

I bought the first volume of Lament for the Lamb and I really enjoyed it. I always planned on getting the rest of the series but never got around to it! The art and pacing are top notch and vampires are just cool :p
ayase said:
Manga have changed the spine design of Hellsing to accomodate the Irish rating sticker. I am not impressed. Manga were on my nice list because they hadn't been ruining their cover art with them - consider them crossed off. They're so ******* ugly. And blue.

Hey! I quite like our rating stickers :p
CitizenGeek said:
Hey! I quite like our rating stickers :p
You have to admit the blue does detract from the mainly red cover art of Hellsing:

We should just amalgamate both ratings boards as the B&IBFC and have one greyscale sticker that goes with anything. 99 times out of 100 they're the same rating anyway, that's what annoys me about it.
The Irish rating logo is utterly hideous. What annoys me is that I've seen UK DVDs with no rating labels on the spines at all -- Gasaraki, for example -- so it's probably not even necessary to print them.

Spine consistency fail :(

CitizenGeek: If you still truly want to get the series in full then you'd best hurry before it becomes too hard to do so. Right now Vol. 1-5 can still be picked up easily enough, but Vol. 6-7 being difficult to get probably means that the other volumes won't be as easy to buy for too long.

In other Lament of the Lambs talk, I ran into a video review posted by a well-spoken Scot on Youtube. Seeing someone intelligent saying he ranks the series highly has made my believe I've got a very good deal for the 5 volumes. The only bad point about the review is the lack of pages from the manga shown - it would've been better if he showed images of the art instead of just talking about it. If not for the reviewer having been born in a country where it's ok for men to wear skirts then I'd watch more of his reviews.

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The FMA set is tempting for only £18 but I already have Vol. 1-5 + a FMA tin. I'll probably sell it and buy the R2 releases at some point since 1/5 of the FMA booklets is missing, the tin has a dent and some of the cases aren't in perfect condition...but, of course, I could just buy some quality see-through cases and live with the other two imperfections.

I don't care about the Hellsing: Ultimate spines when my collection isn't going to look tidy anyway. I own the steelbook copy of Vol. 1 (without the sleeve and extra) and a copy of Vol. 4 with the sleeve and extra, so it isn't going to look nice with the plastic R2 cases sat between them.


Genshiken: Volumes 1-8

If I hadn't contacted the seller in advance, asking what the combined shipping would be for all 8 volumes, then I never would've bid since the shipping alone would've worked out at over £20. However, the seller told me he'd post all 8 volumes for £4.20 if I won all 8. I'm very happy with getting a series I'm interested in that's selling for £6-7 per volume new for £2.50 per volume used.

I liked the anime quite a bit, but I never got around to watching S2. I'll now be able to re-read the content I've already seen animated and move onto the S2 material. :)

In other news, the Archlord/Gundam/Kagetora seller FINALLY sent me an invoice today, with the postage having been reduced from £16 to £11. :D
fabricatedlunatic said:
The Irish rating logo is utterly hideous. What annoys me is that I've seen UK DVDs with no rating labels on the spines at all -- Gasaraki, for example -- so it's probably not even necessary to print them.

It's probably just because I'm used to it, but it really doesn't bother me. I think the Irish rating logo is attractive and it's cool to see the Irish language (Oifig Scrúdóir na Scanáin [lit. Film examiners office]) on almost all DVDs :p
I personally think the Irish classification logo is nicer than ours, but having both (and their very different shapes/colours) on each spine/cover is extremely cluttered when I'm used to R1s and their subtle [optional] ratings on the back with all the usual text. For once, the US beats us with making uncluttered covers in this respect.

The Hellsing problem is ugly but nowhere near as annoying as design problems unrelated to ratings stickers. My one black GA case next to the three green ones really annoys me, and the one blue Battle Athletes Victory spine in the middle of seven black ones makes no sense either. Is it that hard for their designers to be a little more consistent?

On topic - just realised I bought the same volume of Tetsujin 28 twice somehow. I blame this cold making me confused. I bought the first Bleach movie to atone.

Just individual preferance in Symbolism WRT ratings stickers I guess. Red>Blue and Circles>Octagons is the way I see it. That made me wonder, would the Nazis ever have been so popular if...
Since I'm in a photoshopping mood I just knocked up, inside five minutes, the least offensive ratings sticker I could imagine. Depending on the colour of the cover you would just invert it. It looks like it belongs on an old Le Mans car as well. People may have different opinions on the official versions, but we can all agree that mine looks great. :wink:
Haha, that <i>does</i> look like it belongs on an old Le Mans car! I'm sure the BBFC love how "official" looking their rating stickers are, no consideration for anything else. :/
well to be fair their stickers are pretty much a one fits all kinda thing, and i suppose they are designed to stick out more so people know the rating. Though it is intresting to see that a load of my anime dvds (from ADV particualy) lack the certifcated on the side, and one of them has two different BBFC stickers on it (one the proper '15' rating, the other on the front no less, a '12' rating) It's only the Manga ones that have the rating on the side.
The changes in the DVD spines are the main reason why I don't like buying in single volumes anymore. Box Sets keep my shelves looking more organised. Only problem with that is the fact I have to wait longer to own the DVDs.
I've always yearned for the Steelbook versions of Hellsing Ultimate and this rating logo debacle has proved to be the tipping point. Funded by the sale of my UK discs and a bunch of other tat, I've ordered the limited editions of episodes 3 & 4, with the intention of picking up the other two some other time.

The moral of the story? Sort out your packaging!
The BBFC discussion thread this is not.
Silly you are for ordering the steelbook editions of Hellsing when the pound be so weak.

The current pricing of the Hellsing DVDs is a joke. There's no way I'm paying close to £40 for 4 x 40 minutes, with the DVDs just coming in standard packaging. At the current pricing, Manga can take a running jump. If it was £40 for 4 limited edition steelbooks then there'd be something to discuss, but...
I got the third and fourth Steelbooks from PlayUSA for a total of £31 -- much better than the current exchange rate -- minus the cash raised from the sale of the UK discs and various other bits and pieces. And since I can see myself rewatching the episodes multiple times (as opposed to most anime that I'll watch no more than twice) I'm happy to pay extra for this one series.
This just proves that there are some highly rewatchable 5-6/10 anime series out there, doesn't it?

£15.50 each isn't so bad. It isn't ideal but it's tempting to complete my steelbook collection for £31. I'm not going to order them right now because I already have 3 PlayUSA pre-orders and have spent a lot over the last few days, but I'll keep those prices in mind.

By the way, you lot are bastards for taking the spotlight away from my glorious eBay bargains. I'd have banned you all for 1 week if I was a Roy.
Aion said:
This just proves that there are some highly rewatchable 5-6/10 anime series out there, doesn't it?
Only the first episode is a 6... I'm not sure how much I'll rewatch that one :?

By the way, the first three Steelbooks are £18 and the fourth is £13. Since you already have the fourth episode, you're looking at £36.